Hello Veeky Forumstorians. I'm conducting a survey to see how each board sees themselves, their fan base, culture, etc...
Please describe Veeky Forums. All anons are welcome to participate
Hello Veeky Forumstorians. I'm conducting a survey to see how each board sees themselves, their fan base, culture, etc...
Please describe Veeky Forums. All anons are welcome to participate
I see Veeky Forums as a whole as poison.
it's okay when Veeky Forums, /int/, /pol/, and /x/ keep their crap to their respective boards
A bunch of round pegs trying to figure out how to fit themselves in a square hole.
Faggot leftist pseudo-sociologists arguing with dipshit right-wing historian 'wanna-be's
A shitfest. Very little intelligent conversions.
you cant have a topic about religion without proselytizers coming in and arguing that the academic understanding of whatever in wrong. And you cant have a history thread without nationalists injecting their love or hate of whatever culture your talking about
I like this
leftypol, tumblr, and pol fighting an endless battle with eachother and themselves.
A politically neutral board. Not in the sense that most people here are moderates, but that people from all over the political spectrum argue against each other.
Pretentious liberals who think they know better than people who are actually out in the trenches of history.
Basically Veeky Forums, and /mu/ with history books
Also I don't know why but when I load up this board I can practically smell the weak pussies on this board
Every moment I spend here brings me closer to suicide.
thank you based enlightened conservative
seriously though stop with this liberal vs. conservative cancer, it's a history board
Ah but you assume I am a conservative? And then immediately assume we're in conflict?
you made the implication, and I didn't assume we're in conflict, as I lean to the right
Communism and Christianity: The Board.
What implication? Can't liberals think other liberals are pretentious? I agree with you though left v. right belongs on /pol/, but it seems most people on the board bring it in anyway.
Half of this board is Veeky Forums, /leftypol/ and /reddit/.
Other than that it's fine.
There is knowledge, but you have to swim in shit to get to it.
Significantly better then most boards while not being pretentious cunts like Veeky Forums.
As the others said, several 4c and 8c boards converge here.
I really fucking hate it.
I thought it would be fun when it was announced. I fucking hate Reddit but since Veeky Forums didn't have a dedicated history board it's where I had to go to discuss history. It fucking sucks, I hate it, I hate the people, I had the culture there, I hate their awful sense of humor, I hate their voting system, I hate everything about it.
But looking back I think reddit might be better for the kind of discussion I wanted. A persistent account system and more hands-on moderation make it more easy to seperate the people who actually know their stuff about history and uninformed shitposters.
Veeky Forums, as it is now, is no good for actual discussion, it's just shitposting and memes. And it's not even the fun tongue in cheek kind. It's just /pol/ stuff where you can tell they're genuinely frustrated that people are talking about non-European history.
I guess I'm part of the problem though, I think
Is hilarious
Best post, OP
I like the board and enjoy it. It's a good board compared to /a/, /jp/, and /tv/ which I regularly use. There are /v/ tier memes and jokes, but threads asking for serious discussions get them. I learn a lot of different things on actual topics.
The really shitty times are when /pol/ decides to infest the board. You can't exactly stop it, considering politics are connected with history and philo discussion.
Well put. I was also waiting for this board for years but the current situation is bleak.
The /pol/tards are pretty bad, as you've already written. And it's ridiculous to what extent they push their victim complex, seeing how they're the ones with the constant edgy nazi worship. I don't give a shit what board you usually post one, faggots.
The second group that I wish never discovered Veeky Forums are the idiots, the cretins, the imbeciles. You know who I'm talking about - the people who don't know a thing about history. A smaller group among them go even further, trying to show everyone how they know more than the rest - even though they really don't.
And then there's the shitposters. I admit, I enjoy a good laugh, but there are other boards for shitposting. This is the history board; I'm not saying fun isn't allowed, just don't go full retard.
Someone post that "Veeky Forums answers a history question" pic.
I mostly just lurk and only really post in threads on the occult, esotericism, metaphysics, Freemasonry, and so on.
I wonder what happened to that Ape of Thoth fellow anyway. I know there were similar threads on /x/ but the posters there were not so much concerned with the Great Work as they were about "hurr how do I summon tulpa" type stuff.
Anyway, Veeky Forums is pretty cool, I'm glad it exists despite the majority of threads here not being relevant to my interests. It's nice to discuss these things with the few who actually practice and know what they're talking about.
Will you be doing this for every board?
Everyone on Veeky Forums is smarter than me, so it's alright by my standards.
Its shit. Veeky Forums should have never been anything but /a/, /b/, /h/, and /v/.
Here's how it goes.
