Do you think ISIS is in fact related to Islam?

Do you think it's propaganda or just simply the real deal?

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I'll just get this out of the way.



Saying ISIS aren't real Muslims is like saying 90% of Muslims aren't real Muslims.

OMG, so much hate

Hateful and warlike religions can only breed hate and war, nothing else.

How is it not related to Islam?
They literally call themselves the Islamic State, and they pretty much follow the koran to a T.
Sure they kill other muslims and they're funded by the US.
But they kill muslims but they think those muslims are munafiq or a heretic.

Bigoted christians preaching their rheterioc of hate against people they bomb once again

well Batman

No, seeing as how Ali was the first rightly guided Caliph.

as comedian Eddie Izzard once put it:

you kill people in your own nation, and everyone is just fine with that.

you kill people next door? oh, stupid, stupid man.

most of the world is fine with Shiria law as long as it's executed within the border of islamic states. Once it extends to attacks outside including the genocide of the Yazidi's, capturing foreign nationals to execute or sell into slavery, and funding agents to travel to Europe and attack French/Belgian civilians, then the gloves are off.

Please reply on tumblr so I remember to reply to you guys

At least Muslims literally call their religion "Submission"
The lies come when they tell you it doesn't involve literally submitting yourself to the next highest Muslim around

reply to the tumblr post so I remember to to some of you guys


ISIS is obviously related to Islam, only a retard would dispute them.

That said they are not good muslims. Their ideology is more based on ressentiment ahainst the West and the Shi'a than any true devotion to Islam. Many of the founding members are ex-baathists who were never particularly pious and most of their violence comes from a desire to appal the West and is often forbidden in Islam, for example the burning of captives, the genocide of Ezidis and Christians and the destruction of monasteries and mosques.

It is undeniable that the ISIS is related to Islam.
As much as the Anabaptists are related to Christianity.

Now, is mental retardation to believe that ISIS is a group of somehow orthodox. That in any way correlates to any of the main strands of Islam on the last fourteen centuries.

They are dangerous heretics who won space and strength with financial support and Western politician. Simply that.

the foot soldiers might be just a bunch of retards but Al-Baghdadi has PhD on Islamic studies so even if he has a stance you don't agree on he knows what he's talking about

*financial and political Western support

He knows what he's talking about, but there's also a massive degree of manipulation on his part to keep himself in power.

Baghdadi's goals definitely are not as altruistic as his claims. After all, he's still an opportunist who filled a power vacuum in Syria/Iraq. He intends to stay and enjoy the power and influence he holds.

Are you a cuck or a muslim?

Only 2 possible excuses for being this retarded.

And other people with degrees in Islamic studies will tell you he and ISIS are a complete load of shit.

They're clearly not Islamic, insult the religion all you want but they pretty blatantly violate even the most basic laws such as not killing Muslims.

>won space and strength with financial support and Western politician

Get the fuck out, Wahhabi apologist filth

>they pretty blatantly violate even the most basic laws

You realise this goes for 95% of all people who call themselves muslim?

What do you expect from a religion that has a rapist of nine year old girls as 'the perfect human being'.

Saying that the Islamic State isnt Islamic is pants-on-head retarded.

>PhD on Islamic studies

Any idiot can have a PhD in theology (or worse, any [insert subject] studies). To be a jurist in the Sharia, the individual must have a ijazat attadris wa l-ifta, after attending a law school and demonstrate proficiency in the craft before a panel of jurisconsults,

Not a very good filter, indeed.

But not even by that filter the sand pirate "Al Baghdadi" passed.
His authority on the subject is null.

You, sir, are an imbecile.

The Wahhabi cancer spreads around the world with the money of Saudi oil, given their usual customers.

There's a difference between the average muslim missing his prayers or eating while hes meant to be fasting and an ISIS maniac gunning down children.

The Islamic state is to Islam what Cromwell and his followers was to Christianity.

of course it hasn't anything to do with islam. islam is actually quite peaceful religion, there are billions of muslims in the world and if they really wanted to kill or enslave us all they would've done it already.

I could give you a million dollars. If you use that million dollars to kill people, ALL of the guilt for those murders is on you.

It's very typical of muslims to refuse to accept personal responsibility, I know. But there is NOBODY responsible for these deeds other than the people who commit them.

Thank you for agreeing with me that you can violate Islamic rules and still be Islamic or Muslim.

ISIS is Islamic.

>It's very typical of muslims to refuse to accept personal responsibility
I really don't see how people should accept responsibility for other people committing atrocities just because they share a religion in name. I mean you're basically running along the same lines as saying i should feel guilty for the african slave trade because im white.

They're Islamic yes. It's just one big no true scotsman argument.

I guess reading comprehension was never your strong point in school?
Or are you intentionally trying to strawman me here?

ISIS will be destroyed soon.

My dear retarded, the understanding is difficult?

Where did I exempted the responsibility of Wahhabis for spreading their mental plague across the globe? For their crimes?

Now you are trying to exempt the responsibility of who finance them.

If you give money to someone to kill millions, you have responsibility for it as well.

Sponsorship is support. Recognition is support. Welcome to the real politics.