How the fuck did Americans get away with grabbing all this sweet sweet land?

How the fuck did Americans get away with grabbing all this sweet sweet land?

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Ask Napoleon

Manifest Destiny wasn't an ambition, it was destiny etched into the soul of every American.

Except Horace Greeley. Fuck him.

Manifest destiny, strong colonial / expansionist mindset that lead to the settling of the frontier, Louisiana purchase, and killing lots and lots of injuns to make room for more settlers.

Basically because they could, and anyone who might have been concerned about stopping the states amassing so much power was busy

>"Hey Europe can we grab all this land out here that as far as we know has no valuable resources and is only inhabited by horsefucking injuns?"

Hard decision

God was with us

>killing of injuns

I want this meme to end


>I want this meme to end
Me too. No Indians died as a result of American actions, it was just some annoying native americans.

Americans sought only to be a nation independent of their British overlords. They destroyed the tyranny ruling over them, becoming a democratic nation free of kings and emperors. They unified a whole continent and rose as a world authority after establishing friendly relationships on equal terms with various nations around the world. They achieved all of this in under 200 years. The funniest thing about it is that the Americans never aiming towards becoming a world superpower. They reached it as a side-effect of being decent, likeable people worthy of trust. Americans are peace-loving people by nature.

I used to think obama was a nigger but he has slowly grown on me, I'm going to miss him

Well by first claiming the British colonies ( the thirteen along the coast) as a result of winning the revolution. After the british left the proclomation line they set was rgrown out the window. Then Jefferson purchased land from Napoleon which more than doubled the size of the US. several smaller land treaties, and of course the Mexican American war which gave the US the whole south western portion of its land mass.

If you're speaking in other terms, you could chalk it down to every American saw it as their god given right to expand to the coast, and nothing would stop that. The US beleive itself to be culturally surperior, and imo proved that by effectively taking the land and using it more effectively and about 100 years.

How is a he a nigger?

He's a 6/10 president but he's pretty charismatic. I simply can't imagine someone as screechy as Hillary becoming the leader of the free world. He's black so /pol/ obviously doesn't like him.

Then ask Polk

This. Plus a total disregard for native cultures.

Yeah me too tbqh. In hindsight he's basically been a 5/10 or 6/10 president which isn't bad especially since now we're gonna get $hillary or The Donald

It might not be all bad.


We had a flag

The chance was manifested by destiny herself

How the fuck did Russians get away with grabbing all this sweet sweet land?

russian land isn't sweet sweet land, user.

I always thought of him as one of the better presidents, getting all that stuff accomplished in a single term

>Arctic tundra
>Vast forests
>Colonized under the reign of a queen that fucked a stallion

Yeahhh, sweet land alright

Howdy multi-ethnic servants. Check it out; I am made out of burgers.

I cant fucking believe we never came up with a name for the native americans.

You mean injuns?

It always belonged to Americans, God willed it.
The savages are unworthy of ownership of any American soil.

All of that sweet oil and gas is the reason Russian living standards aren't Nicaragua tier yet.

Pretending to be friends with the frenchies.

Are the subtitles legit? Man north american politics is a joke.

>I hate fun

>lame duck
>horrid foreign policy
>jobs getting thrown out the window
>half-asses welfare programs that were never going anywhere in the first place
>flared up racial tensions to a recent peak
>piled more and more onto the already huge denbt stack
>can't negotiate for shit and lets other countries bully us with oil

Nah, not gonna miss the shitter a bit. Trump'll be a good long moment of relief from that hell.

yall were too busy having fuck

>not being murderously butthurt about each other makes our politics a joke

Russian land is as sweet as American land. You don't seem to realize how shitty most of the actual land area of the U.S. is.

We fucking kicked ass, that's why. Killed all the dumb natives that weren't doing shit with it, told the Brits to fuck off, etc.

>can't negotiate for shit and lets other countries bully us with oil
Our domestic export got delayed a few years and we've got cheaper gas for a bit?
That's some shitty bullying. Saudi Arabia will run out faster and our reserves will be ready.

>flared up racial tensions
I don't see how that's a "thanks obama".

>foreign poicy
Name any foreign policy situation under the obama administration...what should have been done instead?

>everything else
Eh, sure.

Outside of the Southwestern deserts it's all pretty good land.

Martial superiority. We were invaded 4 times in the last 200 years for that clay and lost none or very little.
Same with USA, plus relative wealth. Russia just sold off its clay in Alaska and California as too remote to exploit.

Russia also traditionally considers itself Third Rome as the Orthodox state that conqueres back the Mongols. So Russians have very little problem with conquering anyone because they can, S Nami Bog etc.
Local Manifest Destiny, "All is Russia where Russian flag flew at least once". All from Poland to Alaska is as Russian as all in the Americas is USA. Some may go as far as claiming even Berlin, Hawaii and Hokkaido.
tl;dr They came to get it, they were annexed, Russia bigger

>Outside of the Southwestern deserts it's all pretty good land.

