How do you deal with thoughts of your own mortality, Veeky Forums?
How do you deal with thoughts of your own mortality, Veeky Forums?
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With apathy.
I don't. I used to, but it was fruitless. Just living I suppose.
>How do you deal with thoughts of your own mortality, Veeky Forums?
sometimes I try to summon up the courage to kill myself. I'm more afraid of living than dying.
Like the rest of the humans.
I try not to think about it and hope for the best.
I am not frightened of dying, any time will do. Why should I be frightened? There's no reason for it, we've all got to go sometime.
As time has gone on in my life I've done bad things and become increasingly more aware that death is on its way. On the one hand I'm not afraid, nor do I feel afraid of it basically because I know it's going to happen just a matter of when. As said before I've tried to find religion as a way of making myself feel less pressured that my faults in life can be forgiven. Certainly a man who has far to go, but yeah trying to live the best life I can before the end.
I'm excited to die and afraid of the dying experience. I'm excited to die because I want to reunite with God and the divine. Years ago I had an experience of God's love when my health went downhill.
Since I don't get any love here in my current life, I'm extremely eager to experience that love once again in the afterlife.
I feel glad.
life's a bitch and then you die. and I wouldn't have it any other way.
death anxiety (which is essentially you subconsciously realizing the cruel paradox of human nature, that our self/ego/soul is infinite yet our body is finite, that we are simultaneously gods yet food for worms) should actually be viewed as a positive thing.
the actual anxiety itself may not be pleasant but we humans have the capacity to transmute that fear into greatness through sublimation. we can transform this fear into a drive to be heroic, to work on our individual immortality projects and through the greatness of our actions inspire the bodies that come after us to act for us in spirit. Hermes was but a man but with his invention of written words he became an eternal concept and god.
many great works and deeds are inspired by death. human culture wouldn't exist without our self consciousness of our own fragility.
with the gift of fire man raised himself up from animality and nothing but impending doom and oblivion and through technology and preservation of ideas man has transcended death through Hope of immortality
Aeschylus put it thusly in Prometheus Bound
>Chorus: Did you not go beyond what you confess?
>Prometheus: I taught mankind that they should not die daily, have death before their eyes - the fear of death
>Chorus: What remedy didst thou find for this disease?
>Prometheus: I made blind hopes the inmates of their breasts... nay, more i brought them fire!
with memes t/b/h
Hope for radical life extension technology of some sort. Other then that I don't think about it very much.
I contemplate suicide daily.
Driving really fast.
it usually doesnt come up because i am occupied with other things. but recently ive been having a lot of anxiety about it. i know that death is perfetly normal and everything, but its like built into us to feel scared of it. such a strange thing it is to be mortal
I don't tend to waste my time with things that I can't avoid. Why stress that I'll die when I can focus on living?
Being a Christian might help too, although I've never been too interested in the afterlife.
By accepting it. Life is a debt we eventually have to pay at some point. You get the loan from your parents, you pay the interest to your kids.
Mortality is a whole lot more acceptable when you realize that you're part of a cycle, not a straight line
dont see it that way at all, i know that this body will die, that all experience and all thought and all memory and all personality will go out and rot away, this confuses me because it is incomperhensible, unimaginable, but, there is something far worse
that, as i am here and now alive, all i am is not truly mine, i have been given this, i have not created it, so i am resposible and have been given a set of functions to perform
one of them is to develop what one is given, to become what one can be, another is to reproduce, that another living body, and another and another, might exist as this one does, and that this is the true reason behind the first
what that entails terrifies me, im terrified of my weakess, of my incompetence, of my own lack and inadequacy, terrified of the wast endless chaos that must be tackled to do this, i see myself as i am stagnating, as i have not developed myself, have not done what i could with this organism that is me, and so it is weak and lacking in every way physicaly and mentaly, i imagine a fire going out in endless darkness without passing on its spark, a word being uttered without ever being repeated, and then there is nothing, forever, and i have failed, uncounted generations, countless lives, millions of years of succeeding, of dealing with, of selfles functioning, and it ends with me because i, this one off, temporary, passing thing, am a failure
i feel there will be punishment for this, its not rattional, i dont consciously believe in gods or afterlives, but it doesnt seem to be that simple
what is living, what is conscious, what is a self?
the notion that somehow what is will continue to be, and that then and there every failure will be paid for, that every error will have to be processed, that a chance withing this process is being wasted, and that this will have consequences... it realy realy scares me
often wish i could just be depressed and suicidal like i used to be years back, it was easier to deal
I panic, I do lots of drugs - I feel a soft presence around me - I start to question existence trough the possibility of God - I understand that God is Love and we exist for Him - I feel the urge to study orthodoxy - I approach Orthodoxy - I am very welcomed, all answers are there - I am loved by people and by God - I feel the grace and I understand the mystery of life.
