Which do you prefer?
Which do you prefer?
Every copy of this chart should be erased and every hard drive or server it was stored on needs to be cleansed with sulfuric acid.
Having said that, De Maistre is the coolest.
Both. They all raise interesting points.
I like all of them
This, and also gas all the autists so it doesn't happen again.
Why is Nietzsche on the right? Wasn't his whole point to transcend such petty paradigms and become neither master nor slave?
I think the division is supposed to be Egalitarian - Elitist. Nietzsche would most certainly hate being grouped with Plato.
Ditto Evola and fucking PLATO and JESUS.
who is "Land" or "Moldbug" even lol
How come the last 4 ones are total memeshit tier?
Because you don't like them.
>then Moldbug and Land
Mencius Moldbug (pseudonym) is a alt-right blogger who is one of the main writers of the neo-reaction
I don't like them because they're shit.
cool dudes: Jesus, Locke, Foucault, Plato, Nietzche, Heidegger
shit-tier: Marx, Adorno, Chomsky, Zizek, Moldbug, Land
don't le give a fuk :DD: de Maistre, Evola
You don't like them because they're still alive.
Then go ahead and offer a comprehensive critique of their philosophy.
I wish they weren't alive if that's any consolation.
Brandolini's law. Not worth it.
Figures Nrx shitters would assign themselves so much importance.
I wouldn't put bloggers on a list with Nietzsche or Locke. If you want a right/fascist thinker, you have Giovanni Gentile for example.
Well, you sure showed them.
Molded bugs for me.
>Nietzche on the right
>Nietzsche vs Marx
It's not like a modern right wing thinker is going to be able to spread their ideas some other way.
>Jesus v Plato
I think you mean Jesus v Zoroaster.
>Jesus v Zoroaster
What's so opposing about them?
Jesus, Adorno and Chomsky please get the FUCK out of our team. Freddy and Martin grab a beer and join us.
>Semite vs Aryan
Kinda funny pic considering that when Foucault published his first major work in 1966 "post modernism" wasn't yet a thing.
Write a book? Like all philosophers have done?
A column or a blog post is too short for proper philosophy.
Well, here are his "Open Letters", a series of blog posts. They add up to a 307 pages PDF.
But who would publish something like this? Blogging actually gets more awareness.
Adorno and Foucault were pretty influenced by Nietzsche and Heidegger. Both were more important to the left theories than from the right.
Heidegger himself, if you ignore his past with nazism, was like a proto-hippie person.
Friendly reminder that if a political school of thought uses the prefixes "dark", "neo", "new", "trans", or "deep" in its name, it's most likely a meme label that should not be taken seriously.
Add "post" to the list.
So much this. A good portion of the supposed "neo" ideologies are just Marxist buzzwords (neonazism, neoliberalism, neofascism, neoyourmom). To actually be so fedoracore you apply the "neo" moniker to YOUR ideology is cringe central.
He has written over a million words on his blog. Longer than almost any book written.
>OP pic presents moldbug is the right's answer to chomsky
it would be really sad if he were, jesus christ
Neoreaction wasn't termed by neoreactionaries, though.
Whoah, whoah, whoah. Are you implying Chomsky is a better philosopher than Moldbug?
But they happily adopted the term.
Well honestly Chomsky is such unadultered dogshit that even an autistic memer like Moldbug is probably the better thinker.
fooly cooly
dont care for either
dont care for either
ur gay
>de Maistre
Everything else is shit.
Also reminder
[spoiler]NRx is are a bunch of trotskyite entryists[/spoiler]
It's still not the same. A compendium of blog posts can't compete with years worth of thinking and getting your ideas into book form.
Kant spent 10+ years for his critique of pure reason. When you put stuff in a book, it has to have a beginning and an end and cohere. It's much more difficult than writing blog posts.
>But who would publish something like this? Blogging actually gets more awareness.
It gets more awareness, but not from academia.
foucault is a cool guy and you're in denial. you know it. what of his major works have you read? (none)
how is N not on ur lisT? man u blow
This Ma nSpeaks The Truth
Do you seriously think academia is ever going to pay attention to this sort of stuff? You really should read Moldbug if you don't see how ridiculous that sounds.
Foucault is degenerate marx worshipping marquis de sade cultist.
And you can blow my dick you piece of shit.
Yeah that was cute, we're all in tears. Now back to /mlp/
Nick Land, at least, is academically recognized and actually wrote some books.