No it isn't. Everything between the Mississippi valley and the west coast is kind of crap, to a greater or lesser degree.

Probably because no one gives a shit about it, since it's all a frozen wasteland and no sane person would want to live on there on their free will.

Who exactly was there to compete with americans or deny them? Near-extinct indians? The rapidly shrinking spanish empire? The not-very-able Mexico?

>Name any foreign policy situation under the obama administration...what should have been done instead?
He delayed Shia muslims in acquiring nuclear weapon instead of completely banning them from having any kind of nuclear research at all.

Shia believe that Mahdi will come when there are apocalyptic conditions on earth(other muslims believe that he'll come when it's time) which leads to conclusion that you can speed it up by creating that apocalyptic conditions.

Iran is theocratic state, the state religion is Shia Islam.

Great job Obama.

North American Aborigines didn't put up much of fight.

>He delayed Shia muslims in acquiring nuclear weapon instead of completely banning them from having any kind of nuclear research at all.

I know nothing about the situation. Sanctions and embargoes? Coalition Invasion Part Duex: Arabian Boogaloo?

>not blond
they didn't even try

Sorry, I a word.

>I know nothing about the situation. What should have been done?

Sanctions until they dismantle the programme completely. Iran got into very bad shape because of the sanctions while the rest of the world didn't lose much, in fact Saudis in their Wahhabi butthurt released some of their own oil reserves to make the price drop and fuck them up even further.

Invasion is no-no because American Army is in no shape to fight any war since like late 80's, they've didn't even reached their operational goals during the first gulf war(that is - taking over Baghdad and destroying the Republican Guard).

sounds hot

By commiting the biggest genocide on the history of mankind.


1. We live all the way on the other side of the world, so it'd take a while after taking over to get over here to tell us to stop
2. The people who were already here were pretty much woefully underprepared to keep us from taking their land
3. We did have to buy a lot of it, but it was so cheap, it was a bargain
4. It's not that sweet, a big portion of it is desert

Manifest destiny, boi.

2009-2015 oil was fucking expensive senpai. And Obama did his best to slow our production down.

You seem to forget what Obama said of Skittles and Brown.

Syria. Libya. Ukraine. Iraq. Once again Afghanistan. And now the SCS.

>2009-2015 oil was fucking expensive senpai
Why do you lie? Gas got way cheaper since 2014

Sirloin is a very valuable commodity.

>Nah, not gonna miss the shitter a bit. Trump'll be a good long moment of relief from that hell.
>mfw /pol/tards think Trump has a chance of winning

His odds are about the same as Sanders. If you think the oligarchs will tolerate an outsider to the system and won't play ball or toe the line then you're delusional. Hillary will win and it'll be another four years of shitty foreign policies and poor economic reforms that will continue to ass fuck the middle and lower class just like her husband did.

You don't know jack about Iran. The Iranians starting their nuclear program was a consequence of Bush's foreign policy. The Iranians before that had an extremely pragmatic foreign policy and they had a fruitful cooperative relationship with the US in the region but then comes Bush with his fucking retarded "Axis of Evil" speech which made the Iranians nervous and pushed them towards developing nuclear weapons.

It peaked in July 2014 but sweet crude and gasoline (what Americans purchase) remained high until November 2014 when OPEC started its marker share policy.

Cheap oil anywhere near 2000-2007 levels did not come back until early 2015.

>You don't know jack about Iran. The Iranians starting their nuclear program was a consequence of Bush's foreign policy. The Iranians before that had an extremely pragmatic foreign policy and they had a fruitful cooperative relationship with the US in the region but then comes Bush with his fucking retarded "Axis of Evil" speech which made the Iranians nervous and pushed them towards developing nuclear weapons.

Looks like you are the one who does not "know jack about Iran".

Pay attention to the dates here
>In 1981, Iranian officials concluded that the country's nuclear development should continue. Negotiations took place with France in the late 1980s and with Argentina in the early 1990s, and agreements were reached. In the 1990s, Russia formed a joint research organization with Iran, providing Iran with Russian nuclear experts and technical information.
>In November 2011, the IAEA reported credible evidence that Iran had been conducting experiments aimed at designing a nuclear bomb until 2003, and that research may have continued on a smaller scale after that time.[10][11]

So why did they stop after Bush's invasion of Iraq?

That's injun talk

he's welcoming the visit of a neighboring allied head of state. I'm sorry you're surrounded by bitter enemies who'd kill you over a sports joke.

>In 1981, Iranian officials concluded that the country's nuclear development should continue. Negotiations took place with France in the late 1980s and with Argentina in the early 1990s, and agreements were reached. In the 1990s, Russia formed a joint research organization with Iran, providing Iran with Russian nuclear experts and technical information.

And yet no one cared, why? Because Iran was a valued Western asset in the region, they developed it on and off but accelerated the project after Bush's threats.

>So why did they stop after Bush's invasion of Iraq?

They didn't your own source even states that they still continued it but on a smaller scale.

>His odds are about the same as Sanders.

Sanders isn't even sniffing the nomination.

