Oswald Spengler accurately predicted almost a century ago that Western Civilization was in a death spiral

Oswald Spengler accurately predicted almost a century ago that Western Civilization was in a death spiral

Why does he not get the credit he deserves?

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grrr i'm gonna whine about modern day civilization instead of actually talking about history

Because the liberal mainstream won't admit that the West is dying until it's been long dead.

>Why does he not get the credit he deserves?

Plenty of others have made predictions like these.

>muh degeneracy

oh yeah, and Spengler predicted that Jazz music was a sign of much worse things to come. what did jazz turn into? hip hop. ya know, the thing that's ruining our culture? yeah that.

This man was probably one of the smartest people to have ever lived.

this, go take your shitposting to any other board

Western Civilization is not in a death spiral, /pol/. By just about any objective measure, things are getting better and better. The fall of civilization is not why you don't have a girlfriend.

Western Civilization actually is in trouble though. Not necessarily for the reasons /pol/ thinks it is, but there are problems coming that nobody seems capable of resolving.

>The fall of civilization is not why you don't have a girlfriend.
True, women's suffrage and the general economic liberation of women is.

>True, women's suffrage and the general economic liberation of women is.
Nah. It's because being a creepy weirdo that spends way too much time on the internet is not very attractive.

>there are problems coming that nobody seems capable of resolving

Like what?

>hip hop. ya know, the thing that's ruining our culture

How are things getting better? Thanks to multiculturalism we are losing social cohesion in our countries, our western "values" like feminism, tolerance and other bullshit have never been part of our civilization since resently. It destroys familes, birthrates, traditons, faith. Everything that is crucial fot holding a civilization together.

is this supposed to be a representation of the general degeneration of our culture to the point of chaos and disorder? if so, very apt symbolism.

Why do /pol/acks go on a history board to bitch about modern society? Seriously, why?

intellectually dismantling the judeo-christian linear conception of history has nothing to do with modernity.

What we are dealing with here goes beyond any specific level.

>things are getting better and better

How so? Technologywise?

>By just about any objective measure,
>can barely produce art worth preserving at this point
But yes, people do exist longer, it's all very touching

>can barely produce art worth preserving at this point
Literally your opinion man.

You don't know what art is.
Lots of ways. Crime is going down. War is becoming less common. People are becoming happier than ever thus suicide rates are going down. Just because we're moving towards egalitarianism and you don't like that doesn't mean things are getting worse.

sleep tight plato

sleep tight plato

>Crime is going down. War is becoming less common. People are becoming happier

A lot of that is technology. Seriously I'm not death of western civilization guy. I'm just seeing most positive change being increased knowledge and implementation of science, medicine and technology.

And how do you propose that civilisation is getting worse? We're moving away from tradition? Surely you realize tradition is not always a good thing. Read "The Lottery" for example. Birthrates are going down? This is not a problem when the population still keeps rising and overcrowding is still getting worse. People are walking away from faith? I'm not even an atheist but this is a terrible point. Islam involves faith and surely you aren't very fond of that religion.

>People are becoming happier than ever thus suicide rates are going down
Actually the complete opposite is true.


Nope. The general trend over the past 50 years is that suicide is going down.

I'm not saying its getting worse but I also don't see the positives as some form of "inevitable social progress." Society flips all the time, religion and traditionalism decline and have revivals periodically. Birth-rates decline and expand as well. The US has had 4 religious revivals. Europe is probably less religious because of the WW1 effect but a series of traditionalist periods. Berlin still isn't as liberal as it was during Wiemar.

Human history repeats itself a lot the only major permanent difference is technology and information.

Roasties btfo

I just provided you with a recent CDC statistic from this year and you expect to convince with a graph from 2003? wew lad

If you had read the links I provided you would have seen that the suicide rates were going down until the early 2000s and then have massively spiked in the past decade or so.

But do you really think that's because of leftism? For about the first decade of the 21st century, we have had a Republican president, Republican House, Republican Senate, and Republican Supremenstrual Court. The main reason why suicide is on the rise is because of the recent Recession. Meanwhile from 1960 to 2000 we have had leftist policy such as the Great Society, the civil rights movrment, a large rise in feminism, the decline of the traditional family, etc.

it is only a religious people that can produce real art

listen to this and then tell me how Kanye West and Taylor Swift are anything but pure trash


>Supremenstrual Court.
Oh for fucks sake I hate autocorrect on mobile

>"Depression as a disease of modernity: explanations for increasing prevalence."


It's fucking over leftshits. You're wrong. This is the end of Western Civilization. We go as Rome did before us, with invaders storming the gates.

Did you even read the link you posted besides the headline?

yeah I did.

>"Modern populations are increasingly overfed, malnourished, sedentary, sunlight-deficient, sleep-deprived, and socially-isolated. These changes in lifestyle each contribute to poor physical health and affect the incidence and treatment of depression. The review ends with a call for future research and policy interventions to address this public health crisis."

It's all over. Modernity is poison.

I hate when people bring this left v right shit on this board. Seriously go shiver over muslims/jews/feminists/Latinos anywhere but here

If you have a linear view of history and you think we are progressing to a better future with the help of technology you are objectively a leftist and you are objectively wrong.