When i was happy, it upset me, and i wished to live a very long life.
Now my life is not so good i don't care for death and often wish for it.
Realize that the self is the grand delusion. The way to not be bothered by these things is to alter yourself and surpass their power over you.
Born again Christian, living eternally with God.
Feels great!
Hopefully we will get immortality before I die.
But if it's genetic and from birth only then I'm burning the fucking lab to the ground.
I enjoy a general hope that there's something after it all (reincarnation, preferably), but figure in the case that it's just a void of nonexistence that I won't have many thoughts on the matter.
I can't really see the world being cruel enough to have a dimension just for suffering if this isn't already it.
I'm saved and I eat right.
i don't really care
if anything i'll be happy to die, what's the point of living if it doesn't reach the climax
I got post 7777777 on Veeky Forums, I'll die happy.
Damn son that's pretty Biblical
Hope Christians have it right because you're blessed
So wouldn't you need to sum up courage NOT to kill yourself then?
Eh.Not much. I thought about it a little when I was about 5. Came to the comclusoin that you can die at any moment by any stupid cause beyond control as it's natural, so worrying about it won't change a thing.
I try not to.
Tha't great
I've been here for 7 years and I haven't gotten dubs once.
Fuck you
oh shit
Quittin' time?
only if i get trips next
good enough
bye bye
With impatience.
Thanks to denial I'm immortal.
I know that I'll go to heaven because of what Jesus Christ did for me
God don't exist senpai
Who says I'm mortal? Who says YOU are mortal? In fact, who says any of this is what it appears to be in any way?
Mortality is only present as an axiom, one that I'm quite alright with disregarding.
>How do you deal with thoughts of your own mortality, Veeky Forums?
Everything dies. Get over it faggot.
>I'm more afraid of living than dying.
Red is main character green is semi-main character. Movie was great, had lots of things to think about.
Honestly, it's a confidence booster. I used to stress myself out thinking about how everyone around me would think of me, and the possibility of being judged or embarrassing myself.
But then I realized, shit, pretty much everyone on the planet is going to be dead in 8 or 9 decades anyway, so why the fuck am I stressing that much? Anyone who'd judge me is gonna pass away someday, and barring some new medical breakthrough, I'll be dead before the turn of the century myself So who gives a shit about "embarrassing myself" when that only lasts for nothing in the grand scheme of things?
Everything's temporary, nothing is permanent, so there's really nothing in the way of living the life you want.
>so there's really nothing in the way of living the life you want.
Except the fact that it's all pointless and whether you free the slaves or fuck a dog, contract AIDS and die the next day doesn't matter.
>it's all pointless
In whose opinion? Yours? Why do I care for your opinion when mine is perfectly serviceable?
Who cares if it has a point though? Honestly, what the fuck does it matter?
Hell, life having a point would suck. You'd have to spend all your time trying to focus on that point, and worrying if you're doing it wrong. Life having no point means you can do whatever you want and define what it means for itself.
>Who cares if it has a point though? Honestly, what the fuck does it matter?
Because I don't want to believe I am alive simply because I can be. I don't want to live in this fucked up modern world if there is literally no reason to, and I am too scared to kill myself. Quite the dilemma.
>Life having no point means you can do whatever you want and define what it means for itself.
No, it doesn't it means no matter what you do it was pointless.
>In whose opinion? Yours?
Just going off of the evidence we have.
Have you ever actually had the experience of death? Even those who have NDE's do come back. How can you claim something is real unless you have experienced it yourself? Who's to say that everything isn't just a figment of your imagination and YOU are god and i'm just somebody you thought up to express knowledge in this post that you already pertained. What if every time you "die" you simply enter a different timeline where that event didn't happen and you continue on living with no memory of what happened? Does the insane amount of DMT released from your brain when you die simply separate your consciousness from this body and send it into the ethereal or another dimension? Do people who blow their brains out prevent this from happening and effectively put their cosmic essence into limbo? I know it's retarted and pointless but this one absurd belief i have prevents me from suicide and keeps me pushing through to hopefully die of old age or overdose. I often think about kurt cobain being stuck in an eternal limbo.
