lets go history nerds
Breaking News History Thread
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Absolutely anachronistic.
Can I request the Diogenes one where's he called an absolute madman
Totally justified, would bomb again
This one's actually pretty funny
not true at all, Mario
Let us dream please
Fucking Charlemagne spent his life rebuilding the mess of shitty Kingdoms Clovis I left and his shitty kid does the same fucking thing.
Imagine if they kept the empire together.
seconding this
Zadar is based city, my buddies have apartments there, even tourists are good looking there
fucking venetians, fucking crusaders
5/10, edit those minarets out.
T. Britbongistani
most of these are unfunny, if you can't think of anything just don't bother
>Innocent was innocent of the 4th Crusade
not mine but gold
news from heaven
year 9
Recurring events in history have created the need for the hilariously specific word 'defenestration', and you didn't use it.
Firebombing would have killed just as many and has killed more over the bombing campaign of japan.
This is really good user.
life of brian?
How are 80% of you fucking up the sub-headling? Look at your fucking pictures before posting them.
wait, better one
I saved it
We've always been cheeky cunts tebehe.
underrated post
I genuinely laughed at this one
>Giving a fuck about Aragon
They got rolfed stomped,while Castile was in the middle of a civil war
The subtitle made me kek