He's even more of a meme philosopher than Zizek though.
>I would be a world-historical philosopher if it wasn't for the liberal conspiracy in academics!
Sure thing, Curtis.
Contrary to popular(?) belief, everything from reactionary political treatises to fascist thinkers to current tends in neonazi, jihadist and national-populist pamphlets and conspiracy theories gets some attention in academia.
Yes. If it's well argued, and is good philosophy it would.
I read some of the first article in the pdf some user posted. And it's just what i thought, a blog post, a commentary, not deeply or well thought out piece. It's bad philosophy.
Carl Schmitt for example, was the theorist of nazism; he was in academia and received ton of attention.
Little from Column A, and a little from Column B:
Gimme Plato, Locke, Nietzsche, Evola, Foucault, Zizek, and Land.
NRx bloggers aren't interested in writing good theory even if they could, they're entirely focused on winning the signaling war and cultivating their networks.
I think I just got stage 12 cancer from seeing this chart. I died 8 stages ago.
Very insightful comment user
Negative attention. It's nothing more than "look at these icky racists!" And in that case, neoreaction has caught the eye of academia.
Why do you care so much about academia? Do you really need an authority figure to tell you what's acceptable to read?
>Negative attention. It's nothing more than "look at these icky racists!"
I won't deny that much of it is negative attention, but you're clearly not reading any of the interesting works.
>neoreaction has caught the eye of academia.
Uh, no. A couple of academics have blogged about it, including Land. That's about it.
Didn't really expect to see anti-intellectualism on Veeky Forums.
A true intellectual doesn't parrot opinions. Are you joking right now?
With Jesus and Marx, the two most influential people ever lives.
Be careful or I'll tell your professor you've been posting on naughty websites.
Post-modernism has been a thing since modernism.
Virginia Woolf and other members of the Bloomsbury Group have touched on these ideas very early.
>Idea of an overman
>idea of making all classes/men equal
Why would the two go together?
> idea if new man who is strong enough to not be oppressed
> idea if new man who is strong enough to not be oppressed
Wow! They are like nothing alike.
In making everyone Übermensch.
The entire purpose of leftism is to make the "Last Man" lifestyle available for all.
Explain this lifestyle pls
"I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. I say unto you: you still have chaos in yourselves.
Alas, the time is coming when man will no longer give birth to a star. Alas, the time of the most despicable man is coming, he that is no longer able to despise himself. Behold, I show you the last man.
'What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?' thus asks the last man, and blinks.
The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His race is as ineradicable as the flea; the last man lives longest.
'We have invented happiness,'say the last men, and they blink. They have left the regions where it was hard to live, for one needs warmth. One still loves one's neighbor and rubs against him, for one needs warmth...
One still works, for work is a form of entertainment. But one is careful lest the entertainment be too harrowing. One no longer becomes poor or rich: both require too much exertion. Who still wants to rule? Who obey? Both require too much exertion.
No shepherd and one herd! Everybody wants the same, everybody is the same: whoever feels different goes voluntarily into a madhouse.
'Formerly, all the world was mad,' say the most refined, and they blink...
One has one's little pleasure for the day and one's little pleasure for the night: but one has a regard for health.
'We have invented happiness,' say the last men, and they blink."
Sounds a lot more like consumerist capitalism if you ask me.
A triumph of silver-platter mediocrity where even the illusion of advancing out of your poor status is no longer offered.
Seriously? Right must be even more retarded than I thought if they can't even find 8 thinkers.
shoutout to marx
My two favorites, side by side.
Here's cool Lenin.
>Mencius Moldbug
Actually is on a par with Chomsky intellectually
This is my image of what the average Veeky Forums poster looks like though
>comparing an insignificant blogger to Chomsky
Kek the alt-right really does like to believe it matters
Nietzsche hated socialists
They're both trash. And both are Jewish on top of that.
>greasy ponytail
>fragile, girly look
>Jew face
>nerd glasses
>dressed like an autist
That sums up nrx pretty good to be honest.
>Puts Foucault and Nietzsche on opposite sides.
>Puts Chomsky and Zizek in the same category.
>The two last guys on the Right nobody even knows.
I think it would be better to make three columns: Conservative, Liberal and Socialist.
>both trash
What? Chomsky's views on politics and economics are pretty sketch, but his contributions to linguistics have been pretty impressive. Moldbug on the other hand is an edgy memelord.
I'm pretty sure OP's pic refers to philosophy rather than linguistics.