Why do conservatives love him?
Why do liberals hate him?
What were his domestic and foreign policies?
Literally know nothing other than
>tear down this wall
Seriously, I was raised in a conservative household with parents who love Reagan, but I always here libs bashing him. What's the truth, Veeky Forums?
Why do conservatives love him?
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Just debt my shit up
He did some light treason.
Sided with drug lords.
Literally only RINOS like that piece of shit
I personally hate him for letting all the mental patients roam the streets
Because the conservatives needed a new guy after the fallout of Nixon. Reagan was the perfect one (despite being a former Democrat, thus spawning the neo-con).
I honestly have more respect for Nixon than Reagan because say what you want about Tricky Dick, at least he was an intelligent man with strategic insight. He was just morally lacking and paranoid as fuck. Reagan is a fucking loon and he was already losing his mind by the last years of his presidency.
Barry Goldwater knew that Reagan's presidency would herald in evangelicals into the Republican Party and he was dead on.
That said, I actually wish I experienced the 80's (born in 1994) as a teen and college student. The music, the fashions, the pop culture still resonates to this day with us.
>he was already losing his mind by the last years of his presidency
There's no actual proof of this besides a few accounts of brain farts
>Why do conservatives love him?
because reaganomics is a great buzzword and they aren't very smart
>Why do liberals hate him?
because he was actually a pretty mediocre president outside of his guess about the state of the USSRs economy and is terribly overrated
Can't forget the thousands of AIDS deaths
Iran Contra is pretty typical Reagan asshattery:
Campaigned on Jimmy Carter being "too weak" to deal with the Iran hostage crisis. Meanwhile made a secret deal to get them released... by giving into all their demands... i.e. literally supplying them with weapons, illegally... the profits from which he used to secretly fund Nicaraguan death squads, also illegally. And he got he got away with it completely just using his folksy bullshit.
THIS. So much this
I get that a politician has to make unsavory deals and I'm not naive about US foreign policy, but holy shit, Reagan was pants-on retarded. Always the short-term and never the long-run.
One of the major things he did was up military spending (he also cut taxes and expected revenues to be the same/ higher). The military spending forced the struggling Soviets to up their ratio of "guns to butter," which sped up their collapse.
He made Americans feel good about being American. Took harder stances on enemy nations and fought Soviet potential influence wherever it could appear (Latin America).
I'm ok with all of this things.
>Ollie North did nothing wrong
He was clearing developing the signs of his mental decline. It wasn't that serious, but these weren't brain farts when he even forgot key people.
Is that really his fault? I understand that the LGBT community gives him flak for not bringing attention to AIDS because it wasn't considered "politically safe", but shouldn't the gay community have listened to doctors and toned down their sexual activity?
>inb4 homophobe rant
I'm all for gay rights, marriage, adoption, and all that jazz. However, when you actually research what was going on in 1980's USA within the hetero AND homo communities, you realize what a clusterfuck it was.
Gay men actually dismissed health officials advising them to not sleep around. Some gay activists even argued that for years gay men were afraid to be intimate with each other and now all of a sudden, medicine decries them for putting a lid on hedonistic sexual activity. Heterosexuals are just at risk with this as well, but for some reason, it's a disguised attack on gays.
I even had one of my turd libtard buddies dismiss CDC stats on how HIV is prevalent amongst gay/bi men because he doesn't trust any governmental data and thought I was homophobic. I have no understanding how the left-wing mind works. I also despise right-winger nutjobs too.
>Why do conservatives love him?
He beat an encumbant and won 48 states.
>Why do liberals hate him?
He beat an encumbant and won 48 states.
Most of that foreign policy was just whatever the CFR decided upon.
Arent there supposed to be bad things listed here
Nixon was the last good Republican, and even he was ruined by one major fuckup.
>pretty mediocre
Dont bother saying this about any president. They dont have that much power.
>I have no understanding how the left-wing mind works. I also despise right-winger nutjobs too.
>What's the truth, Veeky Forums?
He won the Cold War. Period.
He was a fucked up motherfucker who did disgusting things, and didn't even have the most basic knowledge about macroeconomics, but when it came to geopolitical thinking, he decided to go for the final push, collapsing the Soviet Union.
It could have been another one, and I believe that the Soviets would have collapsed anyway. But he was there at the time, and achieved something that no human did before: he was the leader of the nation that became the only superpower on the planet. Only one homo sapiens did that in history, and it was Ronald Reagan.
I'm not a conservative. I actually hate them. And I'm not even american, but from their point of view, this fucker was pretty based.
They gain more and more power through the ages
>He won the Cold War. Period
Oh please. He happened to be president as the U.S.S.R. was finally collapsing.
>Oh please. He happened to be president as the U.S.S.R. was finally collapsing.
Right. I was being rethorical. Read the rest of my post. He happened to be there. But he contributed with his defense spending. That was his merit.
>Glasnot and Peretroiska never happened
iran-contra. either he was retarded or he was incapable at controlling his men
>He won the Cold War. Period.
At what cost? As you already admitted in your post, the USSR was going to collapse anyway. Now we are left with
>radicals in the Middle East who were literally armed and funded by his administration
>voodoo bullshit economics ie cut taxes increase (military) spending and everything will work out
>irrational fear of socialist programs that puts the US centuries behind Europe in terms of education/public transportation
Reagan was a piece of shit and the fact that he's idolized by modern Republicans show how out of touch they are
>Reagan was a piece of shit and the fact that he's idolized by modern Republicans show how out of touch they are
I'm not disagreeing with you, but modern Democrats are just as out-of-touch. Anybody who actually identifies with a party, is just gonna tow the party line anyway.
>As you already admitted in your post, the USSR was going to collapse anyway
And the US spending rushed things up
>>radicals in the Middle East who were literally armed and funded by his administration
Going for the lesser evil. Hardly something unique about him.