No one on Earth to stop us.

then why Belarus isn't Nicaragua tier, they don't have oil or gas

The "Bela" in its name is a hint why they're better than Russia.

Neither will Trump, popular support is irrelevant. Any serious contender requires support of the oligarchs

If he gets 1237 delegates there's nothing the establishment can do.

>but accelerated the project after Bush's threats.

Why do you make up shit??

It literally says that they DECELERATED after the Iraq War started.

>They didn't your own source even states that they still continued it but on a smaller scale.

Are you fucking this illiterate??

Here's your post and you made this claim
>The Iranians starting their nuclear program was a consequence of Bush's foreign policy

They started it way before Bush. In 1981 to be exact.
Furthermore, they decelerated the program in 2002-2003 when Bush was going on about the Axis of Evil and then the invasion of Iraq.
If it was Bush's foreign policy that started the program (it started in 1981, then why does all evidence show that the program AT LEAST decelerated by 2003?

You have been thoroughly BTFO and need to go and accept it.

Trump literally has the most delegates though and if he gets 1237 delegates, which is very possible, then he automatically becomes the nominee

Are you fucking retarded?

The betting market doesn't even give Sanders a chance any more. Trump has 25%.

Nice Meme! Nice edgy reddit tier belief in the oligarchy m8!

>this cuck probably believes America is meritocratic

And I'm not even the guy you're replying to

Should he actually win the nomination no fucking way he can win against Hillary.

>Implying that it isn't true
>Implying that civic spirit hasn't evaporated in America and there are no longer citizens but subjects.

> horrid foreign policy
Howso? You want boots on the ground in syria? Want the iraq war back?
> jobs getting thrown out the window
unemployment has been consistently trending down. Is at 5% which is below 2007
> half assed welfare
thank congress for gutting obama care
> flared up racial tension
unlike mr build wall...
> debt
read a book you fucking idiot. The only constraint on deficit spending is inflation (which is low) and political will

I love how the argument went from "he's a joke, nobody will vote for him" through "he will never get the nomination" to "no way he can beat Hillary".

The first set of words are yours, the other two stand.

Do you really want to know why the Republican leadership hates Trump and the media bashes him? It's not because he's inexperienced or that he says racist shit, it's because he represents a return to American isolationism which would weaken America's political and economic power around the globe.

My point is that if he gets enough delegates, it's utterly irrelevant whether the Republican establishment hates him. It won't matter.


Nobody cares. He's been bombarded by the media for almost the last 12 months. They tried everything (tax cheat, womanizer, racist, goof with a combover, immigrant wife, grandfather with a funny surname, hypocrite, retard, misogynist, Putin's agent, bankruptcies etc). Nothing worked and nothing will.

>Nothing worked and nothing will.
>being this delusional

We'll see come the election

>Cheap oil anywhere near 2000-2007 levels did not come back until early 2015.
Where do you live? In Northern VA it got cheapest sometime last year at 1.45 a gallon

Nice moving goalposts

Unemployment was a little lower in late 2007

Last year was 2015 my brain dead friend

>Howso? You want boots on the ground in syria? Want the iraq war back?

You act like we can only either have boots on the ground or funding outright terrorists. Well there's an alternative to both and it's not getting ourselves involved in places we shouldn't be. Just look at what happened to Libya. Look at the total collapse of what stability was left in Iraq during the Obama presidency. We're tearing countries apart for short term goals and leaving them in disasters.

>unemployment has been consistently trending down. Is at 5% which is below 2007
In lower end jobs though. Obama let the real paying jobs go overseas and the average income in the US steadily decreased over his presidency as a result

>unlike mr build wall...
He's basically the only candidate who's not trying to push identity poltiics.

My fault. 2 years ago


>In lower end jobs though. Obama let the real paying jobs go overseas and the average income in the US steadily decreased over his presidency as a result

Obama can't stop companies from pursuing their own bottom line. no president can.

>In lower end jobs though. Obama let the real paying jobs go overseas and the average income in the US steadily decreased over his presidency as a result

Wasn't Obama's fault neither was it Bush. You can blame that shit on Clinton and is fucking free trade bullshit.

It was out Manifest Destiny forged by the blood of dead Injuns

What are trade barriers

You're right, Obama is such a vehement critic of free trade....oh wait
Obama is a neoliberal the same as Clinton

Never expected to see that here.

Injuns didn't

I'm talking abut the current economic state now which is Clinton's doing. We've yet to see the effects of the TPP but most likely it'll majorly ass fuck the American public just like NAFTA did.

You mean other than several states worth of the best arable land in the world that alone can feed the whole country of 300+ millions with plenty spare left over? Yeah that shit all sucks.

That's exactly my point. NAFTA is the same as the TPP. NAFTA was pushed by Clinton, TPP is pushed by Obama. They're both neoliberals who push 'free' trade agreements that screw over Americans.

I love foreigner user. You're a decent guy.

what's more surprising is canada. didn't have to fight for any of it after they beat the french. didn't even have to pay anybody for any land.