Why are the mongols so based, Veeky Forums?

why are the mongols so based, Veeky Forums?

>tfw I'll never be born in the saddle
>tfw I'll never ride the plains of the steppes
>tfw I'll never meet my qt oneitis
>tfw she'll never be my top advisor
>tfw I'll never unite the warring tribes under one banner
>tfw I'll never erupt from the womb of nations and pacify the world with steel and blood

anyone else know this feel?

Other urls found in this thread:


they did some pretty impressive military shit for sure, but i would never want to be born into mongolian """culture"""

>Wanting another man's sloppy seconds
>Raising his cuck child as your firstborn

Mongolian culture a shit.

tbf it's not like the kidnapper didn't get his sloppy seconds first

the fact that the mongols used total war with no end to killing ppl and wouldn't stop at anything to conquer things brings them down a notch in my book. Plus not really having a sustainable empire or bringing any culture or invention.

>but i would never want to be born into mongolian """culture"""
why not?


I wanna throat sing

>anyone else know this feel?

sometimes, but then I just go eat lunch at Mongolian Barbecue and it goes away

>wanting to be a Mongolian
As subhuman as anyone can be.

t. sedentary subhuman

Fun fact: women are not allowed to throat sing.


>mfw my ancestor's fight in khans army.

It is because they all rode horses, so their hordes could travel at the speed of a horse. This is unlike the armies they encountered from settled civilisations; they were not wholly horsed, so they could only mobilise at the speed of their infantry.

The problem is they were not super-impressive warriors or strategists. They were lucky to be born in a lifestyle that gave them a significant advantage. For example:

>Entire nation on horseback, allowing for very quick army mobility, encircling, etc
>Did not grow food, making them independent of land, and could fight all year round, whereas land-based societies had to man up efforts for harvests etc.
>No feudal system because of the above, so everyone fought in the army, and they could be extremely large. European powers only had knights fight. (On horseback at least).
>No code of honour because no feudalism, so found no problem in tactical retreating that gave them benefit in an overall strategy.
>Cultural use of arrows for hunting etc. made them able to fight long range.

That's why they suddenly exploded in the 1200's when the whole tribes were united. You can see they resemble modern military tactics (fast moving, tactical retreats, long-range.). They were born with that advantage, and did not invent it out of pure genius. That also explains why they are so behind in terms of development.

t. Turkmen roach

Dude, Genghis Khan, Jebe, or Subutai would all easily be on the list of Top 10 generals throughout history. The Mongols had some natural advantages, yes, but you make it seem as though any society would naturally be drawn to exploit the benefits of tactical retreats or harassment as the Mongols did.

Also, you make it seem as though Chivalry was a complete product of feudalism, instead of a code of practice introduced by the Clergy and Nobility to reinforce feudalism.

And re-focusing it here, you could make your initial argument about anyone or anything.
>Alexander the Great was just lucky to be born in to a lifestyle that gave him a significant advantage.
>Napoleon was lucky to be raised in a branch of the army that gave him a significant advantage.
>Sun Tzu was lucky to be born with the ability to see things from a different perspective that gave him a significant advantage.
Your argument is bad.

I'm not arguing about the quality of the leader. (Some) of these were indeed good, but the Mongol empire was strong with and without them because they had enough people to form a formidable, mobile horde.

And yes, I am arguing that all societies are the product of their climates. Chivalry is a product of feudalism, as you yourself proved, because it was made for feudalism. All societies would do what the mongols did if they lived in Mongolia.

Mongol Empire was, therefore, fairly pleb-tier, compared to the others you mentionned.

>Chivalry is a product of feudalism

>actually thinking this

You're not arguing about the quality of the leaders, yet you say they had no super-impressive warriors or strategists, when in fact they had generals capable of defeating forces multiple times their size without only a scouting contingent. [Citation: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Kalka_River]

You are unable to say that "all societies would do what did if they lived in ," as the society is based around the climate, and juxtaposing the Roman Empire inside of Mongolia no longer makes them the Roman Empire, but instead makes them Mongols.

And the Mongols being a product of their land is only more impressive, considering they come from some of the most impoverished land in history, to, using tactics and skills not seen again until modern times, to conquer a good quarter of the planet.

