>these guys may speak, worship, and live like [X], but they're totally [Y] because of genetics that i can't really specify, and should only be regarded as [Y]
These guys may speak, worship, and live like [X]...
These Americans may speak, worship, and live like subhumans, but they're totally homo sapiens because of genetics and should only be regarded as homo sapiens.
>these normands may speak, worship, and live like frenchmen, but they're totally vikings because of genetics that i can't really specify, and should only be regarded as vikings
t. Butthurt anglo
He always watches with his BEADY watchers
they were langues de oil speaking, trinity-worshiping, and overall French living folk, and so should be considered French.
>people [x] speak a language related to people [y], therefor they're the same people and should be united as one despite having a completely separate history, culture, civilization, and identity beyond language
Fuck Aryanism and pan-Turkism and pan-Slavism and pan-fucking anything.
but that's good though
if done right, it helps preserve different cultures.
>muh culture
gtfo with that bullshit.
culture changes by the decade. All those cultures listed have been dead for centuries.
we are transitioning into a post culture world. Culture matters less and less, especially as populations grow faster and faster. The more people they are, the more densely populated they are, the faster culture gets born, changes, melds and dies.
preserving culture is tribalism at best. it's a retarded concept and needs to go. but you apes will never go for it.
>preserving culture is tribalism at best. it's a retarded concept and needs to go. but you apes will never go for it.
m8 you give /pol/ credit to exist
I absolutely agree. Everyone should be the exact same with no differences in beliefs, ideologies, artistry, or values! Haha the world would be so much simpler then.
Speaking a Slav, pan-Slavism is probably the most idiotic ideology ever invented.
clinging to culture is retarded.
/pol/ is retarded.
I dont cause retardation.
>clinging to culture is retarded
i dont know how exactly to respond to this other than that your self-destructive okiophobic mindset is frightening.
I didn't say that. I said preserving culture is impossible and stupid. culture changes so quickly, and has changed so dramatically in ONE generation, that it won't matter.
Also, everyone is already pretty much the same. Culture is basically superficial, like clothes and language.
The guy you're talking to is a Marxist, they want to destroy everything, culture, family, languages etc and build a new world on top of the ruins.
They're delusional.
But you are a dumbass fascist
Get butt hurt because the marketplace of ideas isn't your autistic vision
that's not even a word. I googled it and everything.
also, how is it self destructive? The concept of cultural lines is more destructive than anything else. Nationalism is a curse of our primal nature.
also, don't be scared you culture is gonna die. It's natural. it's probably already dead.
If you can't recognize the difference in cultures, then why bother posting?
He meant oikophobic.
Why do people recognize that genetics influence culture but don't realize culture influences genetics too?
I didn't say destroy everything. jesus...you tribal retards are defensive. I said it's inevitable. Nothing lasts forever. culture is cool and interesting, but meaningless.
I'm also not a marxist. but nice buzzword, though. I'm Libertarian as can be.
lol my ideas are already coming to fruition. I'm not telling you what should happen. I'm telling you what IS happening. Europe is already American. The entire world already speaks English. It's only a matter of time.
>Also, everyone is already pretty much the same. Culture is basically superficial, like clothes and language.
>"I'm in middle school and I'm learning about people who wear different clothes than me and that's all I know about them and they make me mad"
i did, thank you
>Wants to impose a force on what people get to like
I can.
Like how European culture values education...
oh wait, so does American culture...
And middle east culture...
And African...and chinese...hmm...let's try something else...
How Europe is all about warriors and honor! Just like...the middle east...and africans...and americans...hm....
how about how european culture loves music!
Oh wait.
Well, at least Europe has unique clothes.
>tribal retards
Nice strawman. I'm actually not a nationalist at all, but there's a big line between not being a nationalist and advocating for eradication of culture.
>I'm Libertarian
Even worse.
furthermore, your notion of values is far to vague, lets get a little more specific on which countries have more tribal/clan or national identity?
i can go on
>Wants to impose a force on what people get to like
>Wants to impose
>Wants to
Nothing will be imposed. It'll happen naturally. Most of Europe already acts and dresses American. Makes American music. Speaks the language America speaks because America speaks it. Watches American movies. uses the American internet.
