Were these the best borders in modern European history?
Were these the best borders in modern European history?
>Russia in general
why would you think that?
not arguing just asking
If you like civil wars, yes
well, who doesnt like a good civil war now and again?
>Multiethnic states
No thanks
Russia and austria-hungary are retarded, everything else is passable
Spain in africa? No
People in the midst of one
Germany is retarded too
This is the best map for Europe
>Swedish Livonia and St. Petersburg
I came in my blue and golden panties
>my usually ignored city is on the map
>Plymouth was relevant at one point
>feels good
we /pilgrims/ now?
Germany could indeed be better, I wouldnt quite call it retarded though
what great times
It sure worked well last time.
Dismantle it land by land, but keep the Bundesliga. I mean right fucking now, fuck'em they tried to destroy Yurop too many times already
Wow. I just ran the calculations, and it turns out these were the best European borders, actually. Who knew?
>Ussr on the map....
>Borders alone caused the First World War
>national goverments that ran behind certain borders didn't cause ww1
Apart from the fact that belgium still exists, bretty good
>muh prussia stronk blob
wtf is that ?
that is literally the inter war period map, the border distribution that started ww2, a war that fucked up civilization
>the border distribution that started ww2
[citation needed]
so you're saying that german and Soviet desire to redistribute the borders didn't start the war?
No they weren't
Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Slesvig & Holsten, Estonia are all danish clay
fuck off
>HRE and Habsburg Austria borders overlap each other
This never made sense to me. Can someone give a simple explanation pls?
not habsburg austria
but the habsburg monarchy
which was a collection of several states (with their own laws, customs, governments etc.) whose head of state was held by the same person - a habsburg
some of those states were in the hre, such as the kingdom of bohemia or the (arch)duchy of austria
while others were not
>the biggest superpowers on the globe all sharing the same tiny backyard, all with expressed desire to expand their borders
No. The formation of the German Empire is infact the greatest disaster in modern European history, and those are the worst borders we ever had.
Of course. Expansionism and militarism exists independently of any given configuration of borders.
Who actually directly ruled those states then?
The HRE was just a loose collection of states with a largely powerless (sometimes powerful) emperor figurehead, it was not really a unified state, one of the reasons behind the >>> meme. Some of those states happened to be under the control of the Habsburg monarch.
what states? the states of the hre? or those comprising the habsburg monarchy?
the rulers of the latter were the habsburgs, hence the label of a habsburg monarchy
i.e. rudolf the whatever-th was the king of bohemia, archduke of austria, king of hungary, king of croatia and so on at the same time, but only some of those lands were a part of the hre
cassus belis don't. making your populace agree to the deprivations of what a war with either Britain a nation that could block all trade routes leading to your country or the USSR on whose energy exports determine the well being of your industry is a hard task, a task made easier if you can credibly claim that you're uniting the people of your nation that were wrongfully separated from your country by the redrawing of borders by your former enemies
and expansionism is literally the term for any action that tries to redraw a border. you wouldn't try to expand your border if you were pleased with you current one.. Do you see where i'm getting?
Sure, I get exactly what you're saying. All wars ever were caused by borders. It's stupid and reductionist. All states want more power, that is the nature of states. The question, then, is what made Germany think it could win.
The borders that ended up in fucking World War I that ruined Europe forever? Shit tier to be honest. All borders are as good as they are agreeable on.
no.. i'm stating that the second WW was caused by German rightful dissatisfaction with borders. I'm not saying that all wars are over borders: ww1 was caused by stupidity for example. Stupidity is also a reason Hitlers government thought it could win
>Schleiswig and Holstein
>Denmark don't control scania
>Russia bordering Sved
>not knowing about Kaiserreich
fucking plebs.
>part of Russia
Not everyone is obsessed with overrated games and altuniverses where shitty Empires subsiste.
go back to your liberal art class. Fucking plebs hijacking my board
That's not Kaiserreich. This is Kaiserreich.
>Ireland under british control
>T**ks controlling the Balkans
>t. wladislaw dubois
>Doesn't own Trent neither Styria.
Not Groß enough.
Too much Russia for my taste.
Wouldn't it be more logical to give the German territory occupied by France to Belgium? Not only is Belgium closer to Germany in culture than France, but it would also create a healthier balance of power and prettier borders.
t. Moor
Germans would basically be majority in Holland, and Czechia. As much as i support dismantling of Germany, this is not something we would want to do.
>As much as i support dismantling of Germany
>a unified germany is a good idea
>Alsace-Lorraine not French
>Constantinople isn't Greek clay
>Belgium exists
>Ireland doesn't
lol no
If I'm not a butthurt Frog or Pole, why wouldn't it be?
Because they keep starting world wars and try to conquer europe.
>St. Petersburg
not really lad
>germany is united for 145 years
>it was at war for 10 of them
Lay off the memes son, I hear they cause autism.
Incomplete without Poland
>germany is united for 145 years
Fuck. Another one of these. Why aren't they banned like Hunger Games thread?
Let the turks have the god damn balkans, World war 1 and 2 would've never happened
>germany unites
>starts ww1
>allies leave germany
>starts ww2
>berlin wall is down,
>they build eu to annex europe
Those wars happened because the occupation drove up nationalism in the region. The turks should have stopped at Constantinople.
This level of butthurt can't be healthy.
Stop ruining Europe.
Fixed :^)
English Redcoats get fucked come out ye black and tans I drove a saracen through your garden last night my old mans a provo oh we love you mrs. thatcher
The Irish, ladies and gentlemen.
>being this continually buttranged
whatever most coincidences with this
Were these the best borders in fictional alt-history?
Austria-Hungary had almost GOAT borders, if it wasn't for shitty Galicia extending from the natural Carpathian border.
>Finland under Russia
>Non-USSR Russia
>Half of the slavlands under control of the teutos
>Italian-occupied Lybia
>Arab peninsula nuked into nonexistence
Kek, except for one thing:
>My homecountry Albania is not split up between Greece and Yugoslavia or Bulgaria
Illyrian Albania to the Yugoslavs, Epirote Albania to the Greeks. Let's be honest, those are best borders.
>dude samefaggging lmao
>fuck thousand year old empires, countries should be based on DUDE LANGUAGES LMAO
my brain hurts
>I have absolutely no knowledge on the 19th and 20th century: the post
>I'm a retard: the post
aw fug u got me dere XD
Made this a while back.
>Greeks being minority in their country by annexing Constantinople
>Kurds living under armenia
Top kek. Unless you commit genocides bigger than the armenian genocide it wont work.
>wanting USSR Russia
The borders as they are now but
>Unified Ireland
>Belgium is merged into France and the Netherlands
>Moldova is merged into Romania
>Kosovo is independent
>germany is literally a boot stomping on the european continent
Fixed it for you, senpai.
>>Greeks being minority in their country by annexing Constantinople
>he doesn know what ethnic cleansing is