You seem to be making an argument that anyone could've done what the Mongols did under the same circumstances with the same provisions, which is true in the same way that if I too had a team of several thousand scientists and engineers, an advanced degree in rocket science, and an unlimited budget I could be the first to make a rocket and go to the moon.

Actually you are wrong, without a strong Khan at the helm, the Mongols "Empire" collapsed and fragmented very quickly.

Also mongolian tactics were not simply natural advantages of riding horses since birth in a nomadic community, though that was a part of it. The mongolian tactics and strategies were so good because they were constantly at war, with either each other or the best military of the era (China).

I love feudal European armies as much as the next nerd, but they weren't actually very effective in battle.

What's everyone's favorite subdivision of the Mongol Empire? I've always been partial to the Golden Horde. Especially under Batu and Berke. Those 2 were probably the greatest Khans of the Golden Horde and were loyal as fuck to the Great Khan.

>Be me Vietnamese
>Last name is Truong
>Truong is the Vietnamese version of the Chinese surname Zhang
>My ancestors could've met Mongols
>Said ancestors could've breeded with Mongols
>I have small as fuck eyes for a Vietnamese
>Pale skin
>Kind of edgy, bloodlust and like military stuff

I think I have some Mongol blood in me. I can imagine in one of my past lives I served under Genghis Khan's army or maybe fought against Kublai's with Tran Hung Dao.



>My ancestors could've met Mongols
>My ancestors were raped by Mongols

>tfw I'll never erupt from the womb of nations and pacify the world with steel and blood
Oh is that what it's called when a bunch of illiterate horsefucking dipshits launch a campaign of destruction and mass murder that kills millions upon millions of people and sets back urban civilization in eastern eurasia for centuries?

your ancestors would have racemixed a lot in those 100s of years, more likely your grandfather was some scoundrel who fled from northern china and made up a story about his origins, probably some kind of lumpenprole like a petty thief or a hustler

t. russian nationalist / mongol rape babu

Iranian here. Fuck the Mongols.

t. my great great great great great great great great great great (insert requisite number of greats here) grandmother was most likely raped by a Finnish warrior

Remember all the bullshit that happened in Persia with the Mongols is due to Turkic rulers being fucking retards.

t. edgy teenage dipshit pretending to be tough and awesome on the internet by siding with a band of murderous savages responsible for the destruction of entire nations.

I can do this too you faggot.

t. triggered slav

>Baron Roman Nikolai Maximilian von Ungern-Sternberg (Russian: Бapoн Póбepт-Hи́кoлaй-Maкcими́лиaн Poмáн Фёдopoвич фoн У́нгepн-Штépнбepг)[1][2] (December 29, 1885 NS – September 15, 1921) was an anti-Bolshevik lieutenant general in the Russian Civil War and then an independent warlord whose Asiatic Cavalry Division wrested control of Mongolia from the occupation of Mongolia by the Republic of China in 1921. He was often referred to as Baron Ungern, or simply Ungern.

>During the Russian Civil War, Ungern's attraction to Vajrayana Buddhism and his eccentric, often violent treatment of enemies and his own men, earned him the sobriquet "the Mad Baron". He was also an arch conservative pan-monarchist who aspired to restore the Russian monarchy under Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia and to revive the Mongol Empire under the rule of the Bogd Khan. During his five-month occupation of Outer Mongolia, Ungern imposed order on the capital city, Ikh Khüree, through fear, intimidation, and brutal violence against his opponents, particularly Bolshevik supporters.

>In June 1921 he went on to invade South Siberia, in support of anti-Bolshevik rebellions and to head off a Red Army-Mongolian partisan invasion, and this action led to his defeat and capture two months later. He was taken prisoner by the Red Army and a month later was put on trial for counterrevolution in Novonikolaevsk. After a six-hour show trial, he was found guilty, and on September 15, 1921 he was executed.

Fuck Commies man.

Remember a small band of Japs using broken swords literally blew the fuck out of Mongol warriors in hand ot hand combat.

why are you so triggered, m8?

1 jap = 100000 slavs

Triggered by what? The Japanese samurai that boarded Mongol ships literally had their swords (still straight swords styled off their Chinese predecessors at this point in time) break or get caught in the wooden planks of Mongol ships and the Mongols still got wrecked even by unarmed Japanese in hand to hand combat.

Who would win in a fight: South Korea or Finland?





1 falling American=At least one Japanese city destroyed
