What's the difference between a castle and a fort?

What's the difference between a castle and a fort?

Castles are heavily fortified residences, forts are purely military structures

Fort is largely military and purely military in purpose.

Castle hovers between some lord's plush mansion doubling as a military fortification.

Oh and Castles tend to be privately owned.

Fort is just a military installation.

Are castles built by knightly orders technically forts or castles?

Its owned by the order though. Counts as private.

Depends, they can build castles and fortifications. Or make a fort a castle.

So what is a stronghold then?


What is a citadel?

Usually, a "Citadel" refers to the innermost strongpoint within a fortification system.

What is a dictionary.

i think ive heard krak de chevalier called on different occasions a fort or a castle

>All these retards

No, you fucks. Castles are not mansions, nor are they built with comfort in mind, AT FUCKING ALL.

They're cold, cramped, awkward to move in, and have few or no fucking windows.

Castles were almost always purely defensive in nature until gunpowder had totally rendered them obsolete.

>No, you fucks. Castles are not mansions, nor are they built with comfort in mind, AT FUCKING ALL.
Nobody said that you faggot

>Castles are not mansions, nor are they built with comfort in mind, AT FUCKING ALL.
insofar as medieval comfort was concerned, they were pretty luxurious

then again the furnishing inside would make it look nicer than just bare stone.

>Le edgy mediebal ages meme.

This and 'Life in a Medieval City' by Gies will fuck your shit up about your preconceived romantic notions of the middle ages, while also confirming and bringing to life even further other aspects you'd never thought about.

The fact of the matter is that medieval castles, cities, whatever, are both completely not at all and also exactly what the layman has in mind about what life was like.

Except they fucking did. Read the thread.

No, they're not, with rare exceptions. The'y're not spartan, but they are not luxury resorts.

>that fortification is built for defensive purposes
Pick one.

Castles were built so that a knight and his posse could beat the taxes out of every peasant within a day's riding distance and not have to worry about retaliation.

Forts were built for armies to defend strategic locations.

Many castles had a lot by way of comforts, and Italian ones especially tended to have aesthetic concerns taken into account. Although they didn't have a lot of windows, then the engineering tech allowed for it they did start getting large windows facing the inner courtyard areas.

I dunno m8, Medieval castles had private latrines, heating systems, a solid roof that kept the rain off your head, an underground larder that served as a fridge, and many other amenities not available to even burghershit houses.

>that chimney

Castles were linked to certain privileges. Forts came up later, where this kind of prerogatives didn't matter.

>Forts came up later, where this kind of prerogatives didn't matter.
There have always been fortresses. In the Medieval Ages these were in the form of city arsenals.

Not to mention the fortresses of the cunts who did not have feudal systems.

But this isn't a historical discussion, but a linguistic one.

All castles are forts, but not all forts are castles.