Are foxes "domesticateable"? No?
Cuz Russians managed to domesticate them.
Jaredcucks btfo
Are foxes "domesticateable"? No?
Cuz Russians managed to domesticate them.
Jaredcucks btfo
I guess it's theoretically possible to achieve, by breeding those which are most tame and affectionate to humans for lots of generations.
But if you're really claiming they've domesticated foxes to a similar level as cats and dogs I'm going to need some proof.
Better question, why exactly would you want to domesticate a fox? They smell like piss and make everything around them smell like piss.
Oh wait, the piss bottles in your room probably have the same effect. Fuck off foxcuck.
>Better question, why exactly would you want to domesticate a fox?
This, they aren't pack animals like dogs, and if you have to feed them yourself, then they aren't as economical as a cat.
>theoretically possible
It was done.
They are like more cute and fluffy dogs.
Just look.
Domesticated ones from 1:55
There is a little reason to keep a dog or even a indoor cat especially in a city. Or any pet.
Other than companionship and feelings.
and cats aren't as economical as some kind of rodent
Unless you're domesticating the cats to reduce the local rodent population.
That gets me wondering though, how good mousers are foxes anyway?
Why do you say "especially?" Dogs are great for protection and can help herd sheep in the country
Why would you want to domesticate wolves?
>Jaredcucks btfo
I meant it more as an explanation of why they hadn't been domesticated previously. And I meant economical in terms of hunting rodents.
Are they domesticated or just tamed? there's a big difference.
I know farmers in Ireland who've tamed foxes, it isn't hard.
domesticated, they have changed physically from other foxes
Any animal that breeds in captivity is domesticable, but most things aren't practical to domesticate. Foxes are completely useless, so they were never domesticated. Elephants were useful but they were easier to tame from the wild than to breed and raise, so they were never domesticated.
Sure in rural areas they can be useful.
As in city as work dogs.
But as a pet there is little reason to keep them.
They behaviour and even looks changed.
The 'we had no domesticatable animals' meme is the funniest fucking shit I've ever seen.
Do people think the original wild cows, pigs, goats etc were just docile, stupid animals and humans just walked into the bush and put a collar on them? They were wild animals, the reason they are docile and domesticated today is because people selectively bred them to be like that.
Why does Veeky Forums keep pretending it understands animal behavior and biology?
>The 'we had no domesticatable animals' meme is the funniest fucking shit I've ever seen.
I don't think anyone has actually said that.
he is referring to one of jared diamonds reasons for why europeans became so dominant
In some ways there are parallels between domestication of foxes and evolution of humans, both seem to show neoteny.
Yes as I said
>I don't think anyone has actually said that.
Why would jared diamond say that when there obviously are domesticated species, he was asking questions about why certain species were and weren't domesticated.
>>I don't think anyone has actually said that.
people do infact say it though when trying to defend why subsaharan africa was also so far behind
cool. I want to get one.
Just fucking Google it.
Would it have been economically worthwhile, or feasible to domesticate zebra? Wolves were domesticated in historical times, foxes weren't, why? By the time horses were spread to Africa was it worthwhile to try to domesticate the zebra, which have a worse temperament, and aren't as helpful (difficulties with weight and riding).
how the FUCK do you become a foxcuck
Probably a furry t bh
Remember don't buy into the lies and propaganda of Tanukis.
>Would it have been economically worthwhile, or feasible to domesticate zebra?
Yep, It also would have been economically worthwhile and feasible to develop the wheel, but they didnt do that either.
No user, the generally accepted criteria for domesticability are that an animal;
1) is relatively easy to feed, preferably living off of things like grass (horses), scraps (dogs), or pests (cats)
2) develops fast enough that raising it is more economical than taming it from the wild (hence why elephants were never domesticated)
3) can be bred easily in captivity
4) are docile and calm enough that they can be kept by humans without being unmanagable.
That last point seems to be the one that you and a lot of others on Veeky Forums have a problem with. The fact is that animals all have very different temperaments and aren't just World of Warcraft monsters that attack you on sight.
Some animals, like zebras, are naturally skittish and extremely difficult to get any use out of. Others, like Asian Elephants, can be tamed relatively easily and live among humans without a problem (but like I said, they weren't domesticated for reason no. 2). Some animals like wolves might seem ferocious, but if raised from young can be completely loyal due to their nature as pack hunters. 'Docile' doesn't mean that you can just walk up to it and pick it up out of the wild (those kind of animals go extinct before they can be domesticated anyway). What it means is that an animal can be kept under control.
And finally, even if an animal is domesticable it's not going to be domesticated if it has no use. Hence why foxes are only being domesticated now as a novelty pet.
But every part of sub-Saharan Africa had cattle and plenty of them had horses. The real problem was tsetse flies which prevent them from being used as draught animals.
>Some animals, like zebras, are naturally skittish and extremely difficult to get any use out of.
They are literally horses you fucking idiot. Have you ever seen wild horses? They are skittish as fuck and notoriously difficult to tame.
Zebra have evolved alone side humans (as well as rhino etc) and probably have a deeper aversion to people, than species which have only had
>They are literally horses
No user, they're zebras. They're a different animal. Just like a chimpanzee isn't a human and a domestic cat isn't a lion. This is something you need to understand, user.
>Have you ever seen wild horses? They are skittish as fuck and notoriously difficult to tame.
The wild ancestor of domesticated horses went extinct thousands of years ago. If you've seen one, there's something wrong. The only wild horse existing today is Przewalski's horse, which is a different sub-species with a different temperament.
Another kind of wild horse, the tarpan, lived in the Eurasian steppes before going extinct in 1909. Like zebras, they proved to be undomesticable. w
That is what I mean, even domesticated horses which have become wild, like Brumbys, are extremely skittish and hard to tame, and they have been selectively bred not to be like that. Imagine how the original wild horses were.
>Wild Brumbies are used in Brumby training camps by organisations that promote positive interaction between troubled, high-risk youths. These camps usually last several weeks, allowing youths to train a wild Brumby to become a quiet, willing saddle horse while improving the youths’ self-esteem.
Yeah, they sure sound impossible to tame.
I dont think cats are very much domesticated. Wild cats and house cats arent much diffrent.
Cats are kind of unique in that they weren't domesticated by humans through intentional selective breeding like other animals. Instead they just started to live alongside us because we attract a lot of pests, and people kept them around because they kept pests away. Then over time we started to like them, or revere them, or burn them in bags, or whatever. But we never really domesticated them as a species, despite selectively breeding some breeds since the 20th century.
In short cats are free allies and were never subdued.
Elephants can smell and distinguish Masaai men vs other men.
Also all the Zebras that were calm and slow were eliminated quickly by whatever predator or human killed them pretty easily.
Considering vs dogs how extremely easy they are to become feral or wild it's pretty noticeable.
>Domestication experiment in the modern era with a fully developed scientific framework and centuries of theoretical foundation that all originate from a society with easily domesticable animals
That is an oversimplified, abridged summary of the millenia of knowledge, cultural capital, and specific geographic conditions that went into domestication. Get raped you absolute retard.
That is amazing
>shitty heating
>cats are mobile heat machines
>also typically soft and purring is good white noise for sleeping
I want one
I want to be able to see my pet, I don't want some blurry cunt pissing in my house.
Reading up on it these things they sound like a pain in the ass. They can't live inside because they tear shit up and piss everywhere. Needs to be a cage out of doors.
Still domesticated but no thank you on owning one.
Zebras aren't just skittish, they're outright violent. They will bite the fuck out of you for no reason at all. Even if they could be domesticated, it would cost a fortune in special equipment over many generations.