Tell me about the Polish-Soviet war, Veeky Forums.
How did the Poles do it?
Tell me about the Polish-Soviet war, Veeky Forums.
How did the Poles do it?
The same way poles win all wars
We're men and we're willing to die for our country
Breaking the Soviet codes. That played a huge part in winning the war.
And the Poles were fighting for their nationhood after centuries of foreign domination, they were totally united and hellbent on thwarting the Soviets.
>poles win all wars
Daily reminder, the war was primarily about control of Ukraine and Belorus which Russia won
It was a cavalry victory before tanks were in heavy use by either the soviets or the poles. Like all calvary victories, soviets got outflanked. Part of that was code-breaking like the person above mentioned, but another big part was knowing the local terrain and the soviets being very far from their supply lines (also, for at least part of it, the Russians were hoping to break even deeper into Europe and so when they were frustrated from bringing communism to Paris, they sort of decided to consolidate within modern soviet borders).
worked out in WW2
The Poles at the time had a distinct advantage in cryptography, cavalry quality, and obviously the defensive advantage.
Also God.
pic related, you
2 milion army vs 900k of Poles attacked from every fucking front.
germans kill the captives
burn vilagges
kill women and children
genocide elites
hur dur da polez lost XDDDD
For the first time in 200 years, we weren't outnumbered and outniggered by germans, russians and other scum.
That's how we did it.
Hello /int/.
Ended up with Poles on a German territory pushing from both sides.
great post, pic saved
also pic related further proof that we won most of wars or battles while being outnumbered
>that damage control
it was about spreading communism to the western Europe, commies were pretty big in Germany or France already, imagine if they had some brotherly help from red army.
It's a badass war. Shame people chose to ignore it. And we got some great allies. De Gaulle fought in it and the director of King Kong as well as General de Wiart (only British ally in Polish history) who got busy shooting kossaks from a machine gun while riding on a train.
>Weygand travelled to Warsaw expecting to assume command of the Polish army, yet those expectations were quickly dashed. He had no good reply for Józef Piłsudski, who on 24 July during their first meeting asked "How many divisions do you bring?" Weygand had none to offer
great allies indeed XD
Foch had Polish ancestry and he provided some support. I think.
Better than Brits. Lloyd George openly hated Poles and he was ready to doom the whole Europe to bolshevism to fuck them up.
It's honestly underrated, just like most of the Eastern and Polish/Czech history.
Norman Davies wrote the book, "Red star, white eagle" It's about that event, I recommend it.
But then again who has time for Poland when all the board awes about Prussia and genocidal Nazi machine?
>Lloyd George
He was a big admirer of the Communism.
He indeed wanted to make a pact and sell the whole Eastern Europe already in 1920.
The only thing i know about this country is The Witcher game series
don't read about anything else it's piece of shit that didn't contribute anything to humanity ever. They can only steal from Germans - first it was their rightful lands, now - cars.
American go to bed.
As much as I despise Polish overblown ego (that's coming from a "Pole" in Siberia), they did save Europe from communism. Trotsky-stile communism, with literal enslavement of peoples to literally Jewish overlords.
Hungarians tried hard to unite with Soviet forces in Poland and them help Jews in Germany.
If Germany, Soviet Russia and all of Eastern Europe between melded into apocalyptic USSR bent on world conquest, Eurasia would already be Greater Israel.
So Poles did good, even when everything east of Warsaw was already lost and everyone foreign already packed their bags to Poznan expecting Soviets to brutalize the place shortly.
Poles broke Soviet Russia attempt to get to Soviet Hungary, this broke Trotsky dream of world conquest lead by Jew overlords over Russian-German armies and practically doomed communism, if many decades later.
Prussia is Polish Germanic-boo joke that went too far.
If you think of it, Austria is Germanized Karintia ("Slovenia") while Prussia are Germanized Balts and Poles. So Germanic-boo Slavs and Balts practically created German empire out of nothing.
>it was about spreading communism to the western Europe
Daily reminder: Pulowski had already invader Ukraine twice before the soviet invasion,he stopped claiming polish sovereignty to the dneiper after that.
>Prussia is Germanized Poles
More like Poland stole Prussian land from the German people, you revisionist polack.
>Poland stole Prussian land from the German people
More like Germans stole Prussian land from Baltic people.
Prussia was created by Kingdom of Poland.
