What Veeky Forums opinion on the Ottoman Turks?
What Veeky Forums opinion on the Ottoman Turks?
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they can't handle good bants
Kebab removed
One of the gayest races to ever walk the earth. The male equivalent of belly dancers were always more popular than the female ones, mostly because they would put out for the sultans.
I have no idea how they managed to propagate themselves given how fixated they were on fucking each other in the ass.
On a different note; why is it that the only noteworthy Muslim peoples/nations have always been non-Arabs.
>Muslim Golden Age scholars
>Greatest Muslim power
>Most culturally advanced
Arabization a shit though.
One of the most significant nations of the past, a remarkable account of the Western world meeting the East. Fantastically rich history and a major and awesome civilization.
That's if you look at it seriously and put aside the memes and racist European sentiments.
>Fantastically rich history
>racist European sentiments
It's not really all that racist to not like invaders, slavers and genociders, m8...
See, you didn't put aside the meme.
Or the racist sentiment I would assume.
So why do you get butthurt whenever somebody hates white people?
What was rich about their culture?
>Or the racist sentiment I would assume.
Ah, you complain of memes but spew this sort of desperation.
>So why do you get butthurt whenever somebody hates white people?
I do?
Suleiman was pretty awesome dude.
What civilization doesn't have dark periods in its past?
This is 800 years of history, and you have to be pretty childish to assert that nothing significant occurred before, during and after that time period. Why are you even on Veeky Forums if you think like this.
>This is 800 years of history, and you have to be pretty childish to assert that nothing significant occurred before, during and after that time period.
Never asserted anything like that. Can you provide specifics, or is blanket generalization your final form of sophism senpai?
>What civilization doesn't have dark periods in its past?
Did this one even have any light ones?
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
ive reed that after the revolution the socialists burned all the documents left by the ottomans. Most documentation about the ottomans is from western perspective, mainly french. I reed this a long time ago, so might be lying.
Any Turks here? What are your thoughts about the Ottomans? Shamefull or proud? Are you guys even allowed to glorify the Ottomans in Turkey what with all the Ataturk stuff and secularization?
More importantly, how much damage did the Ottomans do to modern Turkey as far as relationships between them and Europe and trying to get into the EU? I only know of the Armenian genocide being a block.
Turk here, my thoughts?
Honestly, I dont know much about ottomans, and I feel like theres not that much info anywhere. The ottomans fucked up with the thought of "WE WUUZ" and didnt go to america to conquer like the western world did.
I would argue that "secularization" forced by the state caused more harm than benefits, the "westernization" caused good things but caused alot of suffer to people that dont "agree" with the state vision. Now its pretty polarized in both "sides", it used to be only secular oppression by government, now with AKP in rule the country has become more "liberal" in that sense that both sides get to participate in the society and not one side being oppressed.
Turkey has until very recently been very poor and backwards but its slowly changing, people whining today dont know how it was before 21th century, the politicans was very corrupt and didnt try to "better" the country, it was a country with a system made for industrilazed countries but with no industry(western type of industry). Most people were still farmers and lived in small villages.
I believe Turkey has a bright future, if you think Erdogan is bad, you dont know how it was before, the political elite and core was and still is corrupt, but not as much as it used to,Erdogan is trying to get rid of all the corruption inside politics to create a real "democratic" system. Erdogan won by getting the support of Gulen, which is a religious kind of mafia that used to have incredible amount of power in media and politics, Gulen was the force that made CHP(socialist ataturk party) leader to leave his post by leaking scandals about him.
Erdogan is doing very undemocratic things, its true. but his government is fighting corrupt leaders and politicans that characterizes most of mediterranian politics.
Turkey has always been self hating, and its still strong within the left wing, but its changing.
This just my general understanding of turkey today.
Veeky Forums meme says they suck so I agree
All I know is they genocided somewhere between 1 and 2 million Armenian Christians about 100 years ago, but nobody cares because they were Christian and not Jewish
Nobody cares becouse nobody knows where Armenia is. But everybody knows at least one jew.
Source of butt hurt for many folk. This thread being the living proof of it.
The belly dance
Spurred the invention of cockroach exterminates
Being a part of one of the ethnicities they genocided (Assyrian), even I'm not butthurt about the Ottomans.
op please never ever post that again on Veeky Forums my rectum hurts just reading this thread
spotted the buttblasted diaspora
>invaders, slavers and genociders
every imperialist power ever?
Pretty interesting military history
Difference being westerns are cucks about their own imperialism.
OP just wants to stir the pot. The stew is thick, the butthurt has never been so real
Nigger the ottomans rekt everything on their path till the 1600's ,they had a great cuisine which is still visible in modern turkish cuisine, poetry was very big and respected and they allowed people to live according to their faith when europeans were murdering heretics left and right.
why cant we discuss the ottomans without some butthurt greeks/armenians/balkans/kurd/arabs/diaspora shitting all over the thread? its been more than a hundred years already let it go
>most accurate map ever drawn without modern mean
>person who drew it probably took his education in Ottoman medrese(university)
Nationalism everyone!