No it doesn't. Pan- ideologies ignore cultural reality at the expense of an imagined shared identity or history and are far more likely to destroy real culture than preserve it.
Pan-Turkism, for example, has consistently attempted to undermine the Persian culture of Azerbaijan (real Azerbaijan in Iran, not the fake post-Soviet one) and the urban Tajik/Sart culture of Central Asia to replace it with supposedly 'Turkish' culture.
Pan-Slavism tries to impose a common culture on all Slavic speaking peoples while undermine their different unique cultures, which are often completely unrelated. I've seen people convinced that the Poles and Czechs are culturally closer with Russia than with Germany, despite the insanity of such an idea.
I can't comprehend why somebody like you would be browsing a history board. This has to be bait.
What are you even saying? Yes there are some universal cultural traits (like reverence for ancestors, or valuing education), but that's just picking and choosing. Implying that all cultures are the same makes it apparent you have no idea what you're talking about.
>Pan-Turkism, for example, has consistently attempted to undermine the Persian culture of Azerbaijan (real Azerbaijan in Iran, not the fake post-Soviet one) and the urban Tajik/Sart culture of Central Asia to replace it with supposedly 'Turkish' culture.
>Pan-Slavism tries to impose a common culture on all Slavic speaking peoples while undermine their different unique cultures, which are often completely unrelated. I've seen people convinced that the Poles and Czechs are culturally closer with Russia than with Germany, despite the insanity of such an idea.
no argument here, maybe its best when pan-[X] works to help each sub-[X] strengthen their own [X]ish cultures, and not some mega[X] culture.
>advocating for eradication of culture
your defensive nature is getting the best of you. How many times do I gotta repeat I didn't say eradicate? I said protecting it is a waste of time.
your list proves my point. none of those things are really different when you look at them objectively. They are just different superficially.
It destroys cultures. Pan-Slavism in practice means just an intense russification.
Jezus Christ this post is so American it hurts.
>none of those things are really different when you look at them objectively
and this is how the whole thread knows your retarded
This. I'm inclined to believe that guy is just trolling.
you literally said a culture tries to undermine another. No culture in history has done this. Rule over does not equal undermining culture.
Culture can't be deleted. It gets born and dies on a natural cycle.
Just because you can't fathom the concept, and are too busy clinging to your nationalistic ideals, doesn't mean I'm bait. It means you are too narcissistic to see past your own bias.
then elaborate on the differences.
This entire board is full of the most uneducated, bias people outside of /pol/.
please tell me ONE reason why I'm wrong, and cultures won't just die off and be replaced by other cultures, and why it's so important to cling to them.
I agree. I'd be fine with these things if they were based on real cultural commonality and shared history. Like if there was a pan-East Asianism (or something with a better name), or a pan-Westernism, I'd be fine with that. The problem is these things are usually based more on geopolitical concerns and racialism than any real interest in preserving and cultivating culture.
Still can't figure out whether you're a troll or a retarded American.
People like you make /pol/ necessary and I fucking hate you for that.
I'm an American who isn't held back by outdated European ideology, with a Masters in history. not trolling at all.
Now answer me, instead of spitting up internet memes.
Because geography, climate, genetics and wealth by themselves will always be influential factors for behaviour. So long people live in different biomes they will have different diets, sunlight exposure, past times, etc. Unless we all have the exact same antecedent variables from birth on our there will always be differently behaving populations and thus always cultural differences.
>masters in history
>thinks there's an uniform "European culture" and "African culture"
American education on display, everyone
you saying that proves you are more /pol/ than you want to believe. culture isn't immortal. the internet alone has already wiped out half of it, and replaced it.
even if everyone on earth agreed with /pol/, i'd still be right. cultures would still die, as it should, and will be replaced by new cultures, as it should
I'm not saying cultures won't exist.
I'm saying cultures will die. preserving them is pointless and stupid.
best in the world.
please give an actual response, instead of insulting people who disagree with you because you know they are right and can't think of any response other than "everyone wears different clothes!"
Wait, you're not denying that you think there is a uniform European and African culture. Do you actually think this?
