You are about to be executed by a tyrannical despot, who in his infinite mercy has allowed you to decide the method of execution. If you say "natural causes" or "old age" you get roasted alive in the bronze bull. What do you choose?
You are about to be executed by a tyrannical despot...
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Beheading or drowning are generally considered the easiest ways to go senpai
That or getting tossed off a huge sheer cliff. You'd die pretty much instantly and the adrenaline rush would be pretty cool
The guillotine of course.
Greatest execution method ever. A good way to die
You could also land on your legs/ass and die horribly.
Death by snu snu
Get piss-drunk at a banquet and pass out in the middle of the most beautiful women in the country, then I'll die of intoxication or choke on my own vomit in my sleep, or he could behead me, whatever.
You ever jump off a large cliff into water? It's pretty uncomfortable. Your stomach drops and you often lose your breath the entire way down. I wouldn't want to die that way. Would rather take my last breath of fresh air peacefully.
If it's high enough wouldn't the force cause your body to basically explode on impact no matter where you landed?
Not sure desu. Don't know much about physics
Chased off a cliff by a mob of naked women
Why would you run away from naked women?
he was referencing to this.
I want to sit on a barrel of gunpowder as it goes off, should be an instant death.
Sentenced to free meals for life.
Sentence me to die in battle.
He would imprison me of course for quite a while, and when the time comes he sends me into the enemy charging into them by myself alone.
It could go either I getting killed or captured.
If I get captured and try to get out by saying what happened they might not believe so I could probably die.
There's a very small chance that I could live, but a small chance is quite enough.
That reminds me of this really Alpha means of execution that the Aztecs used for some of their prisoners. They would tie the prisoner's foot to a stake in the ground so he can't go very far, give him a weapon, and then send in their elite warriors in turn, to fight him 1v1. Even if he defeated the warriors they would keep coming one by one until finally the prisoner was slain. But the cool thing was that they gave him the chance to fight back.
Swiftly flayed from head to foot and tossed into a giant urn of lemonade that was made with salt instead of sugar.
I want to be blown up along with the planet on a death-star like device.
Supposedly it killed people so fast that for a few seconds they were still alive and aware. Perhaps unintentionally the most horrific form of capital punishment ever.
to expire laughing myself to death, natch
jump off an extremely tall cliff or building.
if nothing tall enough for my liking is nearby enough for the execution to be carried out, then beheading with guillotine.
A famous Greek stoic laughed himself to death while drunk and watching his donkey try to eat figs.
To be smothered by god tier TITS.
heroin overdose maybe?
if he was extrememly accomdating then you could say "heroin overdose while having your dick sucked by 3 of the most beautiful women in the country"
or "being allowed to cum inside as many women as I can until I die of starvation"
but assuming he only allows somewhat sesible methods of dying then opium/heroin overdose
>people were killed so fast they stayed alive
Firing squad, unblindfolded, while sstanding
I don't understand why it is not used in the United States
You're joking right? Probably because people are alive for even seconds after their heads are off. Or because we value things like death ceremonies and when a person's head is chopped off it ruins those things greatly.
Isn't drowning uncomfy as fuck? The whole water in lungs thing
"Just fuck my shit up familia"
Single combat vs the despot. Unless he a bitch!
Hanging or guillotine
I was looking for this.
Heroin overdose
That's some serious self loathing there user
Me too. I was wondering how it would be in practice.
Certainly skin would chaffe and bones might break after enough pressure
The penis would have to be made hard enough to sustain several rounds of intercourse
I'll second this
Dying from being passed out and either choking on your vomit or your lungs simply stopping, after having the orgasmic opiod high, seems like a good way to go.
Ask his strongest fighter to combat me in a single duel. I will most likely die but atleast I won't die a coward.
CO2 Poisoning while I sleep familia.
In a sealed room with candles and a warm bed.
Gladius through the shoulder down into the heart, in the royal court. Thanks.
No gladius? Give me a pair of cestus and throw me into the arena.
>easiest way to go
You serious, bruv? There's a reason why they say drowning is one of the worst ways to die.
>Death by alimony
turns out the barrel was only 1/3 full and the gunpowder was really just blackpowder. The force was still strong enough to blow your twig and berries off, and drive splinters through your legs, anus and so on. You now live out the rest of your life as a eunuch, in a wheelchair, and are forced to wear a diaper.
That anyone (i.e. their head) survived after guillotining is an old myth, but completely unfounded (save for one famous anecdote that is certainly untrue). The force of the blade on your neck is enough to make you pass out, and this is aided by the fact that milliseconds later it's going clean through your neck, where massive and sudden drop in blood pressure and blood loss will definitely finish you off.
