Was Winston Churchill a freedom living war hero that fought for freedom or a racist that fought for white imperialism?
Was Winston Churchill a freedom living war hero that fought for freedom or a racist that fought for white imperialism?
*anglo imperialism which the Jews were profiting from
Well the white race is being destroyed because of Churchill and his allies, so I'd say he's:
a genocidal dying war criminal that fought for genocide and a masonist that fought for Zionist imperialism.
Can't he be both?
Before anything at all he wasn't a man who would say no to tapping dat ass and God bless that man for that.
White imperialism? What the fuck? Are you on crack? He fought for British Imperialism, aye but he fought against German imperialism (also white).
He was fight for dat booty
>a genocidal dying war criminal that fought for genocide and a masonist that fought for Zionist imperialism.
>fat in a time when you had to be uber-lazy and gluttonous to be fat
>got his war correspondent job due to connections
>told tall tales
>got into politics using connections
>switched political party four times because he was unelectable
>Got put in charge of Admiralty due to connections
>Fucked up everything he touched due to impulsiveness and lack of foresight
>Gallipoli was the crown jewel of his incompetence
>Got demoted
>Laid low long enough for people to forget about how much he sucks
>Came back to be put in charge of finance due to his connections
>Ignores Keynes and fucks up the switch from the gold standard so bad it causes economic turmoil
>Had to lay low again for a decade
>Went broke multiple times due to his outrageous spending habits that million dollar handouts from businessmen couldn't keep up with
>bought by big business as a politician
>WWII hits and the British government is so shitty that this guy is the best they have.
>Made a few speeches, remembered as a great man
such horrifying individuals, starting and fueling WW2.
source on these semen demons?
It'll be said over and over, but whatever he fought for, he was a bloated drunk first and foremost
This. He was a largely incompetent drunk that finagled his way to PM
can i save this picture?
not him but I think should show some restraint and not save it.
too late
I actually hate weeboos and neo-fagans lmao.
I'm also just simply politically aware.
This desu, what other use is it for but to create a strawman.
its fun to bait /pol/
go to bed /pol/tard
darned you green frog boy
>the white race is being destroyed
That's the white race's fault then