In this thread we will discuss philosophers of our time and who we think is the best.
I think that this man is the greatest, please provide an argument if you disagree with my analysis.
In this thread we will discuss philosophers of our time and who we think is the best.
I think that this man is the greatest, please provide an argument if you disagree with my analysis.
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I'm sorry, OP, I don't need to provide a counterargument until you present an argument. You've merely stated an opinion of your own.
Here's an argument:
1. OP has not presented an argument.
2. If OP has not presented an argument, then it is not necessary to provide a counterargument.
3. Therefore, it is not necessary to provide a counterargument.
>who we think is the best
pic related
I'm partial to John Gray personally
Could you tell us why you like Molyneux's core ideas, referring to those core ideas individually as you explain your like for them?
Moly isn't an original philosopher but rather a sales man of philosophy
He puts other peoples ideas into easily listenable and digestible formats for consumption
He is far more entertaining than the long boring droning of original thought philosophers
Just listen to moly and then listen to Noam Chomsky and see which one puts you to sleep
not an argument
Then what would constitute an argument, shitlord?
Why do people like this guy so much? He's smart but just seems manipulative. Also how is he a philosopher? What is his philosophy?
Honestly you weren't even arguing with him. Only explaining what you think Moly does for a living.
He wishes you were arguing with him.
>Why do people like this guy so much?
>He's smart but just seems manipulative.
You may be right, but that's not an argument.
>Also how is he a philosopher?
What constitutes a philosopher? I genuinely am not sure.
>What is his philosophy?
I wasn't trying to argue with you.
Then why are you wasting my time? Don't you hate evil?
Molly likes Social Welfare? This is news to me.
Cult in action
> ur not furtherin da cauze gtfo
Is he just an AnCap?
socrates/plato whichever name you prefer
Slavoj Zizek
don't care about his politics, I just think he's fun to listen to, in that he writes all this verbose continental philosophy about stuff like different types of toilets and kung fu panda
Andrew W.K.
Sam Hyde
Yukio Mishima
really philosophy is crap, the only ones worth reading are dead white men who have been dead for over 100 years
Jesus Christ, what a load of horseshit
>"You can't live a life of safety!"
>he says in front of a camera, at home, in a youtube video, to mindless followers who will never disagree with him
>Stirner showed that "morality" and morals are spooks
>Wittgenstein proved that metaphysical, ethical, and general philosophical speculation is pointless
>Analytic Philosophers killed the angsty teenage "philosopher" smoking in a cafe reading Sartre
There's not much point studying philosophy these days unless you're a mathematician, or, you enjoy writing 800 pages of needlessly opaque circular arguments.
>Sam Hyde
>Also how is he a philospher?
Because he meets the criteria that would indicate someone is a philospher.
Daily reminder that he was right about everything.
Based Hoppe.
I'm gonna have to second this. I think Stirner is an absolutely fantastic philosopher.
oh I forgot about Nick Land
His writing is actually pretty cool, if you can get past the academic-speak.
It's like, you can tell he was probably a typical freudo-marxist continental philosopher at one time, but then eventually his theories led him to taboo conclusions about racism, capitalism, etc.
He had an article 'Lure of the Void', about the future of space colonization, planetary exploitation, space nazis, and the like. As someone who was really interested in space as a kid and was disappointed to see our progress stagnate since the 90s, I found it a good read.
Not an argument.
>believes in anarcho capitalism
Literally worse than the socialism he says is evil.
Not an argument.
Reducto non-argumentum.
Who would win in a debate between Molyneux and Sam Harris?
>Autists autisming at each other
>who wins
Nobody can win.
Philosophy for ants, well can't even be sure it's philosophy...
Basically yeah.
the only acceptable contemporary philosopher
>mfw I stared at that image for 5 minutes
Fucking spooky.
What do you mean?
Plebby as fuck
Not an argument.
Your fedora felt
it's a meme bro relax
>Sam Hyde
>this level of newfaggotry.
Do you have a pdf of this? Sounds interesting.
Hey guys, there's a YouTuber who I've been subscribed to for a few months, his channel is only like 7 months old and he isn't big yet but I really think he will be, and I really think you guys would thoroughly enjoy a lot of his opinions and views if you enjoy Stefan Molyneux at all.
This is one of his oldest videos, and it's my personal favorite so I figured I'd share this one. I think you should check out his other stuff as well if you enjoy this.
>Sam Hyde
He's a philosopher?
The greatest thinker of modern times, in fact.
What would Zizek think about Veeky Forums?
That's a bit too much banter right there. That cut deep.
>bringing up a historically illiterate mong on a history board
You're just as much of a fucking idiot as he is.