What was the best Germanic Kingdom and why was is the Kentish Jutes?

What was the best Germanic Kingdom and why was is the Kentish Jutes?

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You have all those to pick from and you pick the god damn Jutes

Anglo-Saxons, you speak the continuum of their language FFS

I am gonna go with OsthroGotic Kingdom till the ERE fucked that part of the world up.

what did the Jutes speak? was it North Germanic Jutlandic? or was it another West German language?

Theodoric was closest to recreating Rome.

Why do they call Dalmatia "Land of Emperor Nepos" ? It was essentially what was left of the Western Roman Empire

>Anglian king

>Non Angli, sed angeli


Angles confirmed for most aesthetic and brilliant.

without a doubt, friend



If you only mean pre-Carolongian stuff, then Northumbria. Though really I'd think of the whole insular monastic culture, including both Germanic and Irish peoples, as one thing.

it might be mostly germanic but it was thoroughly raped by the french my friend

language is much more than vocabulary my friend

give me one orifice of the """""english""""" language not touched by the frogs

migratory germanic peoples' power list:

>english south africans
>new zealanders
>ulster scots
>east prussians/baltic germans
>sex offenders in thailand

basically everything other than vocabulary


All were barbarian shitholes.

Giovanni please.

French actually did influence English phonology a bit.

Before [v] only existed as an intervocalic allophone of /f/, but due to a large number of French loanwords beginning with /v/ it became a phoneme of its own, and all the other fricatives developed voiced counterparts by analogy. But that's the deepest influence French had on English AFAIK.

worse has happened to others, so im ok with this

linguists are truly the biggest autists

its the funnest autism

This is possibly the most tragic historical fact i've ever read

The Frisian kingdom is pretty underrated in my opinion.

I actually wish the Burgundians had kept a separate identity instead of being French.

Geatish masterrace reporting in

>All that great history
>Wasn't even the driving force in creating the Kingdom of Sweden

They had nothing to do with Sweden, hence their greatness

>ulster scots

Ulster Scots should be bottom of the barrel pound scum tier.

This map is inaccurate. Wessex wasn't founded until the 6th century. Sussex isn't depicted and the Saxons hadn't conquered so far by that point. Vandals didn't control that far into the interior or as far west as that. There were a fair few independent Roman warlords and bagaudae in Spain who are depicted wrongly as being under Visigothic suzerainty. Syagrius never controlled as much land as that.

>Not Svealand's little bitch



Funny, but I don't know why you're trying to imply that they were Tribal.


Wow. That actually makes a lot of sense why Norse words have voiceless fricatives in pretty much everything, and English just drops the terminal ones. This is gonna be useful when I move to Iceland.

I know it's popular to hate cucksweden, but really Sweden was pretty badass until the late 1800's. Even for having a relatively much smaller population than the rest of the relevant countries in the 30 years war they still had a tremendous effect on the outcome.

Gallowglass is like discount Varangian

>tfw grandparents from Ireland Scotland Germany and czechwhateverthefuckovakia
>tfw have a Celtic name and not a superior Germanic one that would make my conversion to forn seidr seem more legit
>German family is from Alsace so maybe part frog too
>can't use demonym "American" because niggers and slavs live here

Wat do

>mfw our 2000 year old shitshack is still built better then theirs built probably half an our ago
Comeback when africucks manage to build a sky scraper

Because it was the Salian Franks

What's your argument for their hut being better than our hut?

Our hut being better than their hut*

>made of wood not dirt
>has beautiful engravings on the door frame
>the thatching is clearly more secure and is in better condition

besides that's something that would have existed 2000 years ago, Afro niggers are still living in those mud huts

Just a reminder that vandals were Poles.

Thank you, bye.

That post was an act of Poli- I mean, Vandalism. Delete this.

Not a chance, senpai

I don't think it's reasonable to expect the African to advance. Its not in their nature. They had a good place to live,enough food most of the time, not much work. Other races actually migrated because they weren't content just to exist. Even when taken out of their natural habitat, their denisovans genes make them super lazy, regardless of where the enclave is. I feel bad for the outliers and those with other racial heritage.

