Who is the more rightful successor of the Roman Empire, Italy or HRE?

Who is the more rightful successor of the Roman Empire, Italy or HRE?

italy has no real right except the same geographical area


ERE is the only rightful successor

I'd argue France

>the Trojan refugee Aeneas escape to Italy and found the line of Romans through his son Iulus, the namesake of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.


Lel using Virgil as a sauce

>italy has no real right except the same geographical area


The thing is, Byzantium/the ERE was the actual Roman Empire. Constantine made Constantinople his capital in the early 4th century. The Roman Empire lost most of its Western territories in the 5th century.

ETE were the only ones with commoners calling themselves Romans hundreds of years after the fall of the WRE.

The third reich.


This is beautiful

I mean COME ON
It's the spirit that counts.


We are all Romans now




The Byzantines. Anything else is German revisionism.

HRE was neither H nor R nor E

Goddamn, that's beautiful.

>tfw you will never proudly call yourself a Roman.

>still more Roman than a bunch of German barbarians

And Hector was a direct male-line ancestor of the Hapsburgs. :3

this does not seem like a completely unbiased testimony 2bh