Yes. You'd pass out fairly quickly (10-15 seconds), but you will panic the entire way as your instinct to breath and when you can't get any, your flight response to gasp and take deeper breaths only makes it physically worse. That's just the auto-response, your conscious mind will also be freaking the fuck out and struggling desperately to find a way out.
Sweet dreams, guys.
I can literally hold out my breath until I pass out, could do that underwater no problem, just don't take a huge swoop of air and then try to fight it and breathe in water
Endless duel. Defeat opponents until loss.
Beheading, preferably via guillotine. I just need to be sure the blade is sharp and the delivery is firm.
Alternatively, death via orgy with big-breasted, heavyset women. Smothering, hopefully, not crushing. Perhaps a lethal dose of opiates would help things along. All things said, I think the latter act (heroin-orgy), proceeded by beheading, would make for one continuous act of execution.
Death by sex with a harem of hot girls.
Die of a heart attack.
Firing squad. Since they yell "FIRE" before the act, you can be mentally prepared for the exact moment when your quick and relatively painless death begins.
catching aids from a train of good looking trannies
death by long and joyful life. I didn't say either of the banned phrases.
This user knows whats is what. It is painless and peaceful death.
A free helicopter ride
naked girl avalanche
Heart Disease
Morphine overdose.
Suicide. That way it's on my terms when I want, and I can use it to die of old age.
Death by being his male sex slave.
Or death by his hand.
By activating an atomic bomb near him and his kingdom, if I'm going down he is going down with me
Breathing pure oxygen until my body shuts down.
Pretty sure that would be a first.
>we value things like death ceremonies and when a person's head is chopped off it ruins those things greatly.
you mean the exact opposite of this, right?
I'd want to overdose on LSD. Surely, bodily death after or during ego death would be a unique experience, plus it hasn't happened to anyone before.
Also, that much LSD would be ludicrously expensive, so at least I'd be going out like a baller.
>overdose on LSD
pretty choice. You could have them administer the lethal dose over a period of 24 hours, increasing over time until the break point.
Wasn't that in rome
Sex-induced exhaustion
a fatal heart attack from eating too much rich and fatty foods
You can't pass out by holding your breath. Have you ever tried it? If you want to pass out manually you have to do the whole thing where you hyperventilate between your legs and then shoot up.
I wish I was a seaturtle so I could breathe outta my anus.
You can be whatever you want user.
>Falling from cliff
>Easy ways to die
More like terrifying. Beheading is definitely the way to go, if done with a sharp blade and enough force it is instantaneous. It horrifies me to watch videos of Islamic State executioners using small and dull blades to slowly saw off a captive's head. The guillotine really is the best way to behead someone too.
Lube up that tight anus, user.
I can imagine that the brain works for a few seconds after the beheading.
Must be a sensational feeling to lose most of your body and only exist as a small ball.
Burning at the stake while saying my last words. I always liked fire in the cleansing all away form. Plus it's something that sticks with the people who watched you die.
strangle me with the intestines of the despot
Slow OD on painkillers, or snu-snu
But what if the prisoner who was getting executed was the greatest warrior to have ever lived? What if he would win at every attempt to execute him, until there was no one else to even come close to matching his abilities?
Would the remaining population just use another method?
Are you like stupid or something, do you not see George Washington right there using it??
Yeah, that's what others in this thread have been saying. Those few seconds of consciousness would be an incredibly bizzare set of final moments before you died.
Suicide bag
I would probably go out like a warrior, fighting to the death,the pain is overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure of dying like a man.
Beaten to death by a bunch of Japanese schoolgirls
A firing squad to stare down, of course.
Me the martyr.
You think too little
Even a male has two holes.
and with blades you can make more.
Heroin overdose is the obvious answer.
I obviously choose to challenge the emperor to a trial by combat
I choose to lead the Forlorn Hope or some other dangerous unit. Glory and the honor of being first into the breach will be mine even in death.
Superman only exists in fiction.
the correct answer is hypothermia
you basically lose feeling, go numb, get warm, and pass out
I would tell him that I am already dead.
Good luck beating him and his Sanctified Blade of the Winter Spirit or whatever while he permits you to have nothing but bare hands
>Implying supreme leaders knew how to fight or had any experience whatsoever
>implying you do
>implying he wouldn't cover himself in armor and utilize multiple state-of-the-art weapons while you were left literally naked and bare-handed
Let me at least believe that I can win, don't demoralize me from the stadium in the middle of my momentum.
Actually it was him watching a drunk donkey eat figs rather than him being drunk