What is the purpose of all Life in reality? What does it mean, why does it exist...

What is the purpose of all Life in reality? What does it mean, why does it exist, what did God want to say when he invented and continues to invent it?

Make something up and roll with it

I'm the "truth or death" kind of guy.

The life is a punchline to the joke of Creation.

Well you've already decided god exists, just do whatever he tells you

I didn't decide anything and God talks with reality, it's not easy to understand the messages.

My opinion is that all life is the analogical image of God in the Universe, but everything that exists is that at some extention, so it doesn't completely solve the question.

Prove god then mr "truth or death"


We live in God. All proofs are proofs of God, and no proof can actually prove Him. It's personal experience, you must prove yourself and you will probably die without a clear answer.

But a lot of people can prove God using only logical concepts, see Aquinas' 5 ways.

not the christian god

"christian God"

You're dumb, you don't deserve knowledge.

The purpose of life is to find a way to reverse the second law of thermodynamics.

If it fails, then there will be nothingness.

>Aquinas' 5 ways
The fifth way is pathetic and does not prove an intelligent force at all.

Aquinas purpose was to put a place for God inside Aristotle's doctrine, and he did it. Of course you can't logically prove intelligence, because intelligence is an act of consciousness.

What did he say? You fucking idiot, he said, "Let there be LIFE!"

is there something wrong with specifying the god of the christian religion as the christian god?

Purpose is an intention one has for something. Only organisms can have intentions.

Life is only meaningful if it bears intelligent progeny who are eventually able to prevent the ultimate end of the universe by thermodynamic factors. If living things are capable of doing that, then they had an impact on the universe. If they cannot, then there will eventually be only a void of nothingness, whether or not life existed at all. An outside observer wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

stupid question

>prove God using only logical concepts
>5 ways
To the flaming trash.

Satan pls go

>what did God want to say
Why do you care about what a fictional character was trying to say?

I don't, that's why I care about what God say rather than my ego.

then make the goal of existence nothingness―you're practically guaranteed success. Why fight an uphill battle?

To continue living without going crazy in the process


There is no purpose; purpose is a figment of our mammal brains (a useful one for day to day living). There is nothing fundamentally different about life and rocks falling down the side of a mountain, the structures and mechanisms are just more complex. It's just another product of the nature of the universe.

for us to be happy and do as much good as we can, God created us because he can, like how we like to create things just for the enjoyment of their existence, he gave us life and happiness but to actually know and understand God's whole truth is as impossible to us as to an ant to understand quantum physics.
