Bad president, or worst president?

Bad president, or worst president?

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He recognized the challenges of the tomorrow and was quick to act upon them today, even if in a rather heavy handed manner. He was not always successful (his attempt at curbing stagflation through price controls was a sensational failure) but he did what he could facing a hostile congress and media. His personality faults which led to his eventual political downfall is the type of stuff epic tragedies are made of.

At least he didn't assassinate JFK.

He committed treason to get into power, then abused his power to stay in it.

He was intelligent and far-seeing, but his flaws were what undid him.

Good Foreign, bad Domestic.

You can't have opening the PRC without establishing the EPA. It's the same kind of Machiavellian realpolitik.

Good foreign policy, bad domestic policy, pussy for resigning.

Raegan was much worse tbqh


He's was just mediocre and gets a bunch of unwarranted hate because muh watergate. The event in and of itself is suspicious the way it was handed, I suspect they set him up probably for getting too uppity.

At least he ended Vietnam, better than LBJ even if he did act treasonously

So easy to spot faggots and communists. So, so easy.

Tell me again how supplyside economics works

>everyone who disagrees with me is a communist

Apple makes an iPhone, you suddenly want one and buy it.

Everyone who hates Reagan is either a faggot (AIDS) or a communist (TDTW).

>good foreign
>Operation Intercept

Nixon was a paranoid schizo from the jump who kept tabs on everyone that worked for him, let alone the fucking opposition. Of course Watergate was his idea. He was just crooked as hell.

Aft the JFK assassination I would be paranoid too.

Dead slopes is always good.

Reagan was only worse because he was quite probably an idiot, I mean you only have to look at the Iran contra afair, the drug war, and indirectly causing 9/11 (lol) as monuments of his shortsighted stupidity.

Nixon was a clever paranoid megalomaniac, that cost a lot of innocent lives in Vietnam, both American and Vietnamese.

There was never even a clear motive or reason for him doing so and the same congressional investigation affirms this. Not to mention there was no proof found of him ordering those men to break into watergate. The more incriminating pieces of info weren't even directly connected to the event itself and were attained only by subpoena after they couldn't find anything dirt on him beforehand.

Average to Bad President desu.

you mean watergategate?

those are pretty bad, but nowhere near as bad as "trickle down" my ass.

watergate a shit. out of all his failures it is the least significant one.

>if you don't like cowboys you're either gay or a communist

this is why no one takes burgers seriously..

good post

He was definitely not the best, and he was certainly not the worst. He was just shit. Even if you le don't kare about watergate, he was shit for not admitting what he did.

The only trickle down that happened in his presidency was down his leg

a good president

a despicable person.

Reagan was the Obama of his time

Greatest president

As a plane-fag I will always love him for absolutely roasting the Air Force after their failure in Vietnam.

>I want you to convey directly to the Air Force that I am disgusted with their performanceÖ.I do not blame the fine Air Force pilots who do a fantastic job in so many other areas. I do blame the commandersÖ.If there is one more instance of whining about target restrictions we will simply blow the whistle on this whole sorry performance of our Air Force in failing for day after day after day in North Vietnam this past week [12-19
May] to hit enormously important targets when they had an opportunity to do so and were ordered to do so and then wouldnít carry out the orderÖ.I want you to convey my utter disgust to [Admiral] Moorer [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] which he can in turn pass on to the [Air Force senior commanders]. It is time for these people either to shape up or get outÖ.12


He was the closest American history has to a classic Greek tragedy.

A great man, destroyed by his own personal flaws.

At least since WWII, nobody even remotely compares.



>Bad president, or worst president?
No, that would be F(ascist)DR.

>muh uncited quotes
>you see, the guy who forced through the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act was actually an evil racist

Is it any wonder the American conservative is a dying breed?

Not even close. You basically have to be a lunatic to like Reagan

>Implying that LBJ wasn't, in fact, a racist.

>Implying that I'm a conservative because I despise LBJ.

And very misunderstood by the masses.

I do not like Nixon at all. I think he's repugnant as fuck and needed to get over his insecurities. However, he was a brilliant man with great strategic insight. And he had the rare ability to change a strongly-held view for prudence sake.

The more I read about FDR, the more I'm horrified that he basically undermined the old Republic that we once had.

The scary thing about Nixon was that his policies were fiscally liberal and socially conservative; a complete clash of ideologies and worked horribly at the time.

But LBJ said America went to war FOR HIS DICK.

How so?

How'd he do that

But muh switch in time to save nine

Say what you want about nixon, but no other president i have seen has managed to stay culturally relevant as long as nixon has

we are still talking about him

Calvin Coolidge


>Killed some Communists who kept on invading South Vietnam

If anyone is to blame for Vietnam its Wilson who was too Racist and Europhile to ally with Ho Chi Minh before he went Communist

>ur gay!
Kill yourself