Show us your historical dioramas/models Veeky Forums
Show us your historical dioramas/models Veeky Forums
Models = toys
Okay then.
>being a wehraboo
I made Waterloo too.
>being an eternal angloboo
>tiger 2
that's not proper historrrreeeeeeee
>I made Waterloo
buenos dias mr worker at a military model museum in spain
Just found a King Tiger model i bought years ago but never made or painted, so now you've given me motivation.
Just need to decide on a setting to put it in.
>Tiger B
>Most soldiers with marching boots
Veeky Forums will probably have more appreciation for this, even thought its not a game
>Tiger II
>in 1943
OP, I guess you'd be better off in /toy/ or Veeky Forums, not because models/dioramas don't relate to Veeky Forums, but rather would be more appreciated in the boards mentioned.
>Tiger II in 1943
>Tank crew with Mausers instead of MP
Go back to /toy/s.
You've made him proud
Why would you go to all the trouble of the diorama and still fuck up some of the most basic things?
>Tiger II
Veeky Forums stop being such fags thats a pretty cool model thanks for sharing OP
that is a magnificently well worked and executed piece of trollbait. if the reaction on this board is any measure, i would love to be present when/if the maker shows this off at modelling conventions, on forums or in magazines.
I have recently discovered how much I like cold war soviet tech.
Can't wait to get out of the UK to get that modelcollect T-80U.
Gotta say I like the Waterloo scene better. The tank and the landscape are pretty good looking but the Germans are a little lacking.
That's pretty cool, do you have any others?