Memes aside,serious discussion. Was he the Übermensch? Why/why not?

Memes aside,serious discussion. Was he the Übermensch? Why/why not?

>drug addict
>uber anything but loser

No, your average vagrant bum is the closest thing to an ubermensch

Literally who


You mean cynics?

Was he really? That's a shame

An ubermensch is a cynic, but a cynic is not an ubermensch

Alexander the great himself was an alcoholic, not as drinking everyday, but as drinking so much he would lose control of himself, kill his best friend, have days hangover, becoming mad and leading his army into a desert.

But so what, he still his a great conqueror, like Hitler was, political considerations put aside.

It seems like the phrase "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely" it's significantly true, considering that there isn't a single conqueror who wasn't an abuser of some kind of substance

No. He lost.

Losing a war doesn't mean he lost. Maybe the living are paying the cost of degeneracy, maybe the living are the damned. Maybe his work will live in the future generations.

Oh, please. Degeneracy is just a buzzword used by stormfags to mask the fact that the Jews are clearly more adept at survival than any other race, even having most of the top dogs of the world be one of them (e.g. the Rothschilds).

Hitler seem to have been grossly naive when it came to certain parts of diplomacy, which I would say adds to him not being an ubermench.
As an example is how he got chocked when he learned the French and the Brits declared war at him after his invasion of Poland. He seems to have really thought they would let race go before realpolitik or promises.

>a wacky manlet of Juden origin, addicted to drugs and steroids, with an ego the size of Wales and a complete inability of extracting the best out of his followers
>an Ubermensh or even a leader

hitler plox

He failed both ideologically and politically.
Hardly seems to be so uber to me.

>memes aside

there isent a single person in the genus of homo sapiens worth calling ubermensch

unless you decied to call them all ubermensch

>unironically having a cape

I'd say he was just a manchild

shoo shoo commie jew

No, here he is. Everything started to go wrong once he was captured.

>shoot at him
>he steps over our trajectory
>have to use anti-air to take down a single man
truly the strongest soldier

We must stop him with mecha-John Bull

Are you retarded? Your thread dialogue suggests as much

masterful parasites feeding off the blood of Europa.

Not willingly. His personal doctor was a complete quack and injected him with all kinds of crazy stuff. Hitler believed he was taking medicine. In general, the distinction between drug and medicine wasn't as clear in those days, many things that are today considered drugs were sold as regular medicine back then since people didn't know about their harmful and/or addictive side-effects.

Thats like every white guy ever

Yeah, only white guys do that shit
Fuck off

Found the degenerate piece of trash

That's because people in general have always used drugs

That's still considered survival. I thought we were supposed to be beyond good and evil? So why is parasitism considered bad?

>1st mistake
you didn't define Ubermensch.
>2nd mistake
if we assume Nietzsche's definition then you reveal the lack of even a cursory reading of the idea and the philosopher.

/pol/itics is plebeian. although I guess WW2 is a big thing in history.

>a great conqueror

Hitler was not some master strategist. On several occasions he went against the better advice of his generals. And besides, his drug abuse wasn't comparable to just getting blasted every once in a while, he was receiving daily injections of amphetamines to the point where he became paranoid and deranged

>Hitler was not some master strategist.
He did not claim he was a master strategist, he said he was a great conqueror. Which he was. But thank you for the although uneeded clarification.

You must be so proud to find degenerate in Veeky Forums. If you are posted here even once you are basically confirmed to be the one.

What an irrelevant post

Well wasn't Hitler a bum before WWI broke out?


No. Had he won WWII, or even just consolidated power without invading Poland in Sep. 1939, then given up power after a few more years he would be remembered as one of history's greatest men.

>On several occasions he went against the better advice of his generals.
This needs to be put into context, because honestly, Hitler was not nearly as bad of a strategists and the German General Staff wants you to believe.

The Staff office was, like most of the Nazi State, completely unable to resolve contradictions within itself. So decisionmaking got kicked upstairs until it reached Hitler. So most of the time when Hitler went against the advice of 'his generals' he was following the advice of 'his generals'. And if things went bad, the general who lost the argument would complain, and the general who won would keep his mouth shut afterwards. You don't hear a lot about how Mannstein was convinced 2 divisions would be enough to break out Stalingrad, and Hitler told him to shut up, when people talk about him 'ignoring his generals.'

Also? Sometimes the Generals and Hitler were all in agreement, with the Generals doing the convincing, and then they just straight up lied after the war. Hindsight is useful like that.

It's pronounced artist


The idea of the Overman in Nazism (outside of the Esoteric Nazism perhaps) springs mostly from biological/racial theory. Also Hitler was obviously damaged in some way, so it seems unlikely that he accepted the entirety of his self, so I would say no probably.

>historical figure as an Overman