It's really just logical that the people who put no premium on intelligence and individual advancement (literally all they care about is hedonism) would not have artificially or socio-economically have genetically drifted towards greater intelligence. Same with abbos.

>enough food most of the time
Are you on crack?

Nope. Before Europeans showed up and mistakenly tried to force civilization as we know it them and boost their agricultural production (where it existed), the population was so small as to be self-regulating. Look at the Hadzane of Tanzania; see how they dog for roots with sticks, and hunt for game, of which there is plenty. High IMR, low-life expectancy, but high birth rate to offset. It usually means the HG's have enough to feed everyone. If not, they just split up into two groups, half of them leave, then there's enough food for the remaining half in the original place. That's essentially how human migration got started.

Africa is super prone to drought, is all. Which makes farming tells hard but it's really just a minor inconvenience to hunter-gatherers.


>>made of wood not dirt
You don't think that's a consequence of climate difference? In what way would it be superior to make your housing of wood rather than mud in their climate?
>>has beautiful engravings on the door frame
Am I completely wrong if I say that mud isn't such a good thing to make engravings in and that the tree engravings and sculptures the Africans actually did aren't at least inferior to ours?
>>the thatching is clearly more secure and is in better condition
I am not bad at architecture, how can you see that? The biggest difference i see is that the mudhut's roof is made for a circular building while the tree one is built for a rectangular building,

>besides that's something that would have existed 2000 years ago, Afro niggers are still living in those mud huts

Yeah, and our Latin and Greek neighbors to the far south built houses of brick and marble back then, we only getting at their level when we got the "Foreign and hostile" religion of Christianity spread to us.

You are literally doing the same thing the guy in the picture is doing

Also, filename

don't have the patience to argue with you, one is clearly better than the other, whether it is because of climate reasons or Biological reasons, probably both
no I'm not, the guy in the picture is saying that it is a wonderful piece of history and something to be proud of, whereas I think that is one to the worst points in our history

>probably both
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

I'd rather be a German or African living in a hut than some malnourished Roman pleb living in a filthy slum or some rich asshole's villa


Lmao what is the source of this? Even if there was such a thing as a major difference in iq between races, why is Sweden so high compared to the other nordic countries? The only thing that truly sperates Sweden from its neighbours is a higher density of immigrants and a more liberal mindset, things which /pol/ and their like usually frown upon, so they cant be the source. Who the fuck made this? Was it you?

We wuz applies to fallacious meme history you slack jawed mong.

literally every source you look at on world IQ says that African people are less intelligent, and no I didn't make it, I didn't need to, it's takes 5 minuets to Google this stuff

>falling for the IQ meme


>The unit of measurement is wrong because the results it produces conflicts with my idealistic, puerile worldview

Oh no, I'm not the same user, I'm actually agreeing with you, but IQ is a huge meme disregarded by every competent psychologist.

it's not a meme, blacks are generally less intelligent, and it's not because of cultural differences, the US army ran a IQ test on all it's soldiers before the Vietnam war and found that black on average are less intelligent

that turban is cool as shit, would wear

IQ is indeed a huge meme.
Trust me, I have an IQ of 139

Don't forget this 'language' is just a French dialect

Franks are the best, tho

So, where are the Vandals on this list? They were certainly migratory, travelling to North Africa and all.

theres a difference betveen simply travelling and conquering whole regions

>Yeah, and our Latin and Greek neighbors to the far south built houses of brick and marble back then

Why would germanic people build houses of brick or stone (nevermind marble since they had no way of getting it) if they were semi-nomadic? If anything, that would make them inferior because its stupid to build a more permanent structure if you have to dismantle it and move on

>You don't think that's a consequence of climate difference? In what way would it be superior to make your housing of wood rather than mud in their climate?

its harder to make a house out of timber then a house out if dirt