Have we slowly been progressing towards Globalism, like conspiracy theorists claim? Is Globalism inherently bad?
Have we slowly been progressing towards Globalism, like conspiracy theorists claim? Is Globalism inherently bad?
Nobody that has any amount of knowledge on modern politics denies that globalism exists and is being pushed by major powers.
>Have we slowly been progressing towards Globalism,
>like conspiracy theorists claim?
No. It's not a conspiracy, just the inevitable result of economic forces.
>Is Globalism inherently bad?
Globalism is natural consequence of information era, I don't see any conspiracy here and nothing bad about it.
>Have we slowly been progressing towards Globalism
>Is Globalism inherently bad
No, but 9 times out of 10 ten it will end very, very badly
Yes, but is it really a conspiracy? This is where free markets and enterprise lead.
>but 9 times out of 10 ten it will end very, very badly
Just because you say so? Where did you lost your arguments and facts?
Most people on this planet are fucking stupid, they are more willing to believe in some absurd bullshit unsupported by any evidence than real situations and real facts.
Some people think it could end up akin to Brave New World or 1984.
Means of communication and transport between places are always controlled by the most powerful people in countries: the richest or more politically important. So globalism can only be pushed by the elite and the people are just dragged along to whatever the elite decides. If you had a totally selfless elite, or some way to give the people total power over global relations, then it's a precarious situation for the people and a lot of prior liberty could be lost very easily.
Yes, but it's not a conspriacy it's just a clear and open fact.
Is it bad? No, it's the road to global communism.
What's your fucking problem Jesus.
Funny how you only replied to that post and not to every other one who gave 1 sentence answers.
You sure don't look biased or anything.
What would globalism mean for nationality and culture?
politics go on /pol/
It's replaced by pop culture.
Spreads some and shuts out others. It's great if your culture is dominant on the TV stations and the Internet. Not so great otherwise.
I believe the countries of the world will eventually unite into large states. North American Union, The EU that stuff.
>everything replaced by insipid American pop culture
well then fuck globalism
>Have we slowly been progressing towards Globalism, like conspiracy theorists claim?
>Is Globalism inherently bad?
Ask Haiti and other African countries who opened up to the global free market
Protectionist capitalism = best economic system