Why is Japanese Internment never talked about?

Why is Japanese Internment never talked about?

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cause concentration camps are things only nazis do silly

america a gud boi dindu nuffin wrong dose nazi were da ebil racis i ain shittin ya

I'm Canadian and we spent a fair amount of time on it in my highschool.

Ameripig internment of Japs was nowhere as bad as what Western civilian internees faced in Japanese-occupied territories, yet alone the natives.

Jappos only get attention because the Ameripig, can never cease whining and beating their chests

Is rampant denial really the reason why? Seems a bit ironic.

They lost a fuckton of their property, possession and homes which was then auctioned off at a later date so it was pretty massive and effected the victims of the policy in several ways.

Compared to shit like Comfort Women and Unit 731, that's babby tier.

It is, but like many american war crimes it relegated to a few sentences and footnotes in a high school text book. If you want real discussion take a course that focuses on WW2 and the homefront.

Its not ignored but it is too heavy a subject to force 15 year olds to study.

it's never talked about because it really wasn't that big of a deal

within the larger context of WW2 it really was quite innocuous

Confirmed for not going to an American school.

We learned all about the Japanese internment, at least in California. We watched documentaries and everything. You do realize that we have to learn about American crimes, right? For fucks sake, we learned about the Trail of Tears in elementary school before our balls dropped.

>internment camps are equal to concentration camps

Oh fuck off

>too heavy a subject to force 15 year olds to study.

They can and should handle it.

I was taught it in school. Japanese Americans got over it for the most part.

>I'm gonna call it something different so it doesn't seem like it's the same thing!!

the reddit is strong with this one

If that's true than what is op complaining about. Does he want American students to kiss their Japanese priors feet and apologize?

I learned about it at my school in Texas too. I remember we read part of a little Japanese girl's diary or something while she was in the camp.

Concentration Camps are internment camps gone wrong or the condition allowed to drop or intentionally lowered.

Maybe he just wants a discussion.

Also the gubbament already apologized and gave em all a check back in the 70's, and their kids don't really care that much so its a nonissue.

We learned about it, at least in my state of Michigan

>same thing
>but gone wrong

Internment =/= mass genocide. No Japanese interned was ever executed on account of their ethnicity.

Damn, I guess I went to some shit schools growing up then.

We never spoke a word of Japanese internment.

It's talked about moreso then the Italian/German internment during WW2 or the German/Austrian/Hungarian/Ukrainian internment 20 years prior. The japs got an apology and compensation, the others did not.

I do remember studying the subject much or at all. But we did spend 3 month in 8th grade social studies studying the holocaust. We even build model concentration camps. Also half of freshman year English was reading holocaust and Jewish literture

yeah, but those were actual german/italian citizens, not american citizens.

Far more brutal German/Austrian/Hungarian/Ukrainian internment during ww1

Our grandchildren are going to have to apologize and pay monies to Arab children for gitmo.

Let that sink in

yfw Canadians jailed Germans/Austrians/Hungarians/Ukrainians 2 years after the war ended and permitted thousands to die from disease and forced labour.

They never received an apology, they never received compensation.

OP probably went to school in the deep south, where they prefer to omit every mistake the US ever made, and pretend that the War Of Northern Aggression is a real thing, and was totally about states rights. Generally the best public education can be found in California, and New England, specifically Massachusetts, which would be 9th in the world in public education if it were its own country.

You do realize the Japanese interned in camps were not enemy combatants, right? Many were natural born.

Pennies on the dollar. If you were lucky, you had a white neighbor friend to sell your assets to, and he would sell it back to you after the war. Forced to sell almost everything except what you could carry.

It was a violation of constitutional rights. The Supreme Court only upheld it because they thought it was justified under war time powers despite no evidence proving it was effective in any manner. There's also the fact that none of the Japanese in Hawaii were interned.

They're pretty much the same thing. Concentration camp does not mean gas the kike Auschwitz. Please include the word Nazi if you want to contrast American internment camps from Nazi concentration camps

The distribution of funds was horrendous, and it was only $20,000 to survivors. But yes, at least it was acknowledged and the descendants aren't left in a self perpetuating state of poverty because it was resolved within a generation, unlike slavery.

Concentration =/= mass genocide

OP here. Hit the nail on the head, unfortunately.


the anglo strikes again

I was replying to a post which was talking about the nazis. It's not hard to put 2 and 2 together pal.

>best public education

Oh god please don't my sides are in orbit

Canadia is literally French and Anglo. How could you expect them to do anything else?

It's almost like indefinitely interning people without a trial or even official charges being laid is a fucked up thing to do.


