How is it possible to believe in the divinity of Christ but not in Mary?

How is it possible to believe in the divinity of Christ but not in Mary?

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It's impossible. Proddies are too stupid to live.

What do you mean by "believing?" I don't think there's a single (mainstream) Christian who doesn't believe Mary existed or that she was the virgin mother of Jesus.

The issue that people take contention with is whether that qualifies her to be prayed to for intercession or not. And that's not really a Mary-exclusive thing, that's more to do with veneration of the Saints in general.

I dont understand, why would mary be divine?

With no knowledge of the subject I would assume that it would have something to do with giving birth to Christ sans original sin, meaning it is possible that she was also without original sin to even make the birth possible.

Of course it's all Christian theology so making sense isn't necessarily required.

The Dutchess for Cambridge gave birth the heir to the British throne despite not being and heir/of royal blood herself.

By being a low IQ Cleetus and reading the holy texts without aides resulting in an understanding of the holy so riddled with misinterpretations it might as well be heresy.

That doesn't make sense either... then her mother would have to be without sin... and why not her father too?

But Mary isn't divine, she's the Mother of God. She is not a hypostasis of the divine substance.

>mentioned only a few times in the Bible
>always in relation to Jesus
>Catholics make a real big fucking deal about it

Are they fucking retarded?

>reading the holy texts without aides

Fuck you and your dogma mang

I do love the amount of effort catholics put into making their theology consistent, but god damn does it create some entertaining insanity

If you can just create Mary without original sin, why not just create Jesus without original sin?

How do you even "inherit" original sin anyway, how does that make any kind of sense


You don't inherit it, you're created by means of it.

Catholicism does have to come with a shit ton of guilt doesn't it? It's almost feminism-tier in that regard

Yes, but it's not inherited in the same way personal traits are inherited.

By believing the bible and not Mystery Babylon. "Mother of God" is pagan and not in the bible. Sin nature is passed through the father and not the mother. Deifying Mary is idolatry

>meaning it is possible that she was also without original sin
Thats the Dogma of the Inmaculate Conception, a very popular believe which was accepted as dogma in the XIX Century.

1800 years later based on nothing. It's sheer idolatry.

That's why Orthodox theology is superior to Catholic theology. In Orthodoxy, "original sin" doesn't mean you're born inherently guilty at birth, it just means that due to the Fall, humanity now has the capacity to sin. Hence, in Orthodoxy, there's no need for weird mental gymnastics like saying that Mary was born "without original sin," because even HAVING the effects of original sin doesn't mean you'll automatically sin, just that you CAN.

Then why did the son of God have to sacrifice himself to take the pain of original sin, surely another non-sinning human would be without blemish for the sacrifice.
Jesus was also tempted and felt temptation so it's not the capability to do sin.
It's divine purity in human form that broke the strength of sins temptation.

Today it is recognized that the oldest layer of the Vedas reflects the Horite religion which took root in Southern India's Harappa culture. Har-appa is a Dravidian word that means "Horus is Father". The words Kusha, Rama, Hari and the description of Krishna (Christ) as the "Ancient Man" are all found in earlier Hebrew and Aramaic texts.

Abraham and his people were Horites, a caste of ruler-priests who were devotees of the mythical Horus who was called the "Son of God" and "Horus of the Two Crowns". The Horite conception of the priesthood is the antecedent of the Jewish and later the Christian conception of the priesthood.

Horite men married only Horite women and according to a pattern which was tied to ancient tradition. It is not a coincidence that Joseph of the Old Testament married Asenath, the daughter of "the priest of On" (Gen. 41:45). The exclusive intermarriage between Horite lines requires that we take these words quite literally: "For me you shall be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation." (Ex. 19:6)

The Virgin Mary's father was a priest who married a daughter of a priest, following the Horite marriage and ascendancy pattern.

>30,000 denominations

>another non-sinning human
There has only been two people in the history of man who had ever not sinned. That is the Virgin Mary, and Christ Jesus. What makes you so sure that someone could just not sin, and thus not need Christ as their Saviour?

all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

- Romans 3:23

Thats what religion is about, bro.

Why the fuck would I worship a normal human
The trinity is the only hing deserving of my prayer

Ask Saint Paul, who didn't even know Jesus was meant to have been born a man on Earth at all.

>it just means that due to the Fall, humanity now has the capacity to sin.