Tbh it's not that bad besides the religious threads. Yeah there isn't actually a high level of discourse here bit what do you expect? All it needs to be is a place to casually shoot the shit on historical or philosophical topics
Religious threads suck ass though because of proselytizers. There's always some asshole barging in and taking over half of the posts in a 300 page thread spewing hysterics about hell salvation.
honestly I fucking love this board and you guys don't give yourselves enough credit. If anything you should be pissed at moot for not making a board like this way back when. It's just new and a fair amount of /pol/tards live a life devoid of meaning so we come here to learn, it doesn't excuse bad behavior but I think we should give it some time.
Doesn't help that regulation is pretty lax, but I've seen how janitors do their jobs and it's pretty authoritarian when we ask them to help.
They were truly working in full force here for the first week so there may have been a lot of concentrated shitposting back then, but they deleted it quickly. Sure, a lot of threads were closed after a few joke posts but at least the shitposting was dealt with swiftly.
Image /pol/, Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums had a really faggy threeway.
>mfw /qst/ has cured cancer
>A persistent account system and more hands-on moderation make it more easy to separate the people who actually know their stuff about history and uninformed shitposters.
Oh yeah it's not like the quality of their posts matter, it's their account and reputation that really matters.
Self hatred is a reddit thing, please return there.
I agree
I come here when I get burned out on all the cuck and Jew threads on that shitty board
I don't know why I even browse /pol/ but it's my home board and can be good but when it's shit it's worse than /b/
I'm just gonna go out and say that while protestants are retarded, the fucking Buddhists who spend half a thread constantly asking "how do I get a Jhana" really rub me the wrong way.
I don't want /pol/ to go, I want them to learn
I fucking love this board. It's amazing. I fucking love the fact that Veeky Forums is capable of shitposting, memeposting and greentexting on such cerebral topics as history and philosophy and still be somewhat educational. It's a phenomenon.
Veeky Forums really exceeded my expectations, it's refreshing to see actual discourse on Veeky Forums. The memeing is kept to a minimum and usualyl doesn't distract from the discussion.
Although I'm personally guilty of some "WE WUZ" posting.
It is worth looking through the shit for the gems
It is great
all the time
I thought there would be more /humanities/
/twg/ > /gsg/
It's not that, it's that they're less likely to post something retarded because people will be able to see their name next to it. And in future arguments someone can just go "Hey aren't you that guy who says stupid shit all the time?"
>I come from the trenches of history
>Please describe Veeky Forums.
A quite shitty board visited by people who mostly have no idea what they're talking about.
but that's erong.
t. Mayaka
>/pol/ stuff where you can tell they're genuinely frustrated that people are talking about non-European history.
>The /pol/tards are pretty bad, as you've already written. And it's ridiculous to what extent they push their victim complex
They're the ones that destroy any religious thread and constantly spam christian bullshit. It's very difficult to have any sort of religious thread or a realistic conversation on the history of the Christian religion.
And it appears they genuinely feel like they're somehow the victim. As if any non-right wing white discussion is oppressing them. It's disgusting how badly /pol/ manage to fuck up any board they come in contact with.
The majority of the board is children talking about shit they don't actually know anything about (without the intent to learn from others), "religious" nuts thinking that talking shit then closing their ears when others respond is discussion, and trolls who have nothing better to do than to shit up every sensitive subject they see.
There is a small minority of educated, intelligent people who carry the board's community however, with great threads & discussions.
Overall the board is 50% history/philosophy threads that no one replies to, 30% religion b8 threads, 15% threads that actually get good discussion, and 5% meme threads that are a pitful attempt at trying to fit in with the rest of Veeky Forums but that ends up being the same rehashed "humor" again and again.
Overall, the board is an orgy involving /int/, /pol/, Veeky Forums and /x/ with a few level-headed people keeping things together once in a while.
There are a lot of shitposts and people who don't know what they are talking about but hidden within the shit you can usually find some good info.
This is mostly true. The main reason I come here is because of the diversity of opinions. I have fairly unpopular opinions and its hard to find people that agree with me. For some reason, Veeky Forums is the only place on the internet I have found so far with people who even come close to agreeing with some of my beliefs. That being said, I am also glad that there are still people here who disagree with me, so there is still something/someone to debate with.
I wish the /pol/-tier racist and antisemetic posts would stop though...
It's an awful shithole with no standards for discussion. Still my main board though.
the worst of /int/, /pol/ and Veeky Forums with reddit-tier memes.
Veeky Forums was mistake
>I guess I'm part of the problem though, I think
>Is hilarious
kill yourself redditor, preferably very painfully, you have no right to whine about anything.
