So, if it's true that Ashkenazi jews have le super IQ, why weren't Poland and other Eastern European countries scientific powerhouses before WWII?
So, if it's true that Ashkenazi jews have le super IQ...
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Well, they were. And now they're complete shit.
Because the political, logistical, administrative, logistic and judicial infrastructure was still developing as it was independent for 20 years. It had to reconcile and converge territory ruled by three seperate empires.
Because Hollywood propaganda. The idea of Jews being those gentle, misunderstood artists, scientists, scholars, etc. is something which only surfaced after WW2. Before Jews were generally seen as quite vile and repulsive hagglers, small scale crooks and criminals, peddlers of drugs, booze, porn, prostitution, etc.
But those areas should have already developed while being still under Russian/Austrian control with such a large amount of allegedly talented people in them, shouldn't they?
>Well, they were.
[citations needed]
Because Russia was very limiting on Jewish rights, and most of the intelligent ones who went into fields such as science moved to America or Western Europe.
Half-Ashkenazi here.
Dunno if it's true that have high IQs or not but either way, IQ is stunted by malnutrition.
What do you mean citation needed? Are you just going to ignore 2000 years of history? Jews have been kicked out of numerous countries and have been the scapegoat of many angry Europeans and Arabs.
>Jews have been kicked out of numerous countries and have been the scapegoat
Yea, it's the same for my group as well, doesn't mean I'm a part of a conspiracy to take down Western civilization. Why do you even go on this board if this is the dumb shit you're going to spout instead of actually discussing history?
To be fair, Hitler did not have a successful atomic bomb project because he scared off most of the German Jewish physicists who went to America and kick started the Manhattan project.
I mean Heisenberg knew his shit, but the A-Bomb project failed completely in Germany.
Not him, but there's literally no Jew conspiracy, they were just all around shit people involved in scams, prostitution and gangstery.
The meme about the Jews being all rich and smart is also only a 20th century thing, in 19th century and earlier most of them were poorer than dirt and living in total squalor. Jewish ghettos were not dissimilar to modern black ghettos, shitholes full of urban rot and crime.
> there's literally no Jew conspiracy
That's what I was saying
You must be new
You've got lots of learning to do user
It might be best to leave now lest you learn the truth
Once you do your quality of life will begin to suffer
I know but you seemed to imply the other guy believed in a Jewish conspiracy even though he said nothing of the sort. He merely highlighted the fact they got kicked out of many countries.
Well now it's very clear he does believe in a Jewish conspiracy
If that's him.
Nah not that guy
Jews depend on large and stable social structures to propel a nation to greatness. Poland was getting fucked every which way at the time, and recovering from hundreds of years of buttfucking. The Jews poured their collective sociological energy into surviving and getting by. Poland suffered for it.
Back when Poland did have those structures, it was awesome. The Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth was based as fuck, but ultimately doomed by minarchism.
>starts giving their nobles more freedoms when everyone else is trying absolutism
Chapter One in "How To Get Buttfucked By Every Country Near You" should be titled "Adopt Golden Liberty".
I am I was merely implying Jews have not been trusted throughout history and looked down on as inferior, as that other one said. I don't believe in le evil Jew meme like , though there is a small Jewish elite.
The evil Jews are the elite ones user
Because IQ is primarily determined by material conditions, rather than vice versa
Poor Shtetl Jews would not score highly on modern intelligence tests
but muslims got along with Jews just fine before they began emmigrating en masse to Palestine. the Ottomans actually supplied ships to help Jews leave Spain after the reconquista. in the early medieval period many Jews in europe were wealthy because of their trade connections in the middle east
He's Goyische as fuck
Yes before they knew them intimately
They felt they were brothers in faith
Same God
Same forefathers
And look how the Jews have stabbed the Arabs in the back