>Just going off of the evidence we have.
What evidence? What, really, is known? The ancient man believes a mouse grows out of a corn husk. Who's to say that we're any less ignorant of cosmology than this ancient man is of biology?
>being this retarded to avoid making up your own mind.
Fuck off. Philosophy isn't about asking questions it's about giving answers, you twat'.
>becoming a simple memer
I have made up my own mind. I've decided that it's dumb to say things like "it's pointless" when there's no guarantee of even grasping at understanding.
Exactly what you're doing right now is "the point". That's absolutely the truth. It all revolves around you. Is that less valid than saying "it's pointless"? Is saying "the mouse comes out of the pebble" less valid than saying "the mouse comes out of the corn husk"? In any case, would an admission of infinite ignorance not be more honest?
You're a bit gloomy, aren't you luv?
What do you really want, a rulebook? "Hey, welcome to life; he are your instructions"? That's just a form of slavery; who in hell wants that?
And you're confusing "not having a point" with "pointless". You can give life whatever fucking point you want; there's nothing there to start with, so you can fill in the blank however you'd like! Everything can have a point if you want it to.
>You're a bit gloomy, aren't you luv?
>Everything can have a point if you want it to
That's not how it works, friend. When the Earth is gone, human beings long gone, what does anything matter? You can only say it's not pointless or without a point what ever you want to say because you have a bias towards your own life, as you live it - which is fair, doesn't make you right though. Seriously, I should be happy because I exist because I exist? Why shouldn't there be a point to life? Why can't i want more from this meager existence?
>I've decided that it's dumb to say things like "it's pointless" when there's no guarantee of even grasping at understanding.
That makes it even worse, if you can never find out what's the point in even looking?
What is it that keeps you failure? That would prohibit you entirely from doing something that in your eyes or those of others is notable?
>what's the point in even looking?
Who says there is or isn't a point? Personally, I do it because it's fun (and despite the fact that there's no guarantee of understanding, there's no guarantee of ignorance). Believe what you see fit to believe, odds are as good as anything else.
>Who says there is or isn't a point?
I did... have you not been reading this thread?
Yes, you did. Good for you. You can be right if you want to, but you're not guaranteed your "objective truth".
By visiting the interior of the earth, purifying it, and finding the hidden stone.
I thought you said morality and I nearly lost my shit when i saw the replies
>but you're not guaranteed your "objective truth".
Where did I say I was?
I'm in a weird limbo state. I don't much like living however I haven't killed myself yet and still have fears. There are good moments with friends but they are few and far between. I can't think of anything that fulfills me. I guess porn will be better in the future but meh. I could search for answers and I do want to read more philosophy but like
said I'm not going to find any. I could default to science but that wouldn't scratch the itch. I just want to know and I never will. The only thought that keeps me going is one day studying anti aging so I can read more. I also have a tendency to be an angsty day like the other user in this thread and the meaning of life bugs me even though the question arguably doesn't make sense. How does one ultimately deal with epistemological uncertainty? I've read Myth of Sisyphus but I was unsatisfied. Is there a way to live for something and not be disappointed? Then again I could be thinking about that wrong and not live for some one thing or more, but then what?
What absolute arrogance. The universe does not exist for you.
Of course life is meaningless. Meaning exists solely for human brains to define longterm and shortterm goals - an evolutionary trait for survival. Does a comet ask why its being flung through space? Does a waterfall care that it's breaking against the rocks? Is a scrap of cat fur aghast that there's no immediate answer? Pouting because the universe did not provide a meaning for your existence upon birth is childish - are you a man or a child? A man deserves only the meaning he carves out of his own pain and suffering.
I'm in a lot of pain.
Pretty much the only conclusion I can think of right now. Could there be others? What keeps you guys going? How does death interfere with your thoughts on the previous quetion if at all?
It is pointless, so I dont think about it.
How so user?
>How does death interfere
It doesn't
>going off of the evidence we have
>the fact that it's all pointless