Why is it a stereotype that physically active people are uncultured, don't know history or the arts?
Why is it a stereotype that physically active people are uncultured, don't know history or the arts?
Because people are retards, for the most part.
I imagine it's because physical activity is largely a cultural behavior brought on by necessity. In ancient societies no one "exercised", they worked and they stayed healthy because work was more manual back then.
Some part of the human mind still has this understanding that exercise is largely meaningless in humanity, only existing nowadays because of the inactivity of work in the modern world. So the people who exercise look like idiots who obsess over something pointless internally, even if it has a point now.
>In ancient societies no one "exercised", they worked and they stayed healthy because work was more manual back then.
If you where rich, you didn't need to do anything. So they had to do sports, or training people instead.
If we where to go Greece roots alone, training would be the educated persons activity.
By Roman roots, its whatever, because the army conscript system was different.
bench press = mouth breathing retard, meathead
snatch, clean and jerk = brilliant, cultured, funny
True, but there is little to no descendancy from Greco-Roman traditions to modern athletic culture, due to a big fancy time period called the Middle Ages. At that point in time, the Nobles really weren't participating in such exercise, and the lower Knights, were participating in less intensive competition like Jousting.
Is it a stereotype?
I'd say the opposite is, if anything.
But I do both.
Because of the mouth breathing but physically superb retards we all bumped into in school. No one remebers the sickly, frail idiots who knew nothing because they were literal nobodies.
It's a cultural stereotype as old as the hills. Look at Samson and Herakles. Big dumb strong bastards. You can almost picture the look of vacant bemusement on their slab like faces as powers beyond their grasp weave a fate for them they have no hope of comprehending.
I worked with a guy like that in my last job. He just plodded through life stoically, drinking beer, watching rugby and fucking his woman and sustaining it with a low end call centre job.
>TFW and I can't even work out why
What about diddylifts? Am I an avant-garde intellectual if I do those?
Fatties feel the need to put down people better than them to feel better about themselves
>I worked with a guy like that in my last job. He just plodded through life stoically, drinking beer, watching rugby and fucking his woman and sustaining it with a low end call centre job.
Because they can see no further. They're completely content just existing and enjoying little things like a beer or a good plowing to even care about other things.
Some of those people are rather intelligent to a degree, but they simply don't care. A friend of mine is like that. Very intelligent, but purposely doesn't care about a thing.
Then there are the oblivious blockheads.
maybe, but only if you also train the discus and shot put throws
as always
start with the greeks
Look at Veeky Forums.
Do they appear cultured to you?
>not wrestling
You'll never attain virtue
At least he will never attain full homo either.
Heracles was a strategic thinker
Bucket of crabs
Cause it's a mostly true stereotype, how many Veeky Forumsizens do you see pouring over books in the first place, they have a different focus in life, it's more on the physical end of things, usually overcompensating for something or making up for lack of looks, confidence etc.
>He just plodded through life stoically, drinking beer, watching rugby and fucking his woman and sustaining it with a low end call centre job.
Sounds pretty nice desu
>how many Veeky Forumsizens do you see pouring over books in the first place,
nigga Veeky Forums has recommended reading threads all the fucking time
Doesn't change a thing, I more used Veeky Forumsizen to represent the Veeky Forums community at large as there's countless internet forums, and to appeal to 4chen.
Why make up and improve your mind for social standing when in reality you can just improve your body which is all most people want and gain easier results where people will stare in your direction and fluctuate towards you.
Veeky Forums are just wanna be normies who might read 48 laws of power or the first 10 pages of don quixote to say they did.
>Veeky Forums are just wanna be normies who might read 48 laws of power or the first 10 pages of don quixote to say they did.
you might be confusing Veeky Forums with some cheesy 80's highschool movie jock.
>this is what basement neckbeards actually believe
Because many people who have an academic interest in the arts and humanities are beta wimps, so they seek to dismiss their physical superiors as intellectual inferiors, rather than integrate physical training alongside intellectual learning in order to become a superior individual.
You're saying that ripped studs are known for their intellectual brilliance?
The stereotype of intellectuals not working out doesn't paint a picture of them being fat, just not ripped. If anything, they'd be in the skinny/ malnourished side.
Or you can do both things you know. Going to the gym doesn't mean you go 3 hours a day, 6 days a week.
Even if it did it still leaves a lot of time for other things.
I honestly can not find a satisfying answer to that.
All I can say is, within my circle of friends I, The most physically active are the most intelligent.
Incredible skill in soccer, basketball, baseball, track and field. Really strong, lean, very fit bunch of guys, yet all of them in addition to this are the top of the their class, physics, biology, history, philosophy, literature, mathematics.
Physical shape ranges from body builder-esque to a more lean high tension muscle build.
Just my experience, so take it for what it is.
The most physically fit are the most mentally, lots of astute observation and deep levels of cognition.
But I have met the stereotypical 'nerd', scrawny, thin as a pencil, no muscle, though sharp as a tack.
And the stereotypical moronic giant with a heart of gold.
Though, the former is utterly flabbergasted when someone who benches 250 beats them in chess and lectures them on the prose of Kant.
