Can someone give me the greentext story to Muhammad's life pls

Can someone give me the greentext story to Muhammad's life pls

after you delete that image

Is this bait?

>he wuz black

>check out my sword

>Ethnic Arab is portrayed as a Persian


*sprays cheap cologne*


*takes off designer sunglasses*


*opens animal print shirt to reveal chesthair*


*adjusts gold chain*


*checks fare meter*



>merchant type guy in merchant type city
>marries rich old lady
>starts telling everybody that he know what is better for everyone
>family supports him, but he has to flee the city
>somehow convinces other city that he is right about everything
>conquers the city that treated him badly
>conquers Arabia
>conquers everything

>fuck me, little girls are the best

dat image 10/10

I know im going to get flaked for trying to disprove the little girl thing but here goes for those who care anyway,

Aisha was married in 622 C.E., and although her exact birthday is unknown, Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari recorded that it happened before Islam was revealed in 610. The earliest surviving biography of Muhammad, Abu Muhammad 'Abd al-Malik bin Hisham's recension of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah -- The Life of the Messenger of God records that Aisha accepted Islam shortly after it was revealed -- 12 years before her marriage -- and there is no way she could have done so as an infant or toddler.

Furthermore, it is a matter of incontrovertible historical record that Aisha was involved in the Battles of Badr in 624 and Uhud in 625, in neither of which was anyone under the age of 15 allowed.

Finally, Imam Wali-ud-Din Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Khatib, dead for more than 700 years, recorded in the biographical section of Miskat al-Masabih that Asma, her elder sister of 10 years, died at the age of 100, 72 years after Aisha's wedding. This makes Aisha's age at the time of her marriage at least 14, and at the time of her marriage's consummation almost 20.

Personally i think the whole 9 year old thing started as an attempt by sunnis to counter the shia since the shia believe that aisha was a treacherous whore so the sunni thought that if they proved she was 9 then obviously it is not possible that she would be a whore,and as mentioned above she participated in battles and was considered the wisest woman i doubt an underage girl would be able to do such specially with the arab traditions at the time,I welcome any other opinions or points regarding the subject.

what do shia actually believe?

That's not Muhammad.

>IS born in 570 in Mecca
>Daddy dies
>Mother dies
>live under protection of uncle, barely survive
>becomes merchant trading with Byzantine as only way to survive
>marries a rich older lady
>gets to 40 and when relaxing in a cave hear voices from God
>Starts preaching a new religion following up from Christianity and Judaism
>everybody laughs at him
>poor people and slaves begin to follow his religion
>local leaders start to get pissed as it threatens their religious monopoly which controls trade
>can't kill him because his uncle is a big shot
>is now in 50s, his uncle dies and its now free to kill him and muslims without starting a blood feud
>he and his followers escape to Yathrib (Medina), their homes and property is stolen and sold
>Medina makes him their mayor because they cant stop fighting each other
>this essentially forms the first islamic state, most of its residents covert to Islam
>begin to raid the trade caravans of the Meccans to get back their property
>warfare begins between Medina and Mecca
>Muslims eventually win
>Muhammad conquers Mecca, doesn't kill the inhabitants, but smashes the 360 pagan idols in the Kaaba
>Decides to conquer the Arabian tribes which joined the Meccans before

So basically a religious preacher comes along, gets bullied, fights back, wins, goes overboard and unites Arabia and then dies.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Shia's believe Islam should be managed by the Prophet's descendants, rather than a council. Also I think they rate, Mohammed's first wife more highly than Aisha.

This is correct,The biggest difference between sunni and shia is that Shia believe that the leader has to be a descendant of muhammad,there are some secondary stuff that probably grew over the period of their rivalry such as the how they view some of the followers of muhammad differently and specially his wife aisha.

The image is for Imam Ali the son in law of the prophet mohammad pboh.

You forgot :
>invented new surah to justify the fact he stole the wife of his adoptive son

I'm shia and i prove this.

I thought shia were all about Ali and his successors, didnt muhammad only have daughters?