Canada has a law where they have to teach about Canadian internment camps, because of how much they fucked it it, and how incredibly unjust it was. They seized assets to sell off to pay for internment, kept them interned after the war, then made them choose between deportation or quickly moving to another place from where they were deported to, because the province they were in wanted them the fuck out.

They teach about American Internment so they can act like they did nothing wrong and to soften the blow.

So that's why Canadians learn about this stuff.

Well obviously in a state that big it depends on the district. And I also forgot to include Texas, which has some very good schools and some very bad ones, just like Cali.

Because the Japanese aren't niggers who need to whine about all the "muh oppression" they never personally experienced.

Japanese-Americans who went through it whine about all the time. The only difference between them and a Holocaust survivor is the descendant wont call himself a '2nd,3rd,4th, etc, generation survivor"

Our grandchildren didn't have anything to do with it though.

Sins of the father.

>Japanese internment
>never talked about

My U.S. history teacher never mentioned anything about the war with Japan EXCEPT for Pearl Harbor, the Internment and the bomb.

BC was a pretty racist place for any type of Asian.

Okay? And what other significant events were there in the Pacific Theater that weren't battles? Because lots of history courses skip battles and warfare, leaving that for military history.

The fire bombings

Yes, they were awful. But they were military operations on civilians, just like every other country was doing.

Interned Japanese were not combatants and not citizens of a belligerent state. Pearl Harbor and the bomb mark the beginning and the end. If it was the firebombings that marked the end, then you would have learned about that.

Like I said, many courses skip over the military stuff.

Xi'an incident.

Are we talking US history or world history, or world history from a US perspective? Not that the US cares about educating about China anyways.

I don't think you understand

At no point was any information about the causes of the war in the Pacific, there was no mention of the Japanese war in China, there was no mention of the Japanese invasions of Southeast Asia, there was no mentions of U.S. strategy, there was no mentions of what soldiers and people in the Pacific had to endure.

Just that us racist Americans hated the Japanese because we were racist. And we wiped two of there their cities off the map in an evil act of aggression, just because we bungled a response to their attack in Hawaii.

And that's the only class the covers World War II in four years of high school education (World History stops at World War I)

It doesn't matter, it's relevant to all of them, if you're trying to understand the pacific theater.

Americans dont like to think about little their "rights" actually mean

What are you talking about, it comes up fairly frequently.

A better question is why German and Italian internment never gets mentioned at all.


Italians did them too. It's just that, compared to the Nazi camps, they were virtual picnics. Which isn't to say they were great but, you know, Nazis.

It got about two sentences of a sidenote in my AP American History book.

>they don't care

We remember, but it isn't worth fighting over. The Supreme Court rescinded it and the Government paid recompensarion, 30 years later...

>good public education

Except we talk about it all the time.
If your people were unconstitutionally sent to internment camps and had all their property auctioned for a dollar because they looked the wrong way, you'd be bitching about it as well.

In war, our rights go out the window. History has shown that.

Maybe because it was much less widespread and their property wasn't auctioned off for a dollar.

And did the do the same about all the other players in WWII?

>pearl harbor
>american war of agression
Pick one, either they did talk about events leading up to Pearl Harbor, or they didn't.

>Bataan death march

>Maybe because it was much less widespread

Not considerably..

>their property wasn't auctioned off for a dollar.

Except it was. And they would offer the "help" to various Latin American allied nations, which also sent theri German citizens for internment, who had their property out and out expropriated.

More likely is that it attacks the "Dats racist" narrative: After all, Germans are white, so you can't make the claim that the internment of Japanese was solely motivated by racial animus.

>scroll through promising thread
>endless plebian faggotry
mfw smells like summer

>During WWII, the United States detained at least 11,000 ethnic Germans, overwhelmingly German nationals.[2] The government examined the cases of German nationals individually, and detained relatively few in internment camps run by the Department of Justice, as related to its responsibilities under the Alien and Sedition Acts. To a much lesser extent, some ethnic German US citizens were classified as suspect after due process and also detained.

Why are you lying?

Americans imprisoning other Americans because of fear they might turn traitor. Nothing wrong really happened, the nation was being cautious against its own people who might be loyal to a foreign government that it's at war with and who attacked it first.

>Capital letters to all words

Reddit before the internet

These are all military operations.

Germany got a surprisingly detailed review, probably the best part of the class, although the war itself took a back seat to the Holocaust, Stalingrad, D-Day, Berlin, etc. got their just due.

