History in Colour v. 2

Old thread >>>hit image bump limit but some really cool pics so czech it out

Proceeding to dump more Prokudin-Gorsky (which OP is not btw)

Other urls found in this thread:








>Storage facilities for hay in settlement of Viazovaia, in Ural Mountains






switching it up






























>Black Watch Chewing Tobacco




What is this?

can I request more pics of soldiers and wwi stuff?

Mongol execution by starvation

Looks like she is putting a key inside one of the locks.

I don't give a fuck what it looks like. that's what the picture is annotated as, and Mongols are known for this manner of execution.


Christ, came here to see some colorized pics frum Roman times and all any1 is posting is pics frum way after that. Fuckin cucks.


>inb4 they'll be 25 years old in two months




And here's a photograph of an event that happened 73 years and 9 days ago.

>can I request more pics of soldiers and wwi stuff?

I can do a request or two if youve got something in mind

anything from wwi, either side pls.

The Architect was Canadian? Explains a lot.

I bet that is Vancouver

nude doukhobor protestors, hmm

I have read elsewhere that the woman in this photo was only confined in the box for several days