More like your negative attitude is what is killing the board
Veeky Forums - Rome, Christianity, and Voltaire
diogenes the meme-ic
I don't think it's too bad. The board specific memes are pretty fun, like Voltaire, Robespierre and Charlesposting. Finno-mongol hyperactivity meme is painfully unfunny though. Some discussion does get hijacked and spiral out of control but there are some gems. Some threads have been extremely rewarding for me, specifically the one about messers/factions and late medieval/early modern warfare. The mods are pure shit though. Like all boards complain about their mods but this one stands out. Some really funny and educational threads get deleted and have users deleted while other total shit acting threads are allowed to go on for hundreds of posts.
Jesus Christmas I hate autocorrect. Hyperwar and falchions.
I've already done this for every single board m8
/hm/ is actually quite polite
I just want one single HRE threat without at least four faggots posting only
I swear to god that the mods only look at this board at most twice every six hours
Left vs Right: The board
and nothing else
tumblr: the board
this place is SJW trash and the janny a shit who fucking deleted multiple of my threads where literally all I did was quote a historian/historical figure and add "what did he mean by this?"
fuck this shitty board
>all I did was quote a historian/historical figure and add "what did he mean by this?"
Oh yea user, you're so innocent.
"what did he mean by this?" is a lazy way to start a thread
>weak pussies
>implying that means anything anymore
Okay Chad.
Veeky Forums- Rome & Christianity
I'm fairly new but it seems to be like any other board. Political opinions vary widely but I rarely see it addressed directly. The whole Christian vs Atheist thing keeps getting brought up because people want to discuss theology.
It's nice to learn stuff about philosophy, but most stuff is just history. If people aren't shitposting they usually seem to dislike plebian shit like Crash Course or anything else meant to cover barebones stuff.
This agglomeration which was called and which still calls itself the "History and Humanities Board" is neither historical, nor humanist, nor a board.
I like this board, for all its shortcomings and inherent flaws.
-Cool thread topics and interesting questions
-Acts as a counterweight to the excesses of Veeky Forums and /pol/
-In the rare instance where sources are cited you can occasionally find something better than Wikipedia
-Shitposting I find funny
-I love the Voltaire bants as much as the next guy but any meme can be beaten to death and really Veeky Forums is barely better about it than Reddit.
-Anons bitching about shitty info, thread derailment, and excessive shitposting when both are pretty inherent in how Veeky Forums works. Veeky Forums is not a substitute for academic discussion, but neither is academic discussion a substitute for the dynamics of an anonymous message-board
-Shitposting I don't find funny
Veeky Forums Is the house of lords to /pol/'s house of commons, circa 1795
I think it's just cool we live in such an era of interconnectedness that the holy Roman empire is a meme.
Vikings have been a meme since the late 1800's, so no wonder they're still here
I was hoping Veeky Forums would be a lot more conducive to talking about histoey and learning a bit about philosophy, but it's 50% /pol/posting and religious/antitheistic shitstorming.
I mean, arguing about certain points of history and philosophy is fun and all, but half the time, it's plagued with /pol/ and religionists/IRD-funded conmen and fedoras ad homineming like crazy.
I mean, it isn't like the early days of Veeky Forums to be sure (90% 40k shitposting).
Make a thread about something that's not a meme, and decent discussion follows. There was an excellent thread on Sumeria here about a month ago, which was my intro to the board. Just avoid talking about Europe or postcolumbian America and you'll be fine. Most people here don't know enough about the world outside the West to have opinions strong enough to shitpost, so the cream rises to the top
a history board would require a strict kind of moderation that Veeky Forums simply isn't capable of, I feared that this would be true since Veeky Forums's inception and it turns out I was right
One of the only thing I think we can do is adding a wiki to the sticky, if any board would need a wiki it sure as hell is Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums is liberal /pol/ that somehow thinks it's better when both of the boards are meme flinging shitfests.
Also the lack of IDs on this board leads to no discourse any one way or the other because it's impossible to tell who's trolling and who isn't
>Yeah there isn't actually a high level of discourse here bit what do you expect? All it needs to be is a place to casually shoot the shit on historical or philosophical topics
I think anons like that are exactly the problem here.
I like it, having a selection of finished threads that are archived would be nice for people to read through so the same questions aren't as abundant, but else it's prettty good, although people who whine about crossboard posting (everyone browses several boards, so what does it matter) or a need for "moderation" can go actually fuck off to reddit actually, i mean you know the basic principles of anonymous internet discussion, right, so why wanting to change it.
Shit here is actually substantiated and there's slightly less inane selection bias compared with /pol/
The biggest problem with that is the "and", the history side and the humanity side conflict quite often. And humanities isn't even really unified, it's split between philosophyfags, Veeky Forumsfags, and /rel/fags who keep making those christian threads
I'd like better it if there were ID tags.
Also this board taught me that the best way to troll a fundie derailer is:
>Pauline Conspiracy