>thousand year Reich
Thousand year Reich
>Roman empire
>-500 BC to 500 AD
>Byzantime Empire
>500 AD to 1500 AD
>Holy Roman Empire
>900 AD to 1900 AD
Makes u think...
i want to punch you even though this is bait
Sorry, HRE was 800 AD to 1800 AD
the roman empire didnt begin in 500bc you decrepit mungtrumpet
>Roman state
>500 BC to 500 AD
>Byzantine state
>500 AD to 1500 AD
>Holy Roman state
>800 AD to 1800 AD
>implying states existed before the 18th century
i fucking hate this meme.
is this supposed to be bait?
nation states in terms of liberals using centralization to build up big government is far from the first instance of sovereign states existing.
Feel free to share some examples
>thousand years reich
>Holy Roman Empire
>1900 AD
Emporer was indeed crowned by the Pope.
The Byzantines recognised them as Roman
Dictionary definition; an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state.
I'm sick of this
>The Byzantines recognized them as Roman
Because a bunch of dirty Greeks have the final say on whose Roman right?
Greeks or not, they were the heirs of the Roman Empire.
Of course they were.
Go and drink some soup Stelios.
>The Byzantines recognised them as Roman
I'm Australian, not Greek.
>I'm Australian
Well that explains everything.
I saw that from a poster on here, can't bring up sauce.
But didn't Otto marry a Byzantine?
More so than a random neckbeard on a chinese cartoon forum right?
It really doesn't.
>ctrl+f "Holy Roman Emperor"
>6 results