If you cant claim it, throw shit at it!
He is right though everytime something about turks gets posted here everyone explodes in autistic rage.
except that the westerners on Veeky Forums are all about justifying that, only libs are cucks about it.
i think white guilt is stupid but hating on turks for literally doing same shit as brits, spainards, romans etc, is hypocrite as fuck
You're asking the wrong user. I go back and forth between finding it hilarious and irritating as all hell. Depends how tired I am.
thats what i am saying m8, if Ottomans were christian ,part of European culture and did the exact same thing, they would be loved to death
because people could superfically relate with them
What I don't undersand is why the balkans are so butthurt about the ottoman empire when they were one of the biggest groups which fueled the empire. I mean even foreign ambassadors say that the most spoken language by the jannisaries was fucking serbian.
>Are you guys even allowed to glorify the Ottomans in Turkey
only the early parts and the height of Ottomans are glorified
literally most popular tv show in Turkey is the romanticized life story of "Suleiman the Magnificent"
and the newest most popular tv show is glorified life story of "Ertuğrul", father of Osman who founded the dynasty.
>Ataturk stuff and secularization
some people hate on Atatürk because he wasnt muslim enough but %90 still loves him.
State propaganda about Atatürk in schools is really strong. Turkis people basically think Atatürk as what Americans see their founding fathers.
>how much damage did the Ottomans do to modern Turkey about Eu relations
a lot, i would say, we are still the boogeyman of the eurome
>Shamefull or proud?
there are some people who literally hate the guts of Ottomans, those are generally atheist community or hardcore nationalists(we wus nomads ans shit)
but generally people dont hate and we learn all about them in school anyway
at their height they were pretty cool
they had a long lingering death as an empire though
nearly all of the "baş sadrazm" (grand vizer) were devsirme from balkans, they were the right hand of the emperor and second in command, there are even times where they were more influentual and powerful than the emperor while Turks were either soldiers or peasants.
Albanians seem to be especially popular.
Buncha cunts
Like every civilization in history?
Go back to /pol/. You're clearly too much of a dumbass to be here.
It was an awesome Empire at it's peak (16th and early 17th century). It earned it's reputation as Europe's sick man though. Also, the whole Armenian genocide is still shameful considering Turkey still refuses to acknowledge that it happened.
>On a different note; why is it that the only noteworthy Muslim peoples/nations have always been non-Arabs.
You seem to forget who ran the governments that enabled the Muzzie Golden Age.
Or you know, the guys who founded the religion.
they were pretty cool OP
Anything that pisses of /int/ is great in my book
Just because you're ignorant of their history doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
>pisses of /int/
Nothing pisses off /int/.
>Shamefull or proud?
The last 200 years were absolute shit tier which shamefull loss after shamefull loss.
>Are you guys even allowed to glorify the Ottomans in Turkey what with all the Ataturk stuff and secularization?
if you would say 20 years ago you want to bring the ottoman empire back turkish cia would pick you up and imprison you for 20 years
with erdogan everything changed
>More importantly, how much damage did the Ottomans do to modern Turkey as far as relationships between them and Europe and trying to get into the EU?
its in the past, if it does any harm or not i dont care, fuck the eu anyway
>durr good food
And no proof whatever that their poetry is good
What about Easter?
The best Abbassid Caliph was half-Persian.
I love turks because they kill kurd dogs
They had badass military music
>implying you wouldn't march to this
>implying Damascus and Egypt weren't relevant to Islamic Scholarship
Lmaoing at ur life viper
Kinda impressed that an obscure tribe became a major power whose dynasty lasted for more than 600 years. Osman's life is something straight out of a D&D campaign.
I find the early humble beginnings of the Empire quite interesting. There are many gems there especially the times when Ottomans ally with Byzantines against other forces. One spectacular story is when the Princes of both dynasties team up to overthrow their own Emperor fathers and create a new system yet they both get fucked in the end.
Then there is the Renaissance era. After the conquest of the Constantinople, Ottomans are arguably the single most powerful force in the world during that era. Mehmed II is a classical sophisticated enlightened ruler of the time period. He called himself Caesar of Rome and invaded Italy with the intention of conquering also the original Rome and uniting the old empire. It's suggested that he was poisoned by his Venetian doctor. He had the disease of gout and we know that he loved sea food so much that he ate fish or octopus every day.
Also he created the Armenian patriarchy too which still literally exists and is the main head of the Armenian church. Ironic if you think about the Armenian genocide discussions.
The funny part is for the Ottomans Balkans was the heartland of the country NOT anatolia. Then suddenly they were left with the backwater rural lands filled with no infrastructure and peasants. It's a miracle for the Turks that a person like Mustafa Kemal was born at that time to save their ass and carry them to the modern age.