Tell me again how the fuck does Egypt have the same culture as Botswana? Greece the same culture as Sweden? Are you completely retarded?
>best in the world
lol. inb4 muh ivies
So if they're already the same, then why are you trying to stamp them out?
Fine, I'll take that back. /pol/ isn't necessary because of people like you, because even without /pol/ there's no way any intelligent person would take you seriously.
I'm saying the differences are superficial. Our nature as animals make us 99% the same.
Tell me how they are different. Other than clothes and language.
Also, there is a reason everyone around the world is trying to get into American universities.
I didn't say stamp them out. I said stop believing they can be preserved. Culture can barely survive a decade at this point.
respond with an actual claim or argument, not an insult. You might trick other ego-driven retards to agree with you, but you're still wrong.
>I like thing
>Fuck you, you can't have it because it's old, into the gulag you go
Go ahead and try to stamp us out, you have no power over us.
>Tell me how they are different. Other than clothes and language.
Taking the bait: languages, clothes, cuisines, religion, architecture, cultural norms, taboos and values, family structures, basically EVERYTHING that isn't pure biology
>Also, there is a reason everyone around the world is trying to get into American universities.
Yeah to ivies or public ivies, but I don't think your history degree from Texas A&M is worth wiping my ass with.
Because culture is social knowledge and mannerisms passed down from generation to generation and subconciously instills certain norms and beliefs in its bearers. Some argue that culture is best suitable behaviour for environment + critical junctures (pointless traditions that gdt inserted) + myths of origin/ancestor worship (specific mental need) + another point I forgot l. The thing is - we think we are all high and mighty with our modern culture but there are subliminal details we overlook in our daily lives that were previously supplied by a more traditional culture (like gen. y heavily soul searching). Culture isn't perfect but is is existentially speaking important for identity, well-being and societal maintenance. It's the best way to work in your specific society and environment.
How mad will you be when people still speak Spanish and Japanese and French twenty years from now?
How mad will you be when people in different countries celebrate different holidays and have different clothes for their "rituals"?
How mad will you be when people twenty years from now have still have different currencies and your dream of a homogenized world still doesn't exist?
>languages, clothes, cuisines, religion, architecture, cultural norms, taboos and values, family structures, basically EVERYTHING that isn't pure biology
those things are superficially different. literally all of them. Except family structures. Those are the same across all of space and time. so are values. Taboos are products of superstition, and are dying off across the board.
Everything else, languages are made for the same reason, and are expressed in poetry, song, and story, like all cultures. clothes are made to cover the body from the elements, only being different because what was available to make clothes out of. Cuisine is the same, simply eating what's laying around to not die and get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Religions all basically say "don't hurt each other and don't worry about death so much." or are pagan and based on things that can't be explained by science. architecture is the same, structures used to protect from the elements and predators and invaders. cultural norms mean nothing.
EVERYTHING is pure biology.
>I will resort to Ad Hominem to defend my silly concepts of culture
face it, culture is an illusion. If this is the best you got, I'm out of here.
You're saying it like it's invalidating anything.
>these things aren't different because I say so!
That's not how it works
How mad will you be when in 50-200 years, none of the languages around today will even exist. Except maybe Arabic.
How mad will you be when all the countries celebrating their holidays that don't even exist now, replacing things like Xmas and New Years with whatever the fuck? and wear clothes that are barely related to modern dress?
How mad will you be when the entire globe uses one standard currency (this is the most inevitable thing brought up in this thread) and speaking the same language, probably a blend of English, Chinese, and Arabic?
it's inevitable user. It's not a goal or an objective. just a truth.
okbye for real this time, you're all too backwards facing, and can't see the forest for the trees.
God I love this picture
Good riddance, you cultural marxist faggot
I'll be here drawing things with a pencil instead of a computer because it's my right
i sure hope not
the US has done a good job of assimilating people into the dominant Anglo culture over these last few hundred years because we recognize what cultural unity is and how important it is
we'll need it even more with these Mexicans arriving.
>your history degree from Texas A&M
not him, but im going there for Anthropology soon. what's bad about the place?
>Except family structures. Those are the same across all of space and time
top kek