What is the difference between
>Catholicism & Orthodoxy
>Sunni & Shia
>Nazism & Fascism
>Socialism & Communism
What is the difference between
>Catholicism & Orthodoxy
>Sunni & Shia
>Nazism & Fascism
>Socialism & Communism
> One of them are cucked by Pope
> One of them are good muslims
> One of them are hating Jews
> One of them wasn't tried in ractice
Fascism focuses mainly on creating national unity (ie Volksgemeinschaft), whereas Nazism was a specific offshoot of Fascism focused on creating racial unity (ie Blutsgemeinschaft).
>Communism wasn't tried
There is a difference between "has never been tried" and "is impossible to realize."
Communism is possible as proven by Marx. What you need to do is try enough to reach it.
>never been tried
Free territory
Anarchism and communism are the same exact thing.
>Catholicism & Orthodoxy
Catholicism recognizes only the authority of the Pope as gods only representative on Earth, Orthodoxy recognizes him as just another Patriarch.
>Sunni & Shia
Sunnis believed that the Islam Caliphate is something any Muslim can claim while Shia believe only descendants of Muhammad, particularly Ali, can claim the Caliphate. There's also Twelver Shia which is more complicated to explain.
>Nazism & Fascism
Nazism is a kind of fascism that promotes the idea of Volkisch, which is an "ethnic-community" that United the fate of all Germans. What divides it from fascism is how it embraced social Darwinism not just on the level of ones culture, but also ones race, which made it obsessed with the idea of "racial purity" and of eliminating what it saw as contaminates (particularly of Jewish influence or features), which wasn't something shared by Italian fascists.
>Socialism & Communism
Socialism is simply an economic system in which the workers own the means of production, usually via democratic ownership. Communism takes this one step further and promotes a revolutionary overthrow of the system, as well as the removal of capitalist influences and the collectivization and redistribution of land to the proletariat, in an effort to create a classless society.
>It's true because Marx said so.
>People just aren't trying hard enough.
>Idealism always pans out when people just try.
I don't think you understand what it means to work towards communism. It means to further capitalism until the inherent contradictions are worsened to a state where the only answer is revolution. As a 1%er, I an fully working to realize this ideal. Marx though social programs were shit and would only serve to hinder revolutionary tendencies.
>Kingdom of God is possible as proven by Jesus. What you need to do is try enough to reach it.
>As a 1%er, I an fully working to realize this ideal.
Figures a fucking upper class faggot is the one pushing for communism. Workers want none of that shit.
It doesn't matter what you want due to the inherent contradictions of capitalism.
I don't think you understand social dynamics.
>it doesn't matter what you want, only what we communists want for you
I'm a monarchist. We truly should've strangled you bourgeoise retards at birth.
You don't understand. Using memes, control over your livelihood, and brainwashing, I will make you want what I want. You are merely a pawn in my war with other 1%ers of differing ideaology such as
>Aryan utopia is possible as proven by Hitler. What you need to do is slay enough Jews to reach it.
>Capitalism is shitty as fuck, we need communism!
>...but capitalism is not THAT shitty
Marxists, everyone.
No one ever keeps the act up long before putting the bait on too thick.
I know bwing right wing is a meme on Veeky Forums, but there is no one retarded enough to call themselves a monarchist after the 40s. BTFO cuck.
Crapatalism is shitty, you mong.
>unironically being American
I don't think communists are in a position to call anyone mongs.
The first two are different sects that broke away from each other based on what we now days mostly view as "trivial" matters.
The third is two similar concepts, the first of which being based much more heavily around racial ideology, and eugenics.
The fourth are two similar concepts, with one being an idealized dream that a some German came up with based around the idea of a Utopia which is impossible to achieve due to human greed.