>>voodoo bullshit economics ie cut taxes increase (military) spending and everything will work out
Kinda fucked up, but still hold my first point.
>>irrational fear of socialist programs that puts the US centuries behind Europe in terms of education/public transportation
Ah si como no...what about all the previous presidents? Did they pushed for a social democratic european style welfare state? They didn't. Again, another thing that goes way beyond Reagan.
Considering 9/11 and its aftermath I think it's not time to say which is the "lesser evil." Backing the mujahedin was a huge fucking mistake.
>Considering 9/11 and its aftermath I think it's not time to say which is the "lesser evil." Backing the mujahedin was a huge fucking mistake.
They didn't know about that at the time. With that logic, you could have had second thoughts about siding with Stalin against Hitler. But anyway, I disagree with you: terrorists can hurt you but that's it. The Soviet Union was a global superpower competing for world domination. Choice was easy at the time.
That decision was made above and before Reagan though. Zbigniew Brzezinski bears the most responsibility for that during Carter's presidency, and he defends it today because it contributed a lot to the fall of the USSR.
Not even Gerald Ford?
>Carter supported apartheid
>see multiple African nations have their government overthrown by communist rebels
>massacres and chaos
>Nelson Mandela a gud boi, he dindu nuffin
the benefit of hindsight
>implying Hussein wasn't right about everything
Fuck you, he ruined Iraq. The aftermath of the downfall of his regime doesn't make him a good guy.
>Is that really his fault? I understand that the LGBT community gives him flak for not bringing attention to AIDS because it wasn't considered "politically safe", but shouldn't the gay community have listened to doctors and toned down their sexual activity?
>The controversy sprawled across the pages of newspapers and scientific journals. Finally, in a 1987 agreement announced by then-President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Jacques Chirac of France, the two parties agreed to split the patent rights to the blood test. And Montagnier and Gallo publicly agreed to be considered co-discoverers of the AIDS virus.
>Gallo later said his lab cultures had accidentally become contaminated with the French virus. In 1994, the U.S. government acknowledged that the AIDS test developed in Gallo's federal laboratory had used the French virus, and the U.S. agreed to give more of the royalties to France.
Reagan was bashed quite frequently by conservatives during his time. It's not until recently that people have started to look on his presidency in a more positive light.
>He tripled the debt
Obongo increased it by 8 trillion. Reagan by 2,790,020,000 dolars
>He supportrd Apertheid
Nothing wrong with this. In the long run it was proven that he was right,and Mandela destroyed the country later.
>He backed Sadam
What is wrong with this? Sadam kept the region stable. When he felt,is when the problems started.
>He crushed workers """"rights"""""
More like priviledges that were hurting the economy.
> Star wars
No clue about this
> He backed death squads in central America
So did Castro, with the commies.
No clue
>Confused movies with foreign policy
His foreign policy was the most succesful in the cold war,so those movies must be pretty good.
> Traded arms for hostages
Nothing wrong with this.
If this is the best thing you can come up with,Reagan must be a God.
>Social democracies
Fuck off. Look at the south of Europe and France to get an idea how social democracies end
>Muh Scandinavia
Those fuckers were rich,due capitalism,before introducing those meme policies. They are still amongst the most laissez faire economies in Europe by the way. They also have the lowest population density in Europe.
>centuries behind
yeah nah youre a cunt
> Traded arms for hostages
>Nothing wrong with this.
That's one of the most base definitions of Treason in this country, you massive faggot.
>what is star wars
>apartheid is good
>giving guns to terrorists is good
>Ollie north was a gud boy
Your point? Treason is some times needed.
>8 trillion in 2016 is more worth more than 2 trillion in the 80s
Are you recovering from a head injury?
>treason is good
Do you not understand why the penalty for it is death?
>So did Castro, with the commies.
And this nullify's the President's actions how?
Adjusted to inflation Reagan still increased the debt less than Obongo
It doesnt. It is just geo politics. Pretty basic.
For the same reason a women once couldn't divorce her husband?
Weak bait son
If not.. Go read a book. Or more likely get a book on tape.
>Trump is gonna be looked at positively by the Republican establishment in 30 years
Truly a sight to see
The Neo-Cons were all Communist Jews who converted to the Right because the Left was a little too pro-Palestinian for their tastes.
Reagan was great because he destroyed the political culture of unquestioned accommodation, compromise, and detente with the Soviets. He knew Vietnam and Korea were both wars of containment, and that is why they failed. Reagan didn't want containment: he wanted victory. His creation of unorthodox anti-communist international alliances, support for anti-communist forces, and secret CIA subversion of the Soviet economy were instrumental. Having an incompetent weakling like Gorby in charge of the Reds helped immensely. His domestic policy was a bit more mixed, however.
Conservatives love him because he was their FDR and because liberals hate him. He was able to bring all of the factions of the Right together, while bringing countless new people.
Liberals hate him because he literally had them BTFO. He beat them electorally. But he also destroyed the very idea that any liberal could ever be tough on national security ever again.
>He's literally going for the CURRENT YEAR
The Republican establishment will not exist in 30 years
Yeah, that's not true. I think future American politics will shape up to be more libertarianism vs authoritarianism.
I can see Nationalism vs. Globalism being a possibility
That's basically this election year
Thank fuck. Maybe then the retarded Evangelicals will lose their foothold in major politics.
>it's an "user thinks globalism and nationalism"are opposites/ideologically at odds" episode
Nah, that implies that people are discussing those sorts of things. The "debate" doesn't go any farther than "DURR GENDER CARD", "DURR LOOK WHAT TRUMP SAID".
Meant to say that IS true.
I think only neoconservatives worship him. He's like a saint in the party though.