All in all interesting country for sure. For further reading I would suggest Halil İnalcık's books on the Ottoman Empire. Google them.
The first 10 sultans were fucking brilliant. The rest were pretty damn dreadful with the very occasional exception.
What the fuck is wrong with his lower face?
weak chin, grew a beard to cover it up
How inbred do you have to be?
The Ottomans only became anti-Armenian when their empire became a joke and they were heavily indebted to European creditors. The Armenians were the best businessmen in the Empire and a convenient scapegoat.
Exactly. WTF happened?
The Ottoman sultans were of mixed blood. Their Turkic ancestry was diluted thanks to intermarriage with Greeks, Serbians, Italians, Circassians, and other groups.
Interestingly enough, Suleiman the Magnificent had Genghisid blood from his mother, a daughter of the Crimean Khan.
/pol/tards and europa universalis players talk shit, but any one of them would rather be a turkish sultan fucking slav girls in the harem than any other person in all history
Can you imagine defending a city while an army marching to this is coming your way?
What a feeling that must have been.
id be one of those slav girls
Bayezid I and Mehmed I weren't all that great in my opinion. I give a lot of props to Murad II for being able to deal with multiple enemies that wanted to break-up the empire.
And Bayezid II was a surprisingly peaceful man compared to his predecessors and successors. Not to mention how he welcomed the Jews of Spain into his domains.
It's sad that at the same time Osman was laying the foundations for Turkish domination over the Byzantines, the Muslims of Spain were on the retreat. It's eerie how many parallels there are between Iberia and Anatolia; eventually culminating in the conquest of Granada into Christian Spain and the takeover of Constantinople by the Ottomans in the 15th century.
lol I kinda like the civ 5 rendition of this tune
its sounds so ominous
They still haven't payed for Armenia, it's time to make them
Posting another based one
Sick man of Europe
This, and its very fucking annoying.
Since we're on the topic of Ottoman music, while their military marches are catchy, I've found Ottoman classical music pleasant to listen to as well. Such an interesting, unique and foreign style. I especially love the percussion and the violin in some of these.
Give this a listen:
Some other good ones I've found
The Ottoman dynasty's last 150 years was about the same way the Byzantime Empire "lasted" from 1300.
>that european looking dude peaking in
lmao wtf
thats how I feel right now listening to these
Composer/Collector is a Vlach but the style is Ottoman
They would have been cool if they stayed in Anatolia
>mfw the middle east was fine and peaceful with the ottomans
>Venetian doctor
were Venetian the jews of their time, everything from that period from there seems like Jewish Israeli schemes.
but the governments of the westerns countries are cucked and force their cuckery upon other countries. Its pure political game, ottomans buttfucked people in its borders and long time ago and those peoples ottomans conqured are actually conqured by france/england. e.g middle east, greece etc. The brits gave guns to people to fuck ottomans up in 1st world war. England still owns land in parts of todays turkey
Ottomans were never really anti-Armenian. Armenians were quite important to the Empire just as Greeks. They were not in any case a scapegoat like Jews in Germany. It's a totally different situation. Armenian members of the parliament existed as late as during the WW1.
England has no lands in Turkey
Talking about Brits, the centuries long French Ottoman alliance was over with Napoleon and Ottomans allied with Brits against the Napoleon during Napoleon's 1799 campaign in Egypt and Middle East. I think Brits send a few ships and the Ottoman general Cezzar Ahmet Pasha stopped Napoleon finally in the Siege of Acre which was one of the few defeats of Napoleon.
Napoleon describes the events and his Alexander fantasy like this: "been able to take Acre, I would have put on a turban, I would have made my soldiers wear big Turkish trousers, and I would have exposed them to battle only in case of extreme necessity. I would have made them into a Sacred Battalion--my Immortals. I would have finished the war against the Turks with Arabic, Greek, and Armenian troops. Instead of a battle in Moravia, I would have won a Battle of Issus, I would have made myself emperor of the East, and I would have returned to Paris by way of Constantinople.
His fantasy was crushed by the Ottomans and he returned the other way back to France.
>Treaty of lausanne
s-stupid Ottomans...i-its not like Byzantines like you or anything...b-baka!
So what? What lands are you talking about right now that England has inside Turkey?
obligatory post
>the imperial harem had African eunuch guards
They were very dedicated to not becoming cucks.
Holy shit it's true.
Somehow I have a hard time picturing blacks in the Ottoman Empire.
How were Africans treated overall in the Empire, besides some serving as eunuchs? It's often said the Ottomans were more accepting of religious/national groups (relatively speaking obviously) - was it the same sort of deal with blacks?
Keep being ass blasted faggot good food is one of the best things in the world.
They outlawed brothers killing eachother which while being brutal favoured the more capable princes for the throne.
Nobody gives a shit desu.