The war with Japan wasn't like that, and I know what I said earlier "didn't make sense" because the teacher essentially started talking about Japan with Pearl Harbor, and by that I mean showed us a History Channel clip talking about the attack but nothing else. Then she went full into the Internment, and didn't say anything about the entire war- nothing like the European Theater, no mention of Midway, Iwo Jima, Okinama, Coral Sea, anything. She then wraps up the war with Japan by talking about how horrible dropping the bomb on Hiroshima was and how "Japan would have surrendered anyways and it was just terrible and caused so much unnecessary death."

Because Japanese Americans excel socially and economically and don't need to dwell on whatever injustices they suffered in the past

>after due process
mfw college is going to be rough for this one

>Americans imprisoning other Americans because of fear they might turn traitor. Nothing wrong really happened,

But we do. A lot of us died in those camps and lost a lot of money and property.

>I have no argument: the post

That sounds more like there simply wasn't any focus on the pacific, not that extremely great importance was placed on internment. But yes, Japan would have surrendered anyways just under different terms.

It's because they were successful before the war, and had the skills and experience to be productive both before and after the war. Just like soldiers that stop working to go fight, or just like wartorn previously industrial nations that just need capital investment to get back up on their feet.

I bet that the people defending FDR for detaining the Japanese and Germans would be screaming RACIST OPPRESSION if we detained every single Arab in the US right now.

What? That clearly isn't the case, we just had this issue in the news with Trump and camps not too long ago.

We don't need to detain Arabs; however, Japanese interment was completely necessary at the time.

>the best public education can be found in California

Yeah, because we aren't at war with any Arab country. If we detained a bunch of people with associations to terrorist groups (family members, etc), which I'm sure we are probably doing, then nobody would care.

Japanese internment was more like the latter than the former. That's like detaining every East Asian person, instead of just the Japanese. In fact, it's worse than that, it's like detaining every East Asian person and letting Japanese spies go free because they aren't East Asian (there are plenty of Chechens, Turks, Afghans and Pakistanis in ISIS, after all).

>we wage a war against Arabs / islamists
>don't need to detain

>we wage a war against the Japanese
>need to detain

Explain this logic to me. In fact the number of Arab terrorist cells and islamist sympathizers in the west is probably higher than the number of Japanese insurgents in the US at any point of WW2.

>h less widespread and their property wasn't auctioned off for a dollar.
It was. And it was even worse during WWI


Not that guy but:
-US isn't at war with Islam or Arabs
-Two: There is a difference between dumb fucks with their skirmshes every now and then, and a Total War.

Because there's not much to talk about.
We made a mistake, we admitted we were wrong, and we provided financial redress to the victims. It gets the footnote mention in history classes that it deserves.

Within the last ten years, the US were involved in a conflict with Iraq, Libya and at least indirectly Syria. Those are all Arabs.

>A nation declares war on another nation that has Arabian people as it population. = / = A nation declaring war on the Arabian people.
user please.

Americans don't see Asians as people so it's very easy to brush it under the table and not feel bad at all for the crimes committed against citizens of Japanese descent. Mind you creation of the interment camps was driven purely by racism as can be attested by the fact that both the FBI and US Naval Intelligence produced studies that showed that the Japanese posed absolutely no threat to national security. There's also the fact that German and Italian POW's were treated better than the Japanese in internment camps.

You know it's funny how the world looks at Canada as a peaceful country with peaceful people but Canadian history is rife with them committing horrible acts on indigenous folks, their own citizens and people of other countries.

>mfw Canadians in WWII were known for executing POWs and Germans were afraid of surrendering to them

>1073927 You're not getting my (You)

Because it was done by Americans to others.

Because Japanese Americans aren't little bitches and moved on with there lives instead of trying to point fingers.

Because you Yanks got Daniel Inoyue out of it. And George Takei, who does make mention of it from time to time, but he he doesn't go full tumblr over it.

>went to school in Deep South
>slept through history classes
>read textbook cover to cover at home
>ace everything
Jap internment was covered FYI.
T. Texas

it is though

The arrogant northerner strikes again.

We know exactly what happened. We just feel differently about it because, you know, our nation was ravaged and we've never been able to recover economically or culturally. Even today southerners are the only group in America that it is "okay" to target with bigotry.

>Even today southerners are the only group in America that it is "okay" to target with bigotry.
The irony hits one like a brick.

>b-but northerners were racist too
It'd be ironic if we said it too.

t. white kid that has never experienced a single instance of injustice in his entire life

My father's a white supremacist and he and his facebook buddies attempt to use the Japanese internment as proof that we should be interning muslims. He's never been to college (though he was in a California public school), but the fact that a facebook quasi-normie who hates other races knows about this shit implies that it's moderately well known. (I know, anecdotal evidence.)

Personally the Japanese internment and the 4 terms makes FDR our worst president, fuck that pseudo-monarchist motherfucker. I'm glad he got polio.