So how did humanity sin in the Garden if it didn't have the capacity for sin?



Jewish tricks

Literally worshiping Mary under no evidence that she never sinned

that's scholastautism for you


Because Mary is a human and not divine. God is the father of Jesus, and that is where Jesus's divinity comes from.

many catholics believe in the divinity of mary some venerating her more than jesus

*Because Jesus is a human and not divine

there shouldn't be much of a question about what happened in the Garden, as the Bible explicitly tells you what happened. Adam brought death into the world, and cut off access to the Tree of Life. Sin is correlated with death in the Bible, so I would imagine that he gave sin power in this world by being the first to do it. Also eating of the fruit caused humanity to experience shame and to KNOW good and evil. If you read the Bible in Hebrew that word "know" is used almost exclusively to refer to sex. So I would imagine he brought carnal knowledge into the world, and caused people to go after it instead of God; "you cannot serve two masters". That's pretty much it I guess.

>So I would imagine he brought carnal knowledge into the world, and caused people to go after it instead of God; "you cannot serve two masters". That's pretty much it I guess.
Yes. See also: the first appearance of shame, as in knowledge of corporeality.

The fuck?

The sex bit is way off. Started strong though. But you have to know what death it was that Adam introduced via his sin. It was spiritual death.

God said "the very day you eat of the fruit of this tree, you will die."

The Father of Lies told Eve, "Did God ssssssay that? No, look at it. It's not poisonousssss. It'sssssss good to eat. You will know good and evil, and be asssssssss God."

See the twist?

See the lie?

God never said it was poisonous, and that they would physically die. He just said "die".

And death to God is separation from Him, not the cessation of physical life. We are, after all, immortal beings.

The spiritual death of Adam and Eve caused their children, and ultimately me and you, to be born spiritually dead. And like Jesus said, if we're not born again in the Spirit, we stay dead and suffer the second death, which is eternal torment in a lake of fire.

You gotta know these things to deal with God, and you have to deal with God to live.

If the Catholic faith holds that Genesis is allegorical, how can we be born with original sin?

>never said it was poisonous, and that they would physically die. He just said "die"
>never said they would physically die, just die
>sorry judge she never said to physically stop, just to stop

no nigga, YOU'RE the one with aides.

>cut off access to the Tree of Life.
pretty sure God said that tree was forbidden from the start too

The tree of knowledge had the forbidden fruit

nope, go read it

It was redundant. They were created to live forever. It became off limits so that they could die and be resurrected whole.

Wasn't it that the 2 trees are off-limits from the get-go?

>16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
>17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Mary is not divine.

Wannabe Catholic spotted.

Asking Mary and the saints for things just seems plain old superstitious. Venerating, as in showing respect I can understand, somce in Christian belief Mary and the saints are still alive and very much active in Church life.


Here, evidence that there is a God and a Christ, also it proves that jesusbois lie. As that is the antichrist.

After all they preach self-hatred and self-rejection.

>I'm a feminine boy and I wanna be a woman!
>you're an abomination

Yup, they call the wish and creation of GOD an abomination.

Catholics are truly dumb. First they bow in front a a mary statue which is worship by anyones standard. Then they claim its veneration and not a sin.

why do you have to be a woman? just be a feminine boy

Why are you even arguing about adam and eve? Unless you're creationist you need to take the story figuratively

>Cathocucks thinking Mary is literally God

If you're a boy and want to be a woman you're disgusting, because women are disgusting.

OP didn't imply Mary is divine.

"And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." -Luke 1:47

If Mary was without sin why did she need a saviour?

Also Jesus never called her "mother" even when dying her referred to her as "woman"

Think of Christ as soda and sugar as divinity. Mary would be the bottle in which the sugary soda is contained, but if you were to bite into Mary, after the soda had been removed from her body, of course, you wouldn't taste any sweetness at all.

Sounds like someone needs to be let in on the TRUTH

so Mary's vagina tasted better while she was pregnant?

>If Mary was without sin why did she need a saviour?
We are saved in the sense that not only are we forgiven for our sins, but also that we lose the attachment to them. When we fall, not only does God help us stand again, but he also helps is not to fall. Mary was indeed saved, in the way that God helped her not to fall.

"Now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you without blemish before the presence of his glory with rejoicing, to the only God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and for ever." [Jude 24-25]

>Protestcucks think Mary is God
Mary ain't God. Mary is in heaven yes, and she's revered.