The large body builder type gets outlifted by a guy who can do complex physics equations in his head, physics anons will understand that even the most basic problems in any respectable course require pen and paper.
Very smart guys, very fit as well.
No idea why the two go together in some people.
half of them are quite handsome as well, no homo, just going off of the types of girls they reel in.
Even Karelin lifted. Wrestling doesn't build mass like lifting, nothing does.
Also that shit gives you cauliflower ear which is def not aesthetic my man.
What does Olympic Press make me?
>not lifting
Pick one.
> Wrestling doesn't build mass like lifting, nothing does.
It's not about mass, it's about explosive strength.
>Cauliflower ear
>Not Aesthetic
Literally a faggot.
this. i do oly lifting as well and that shit requires so much athleticism rivaling some of the hardest sports that its a shame it doesn't get noticed more
You do realise you can become quite ripped by going to the gym 1,5 hours, three times a week? Do the right program, keep to your schedule, and have patience, and you'll be reasonably swole after half a year. Being intellectual doesn't exclude being physically fit.
Greek body building =/= modern "bro lets slam this whey then git the gym bro I hate leg day lmao XXD" gym culture
I work at a restaurant as a shelfer (cooks make the food we take it from the shelf, give it garnishes, toppings, sides, dress the plate up all nice and send it out)
We recently hired two new guys, they're seniors in high school, and live in the ghetto.
Where most of us (myself included) have the luxury of spending our free time with freedom to do what we wish, there isn't much for them to do at home.
And, as they are a Mexican and white boy who are best friends in a dark side of town, going outside is generally hazardous.
So instead of sheltering themselves and asking mom and dad for a new game console, they started building a collection of weights, and using them to get stronger.
They aren't very smart by the classical book definition, but to call them stupid would be a serious misinterpretation.
What I'm trying to say is that most often in the modern world there is a very specific reason you build mass and become extremely "athletic" (as opposed to simply being in shape) and those reasons generally leave you with little time for classical learning.
Wrong. Being out of shape was considered fucking disgraceful in the ancient world.
And again, that's fucking wrong. Thing slike doing handstands for extend periods are recommended as physical training for knights, along with riding all day (enjoy your burning thighs), sparring with weapon,shield, and armor-intense anaerobic activity with 10-70 pounds of gear and a 2lb stick in your right hand-and otns of other physically demanding shit.
You either played cards, worked, played a board game, or did sports.
>Nobles really weren't participating in such exercise
You nobles who weren't in fighting shape would be fucking shit on.
One prince of England was literally sent to spend his teens traveling Europe doing nothing but fighting in tourneys-in an era where sharp weapons were used, lists didn't exist, and the tounry was just a massive fucking cavalry battle arranged in advance.
Please don't post if all you have are guesses.
Not to mention the linkage of the aristocracy and sport continued way after warring nobility. The Golden Age of boxing basically happens out of the patronage of aristocrats, as does horse racing.
prios, if u want a good physique, like those "real" body lifting types, low body fat and mass on top of that, you need to make training to a fulltime activity.
And training to gain good looking physique is pure superficall, if you want to be "healthy", run and eat healthy, dont lift heavy weights.
And guys, theres always some truth in stereotypes. Most gymbros are retarded and have nothing to do besides lift weight, they get respect by looking good, which some people value more than intellectual knowledge.
>Yes I do train myself because of superficall reasons, im not gonna lie to myself, im more mature than that...
You can't really explore your culture when most of your activities are physical one and it is just hard to do both.
Because it's usually true. Even white apehoop and handegg players usually sound like they have IQs in the 90s.
>In ancient societies no one "exercised"
Bullshit. Individuals expected to fight were expected to keep in fighting trim as well, all over the world.
>Look at Samson and Herakles. Big dumb strong bastards.
>diverts a river to clean out stables
>rings the hydra's necks in fire
>skin the nemean lion's invincible hide using its own claws and wear it
>use poison arrows on the burds
>feed the king to his horses to tame them
Hercules was smart af.
In this time and age it's mostly perpetuated by equally retarded poeple who just don't look good.
The most intelligent people I've ever met have always been the most in-shape.
> Veeky Forumsizens
Veeky Forums isn't representative of stupid people at all
Veeky Forums are like 10% most smartest athletes in the world
>Why is it a stereotype that physically active people are uncultured, don't know history or the arts?
Because they usually don't.
There's a reason stereotypes exist.
The average gymrat really is uncultured and doesn't know history or the arts.
>white handegg players
That heavily depends on the position. QBs and offensive linemen tend to be of above average intelligence while fullbacks are dumber than a rock.
There also takes a certain level of understanding when it comes to fitness and health. I'm not claiming that maintaining a healthy body is rocket science but it does take time and education to fully understand how the body works with the food and excersise your providing it. That takes intelligence. You have to be taught or learn how to eat properly and if your unintelligent that's makes it more difficult. On average being overweight equals unintelligant.
It's "reasonable" to think it because people have interests and if they branch one way they might not branch the other because people tend to only know what they need to, or what they want to.
Also, some academics want some reason to feel superior.