What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

pic related

"not only are you wrong, you don't even have a clue how monumentally wrong you are".


He was talking about the """""theory""""" of the forms.

Which basically says that reality is an imperfect reflection of some ontological perfect form of a concept like shadows on the wall of a cave.

This is what Plato actually believes.

A picture might speak a thousand words.

But a concept speaks a thousand pictures?

There is no spoon.

Puppet Shows 101

"I am so much smarter than the rest of you and you just have to learn to deal with it"

Why is Plato so shit at metaphors?

You cant know nuffin

No. He was talking about Classes of objects, and their ontological relationship to instances of objects. He was hitting on something abstract that is incredibly useful in programming today, but had little application back then.

>I'm not crazy! You're the crazy one!

That people who live in holes underground develop mental retardation and that they can believe anything that suits their imagination. Much like /pol and religious fundamentalists.

>Plato was a programming god, he was ahead of his time XD he didn't ACTUALLY have ontological commitment to the forms XD that would be retarded
Here is your You

Because it was a parable

Veeky Forums is leaving the cave

That TV is shit and people should go outside more often

>that picture
why is aristotle talking about the theory of forms

Because it's the only thing that he felt he achieved. That, creating one of the basis of fascism (what is the republic?), and defining humans as featherless chickens.

I'm such a moron. I hadn't read the image, then i realized that yes, it was Aristotle talking about forms and not just a mistake of the other poster.

Now i don't know who's dumber: if the guy who wrote the image or me.

I need a hug.

This post gave me a stroke which made me smarter