Did he do anything wrong other than piss off people who had more interest in controlling other states than their own by throwing out their policies?
Did he do anything wrong other than piss off people who had more interest in controlling other states than their own by...
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*Laughing in Helicopter*
As I get it people could just walk into a factory, occupy it and later get ownership of it because there was laws that confiscated factories if they weren't in function for to long and that the state wouldn't do anything about the occupiers.
Which of course fucked the right of private ownership in the ass.
Which would have promoted industrializarion if it weren't have been for...
That is just a lie.
Worst president ever
>It's another "let's blame communism's failures on X scapegoat" episode.
He was aligning to the Soviet bloc rather than the American hegemony, which in hindsight would have been very very wrong.
I don't think Pinochet was evil, but he wasn't a mastermind genius dictator. He just happened to back the right geopolitical horse.
>it's another "capitalist American puppets and communist Soviet tools have a shouting match, again" episode
Allende goes to show that no matter how polite you are, and no matter how peacefully you come to power, capitalists will try to kill you.
A high GDP means nothing if the poor still suffer
Hyperinflation and shortages hurt everyone.
Shhhhhh. This is Veeky Forums, right-wing retardation is the meme we have all come to fall under.
Trotsky was a ferocious dictator, like Stalin.
To depict them as opposites is a false dichotomy.
Trotsky was actually more willing to fuck up things for the rest of the world while Stalin was kind of okay with fucking over just his own country.
>ferocious dictator
You say that like it's a bad thing
He trusted Pinochet, the asassin backed by the US embassy in Chile.
>but Stalin killed more hurr durr
"Operation Condor" left no clues as how many people were incarcerated, killed, raped, etc.
>Pinochet good guy, Pinochet economy, Allende bad durr
Allende suffered sabotage of the railways and almost all resources and food distribution (any resemblance to a current country are not mere coincidence).
Allende almost had it working one of the best socialist projects the world could've seen, Project Cybersyn.
Pinochet was a bigot who died without answering for his crimes, who let a small amount of rich people have power over the whole country and people call this "economical growth".
I know JTRIG and Earnest Voice are working hard on the internet, but lying fuckers piss over too many people too many times by lies and twisted facts.
Operation Condor wasn't only on Chile btw
Guess who eats the most shit if the economy stagnates?
Guess who still eat shit in a capitalist economy?
Penguin history right? Great survey book.