Tfw no prophet's daughter's gf

We also believe that Aisha was a bitch, Omar bin el khattab was a gay and a faggot, Abu bakker was an ass and stupid, othman bin affan was gay and stupid and all sunis are stupid fuckers. They ruined every last bit of originality

Greatest irony of islam. Patriarchal patriarchy the culture/religion, and their prophet produces only female offspring

Imam ali married fatima the daughter of mohammad so his sons got the prophet's blood. He is also son of abi talib the uncle of the prophet. Also the prophet him self raised him by him self

Ah ok thanks. So the fatimid dynasty were the descendants of ali and fatima?

Why are there Muslims on Veeky Forums? I myself don't hate them but I can't fathom going on a site where almost everyone hates me

No one hates anyone on Veeky Forums
they just hate themselves


Just like how God told prophet Moses(pbuh) to hit the stick on the river bank to part the water, Told prophet Abraham (pbuh) to sacrifice his son, prophet Noah(pbuh) was told to build a boat to survive the flood, etc

All religions are retarded, this isnt news

Why are their Christians on Veeky Forums?

Veeky Forums used to be almost entirely fedora tier 10 years ago. In the past few years you've seen Christposting. In 10 years, Veeky Forums will be a Islamist terrorist site.

Muhammad was just some poor guy who got into abrahamic theology, made up his own version of it and won over other poor people and then things got out of hand. The rest is just arab_life_in_the_6th_centurys.txt

I mean, Veeky Forums is contrarian, so if Trump gets elected you might see that happen

>Implying Muhammed wasn't driven off from Mecca because he was a dick

It has less to do with Veeky Forums being contrarian, and more to do with Veeky Forums being the #1 internet refugee destination for users who get banned on mainstream sites. So if it is banned or not popular somewhere else, they come here.

Early Veeky Forums contrarianism was very different than current contrarianism.


He wasn't. He didn't do a single act of violence until after being expelled. He and his followers were a threat to the ruling elite, hence why they kept torturing them or trying to kill them and exiling them.

>dehydration hallucination in a cave makes him believe he's a prophet
>conquers, rapes, and pillages his way across Arabia to spread Islam
>writes a book telling other Muslims not to do that
>they do it anyways
Not only did I sum up Muhammad, I threw in the history of Islam for free. Enjoy it.

.t mohamet abdul


>poor dude rises up and united Arabia under his rule, the first time that someone managed to united Arabia ever


>a guy who never managed to become powerful claims he's God, Jews don't like this and have him crucified. His followers steal his body and claim he resurrected.

Muhammad >> Jesus

what reason has a good to become "powerful" in the material world?


>doesn't mention what he did to those arabian tribes

Banu Qurayza you'll not be forgotten you sneaky jews

Not much of a god if he couldn't even manage to... not get executed.

>gets to 40 and when relaxing in a cave hear voices from God
I must be tired, or something, because I thought i was about to get bel aired.

He was meant to get executed from the beginning.
I'm not even religious but Jesus > Muhammad

I'm not religious either, that's why I find Jesus a complete joke from a historical perspective.

He never managed to do anything of note, his apostles did everything for him (they had to, Jesus couldn't keep his dumbass blasphemous mouth shut and got himself executed). Even then, it took until Constantine's conversion in the 4th century for Christianity to really start taking off.

Muslims were already in Central France exactly 100 years after Muhammad's death (732, Tours).

>that's why I find Jesus a complete joke from a historical perspective.
there's a reason why his miracles were called "miracles"

Because of Muhammeds high testosterone. Higher test you have the less likely you are to have sons.


You are making shit up

pretty sure he had sons that simply died young

like alexander

Alexander had one son (also called Alexander), who was born to his first wife Roxanne after he died & murdered when he was 12.
Although I like to think he had a few bastards knocking around like Genghis Khan

That's Ali you fucking loser.

Almost everything known about his life is possibly apocryphal, being written down much late in a time of great political and religious debate

>Not much of a god if he couldn't even manage to... not get executed.
Getting caught was part of his plan

mate i do not really idolize arab figures, but you should know that it was really a common thing to fuck your subordinate's wife. look at the english or american generals in american revolutionay war: they sleep with their subordinates wifes, and in 18th century.

i do not think that we should look at history with today's morality.

thank you.

>fucked kids, became a prophet