Why white people steal history and try to whitewash Jesus and show him as a white man?
Why white people steal history
>a literal repost from facebook
report and move on
>Qui-gon Jinn
>From the Levant
>Saying Jesus would look like west africans
Jesus was an arab you dumb cunt. and they look nothing like sub saharan niggers
>Jesus was an arab
Are you trying to counter-bait the bait or are you just a retard?
>Jesus was an arab
he was hebrew but im saying arab in the sense the he was middle eastern, and not from like congo or whatever dindus come from
Well middle eastern doesn't equal fucking arab so stop saying that.
If Jesus was black or brown do you think he would have had any followers?
>Adolf Hitler was English
>well he was German but by saying English I mean European :DDDD
Probably fewer if he was black. But he was a brown and it worked out fine.
Yep, you're retarded.
Oh, that explains why you're a dipshit
Here in Uruguay is commom to refer to anyone from the middle east as arabs.
Rise above the station of your dipshit countrymen
Well we don't know for sure if he was brown. I mean, he's supposed to be born from a virgin, what does that mean genetics wise? He's the son of God, he could be any race. But if we ignore all that BS then he's probably brown. Or he could be the child of a rape by a Roman soldier. I'm pretty sure Rome had taken over Bethlehem by the time he was born. Maybe he's white.
>He's the son of God, he could be any race.
But god is black
>he was a brown
How do we know that? Bible doesn't mention his Earthly appearance and it's not like white people don't exist in the Middle East.
Your nation being full of retards doesn't change the fact that you're retarded.
And here in the US it's common to refer to everything south of Rio Grande as beaners, including Uruguay.
Ignorance runs rampant in Uruguay then.
>coming from an American
Descriptions of jesus just say he was a man that didn't look anything special. And being a jew in the Levant we can safely assume he had olive or brown skin.
I guess it depends on how far you're willing to stretch the definition of white. But, he almost certainly wasn't a pasty German or Celt.
Does Johnny Manziel or Bashar al Assad look white to you? They sure do to me and they are people of middle eastern descent. This "white people don't exist in MENA" meme is a pile of pure horseshit.
>implying that midldle easterns cant be white.
In fact most people there have lightskin
Assad doesn't look white, as in European, to me, no. If I didn't know who he was I'd probably assume he was Iranian.
Still, the majority of people from that area are swarthy. I can't rule out for sure whether or not jesus was 'white', again were playing with a loose definition, but if I was a betting man I imagine he looked like your average Sephardi.
White refers to European so no, Middle Easterners aren't white.
Mohammed was a super saiyan?
This woman is Syrian and she could easily pass for an Italian or someone from the Balkans to me.
White = Caucasian. And in fact middle easterns are all caucasians
Are you really saying pajeet is white now
People like Assad and her are a minority. Native people in the Middle East were white before Arab invasions.
Yes. This is white too, am I right?
indians are a mix of caucasiod and mongoloid, so no
It is holy light but pic is most probably made by Persians so it is drawn like fire due to the importance fire in Persian culture , Zoroastrian remnants most probably.
Indians are not fully caucasian
>he's supposed to be born from a virgin
>joseph, I'm pregnant
>but we didn't even...
>it was an angel! a gift from god!
Your pic isn't Caucasian, but likely a Dravidian or even a racially Australoid Indian.
And here's a gaggle of Syrians I've cribbed from Google. Skin tones vary, but generally swarthy. Jesus in particular, being a man who walked outside a lot, was probably darker.
Now like I said it's not inconceivable that Jesus was paler than I'm imagining but he isn't "white" under most definitions.
Just look at ay middle eastern painting. they always painted themselves with a lightskin.
I need to archive this stupidity and show it too a group of anthropologists, they'd shriek in horror.
That is a diravidan woman, the abos of India.
Nah, she's definitely Caucasoid. The pic you used was from 19th century racial science.
>Not white
You are really retarded
Assuming they're all Syrian, there's several people on that pic I could call white.
Definite white, because if it doesn't mean European we're just talking about skin tone
>All of India is Caucasoid
And I'll clarify, the only reason I brought up the tan is because the initial question was whether or not his message would be hurt if he was dark. My point being, even if he was "white", under whatever nebulous definition being used in this thread, he would still appear to be pretty dark. That'll happen to a carpenter by trade who spends his spare time preaching in public places.