>and them help Jews in Germany.
that's interesting because "Jews in Germany" were viciously anti-bolshevik.
m8 i don't agree with the other guy but nearly all of the commie leaders in germany were jews, it's an undeniable fact
super autyzm koledzy, na chuj od razu z tym wyskakiwać
Bo ludzie siedzący tutaj gówno wiedzą o historii, a wypisują tylko durne memy o "muh Prusy", "muh Danzig", "muh Posen". etc etc.
Czysty debilizm.
nie zaprzeczam, po prostu nie rozumiem po co z tym zaczynać zanim ktokolwiek cokolwiek o tym powiedział
They were jews and they were in Russia for a while, didn't liked the happy things Lenin was doing there.
Ugly language, bad cuisine, very shitty people, terrible politicians, boring countryside and shitty culture, hideous cities, shitty music and cinema, pathetic army, neo-colonial economy with almost non-existant native industry and the list goes on.
Poland is literally the shitbucket of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and nothing impressive ever came out of it
Never won a war or start an empire
Sucks ball at sports of any kind
Implied huge jewish population but sucks shit at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.
Any average person will only know poland as "that country that was annihilated by the germans in the WWII".
Most are surprised it still exist.
Most people cant even find poland on the map and consistently mistook poland for either hungary or austria.
Its a country that is consistently bullied by countries around it and have absolutely no power to fight back due to its absolute low morale within its army and people.
Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its pathetic life like a dying rat is what makes poland literally the shithole of europe.
So fucking useless and incompetent you mistook it as a 3rd world country.
Here's your (you)
I love this post, it even has haploshit in it.
Poles are one of the worst shitposters and retards on top of that.
fuck off back to /int/ you stupid shitters
/int/ and /pol/ out
/pol/ can go, but /int/ are bros
Way to cherry pick his statement and completely remove its context and meaning, so that for a moment you may shed a small fact to elevate yourself in this thread.
Fuck off with your low quality shitposting.
Vietnam war was primarily about stopping the spread of communism to Peru through Vietnam, Philippines and Pacific Isles therefore US won.
Considering Germany lost territory to Poland, yeah it kinda did
yeah, WW2 was totally worth it for Poland
Jesus fucking Christ the autism it must have taken to write all that
>all that Polish - Lithuanian victories
Doesn't that mean that there were shitload of Lithuanians and Ruthenians as well?
WW2 was a disaster that could have been prevented.
Poland and Germany had good relations during Hitler's reign. France and UK wanted the war, so stupid polish politicians fell for it.
>France and UK wanted the war
They wanted Third Reich and Soviets to bleed out on each other.
Poland was just used to push the war quicker.
Also, the main goal of Hitler was to eliminate and humiliate France, not kill Poles or Russians for lebensraum. This happened because Polish politicians made retarded decisions, since 1930 to 1936 Germany and Poland had very good relations.
Poles even had their own parts in Gdańsk(Danzig).
fuck off /int/
>Poles even had their own parts in Gdańsk(Danzig).
wow, Poles had their own parts in a Polish city, truly the germans are the most generous and friendly of people
Read "Red Star, White Eagle".
We owe the Poles a debt of gratitude for stopping the Bolshevik hordes before they reached the rest of Europe.
/int/ pls go
>my country can beat up your country
>muh haploshit
>muh HDI
>muh women
Literally nothing but shitposting
>Polish city,
85% of citizens there were fucking German, you spastic assburger.
/int/ is /pol/lite but with 10x better bants and shitposting
We don't want bantz and shitposting on Veeky Forums
so in 10 years you'll be praising turkey for letting germans have their own parts in berlin?
>goes to Veeky Forums
>I don't want bantz and shitposting
You might be in the wrong place son
you already have 2 boards for your country shitposting, stick to them
t.Alberto Barbossa
You can do this shit all day on /int/, /pol/ and /sp/. Stop trying to destroy another board.
Don't forget /k/. We do that there too.
>More like Poland stole Prussian land from the German people
>Also, the main goal of Hitler was to eliminate and humiliate France, not kill Poles or Russians for lebensraum.
After 4 years of Polish-German cooperations, polish politicians that had internal struggle for power, forced their stupid internal politics out and Beck refused to work with Hitler.
That sygnalized Germany that Poles wanted war. I'm not all about genocide of the Polish elites, kidnapping of children and razing cities. But they made a stupid fucking decision. France and UK would never help them out, in fact, they bombed Poland with fucking brochures.
What the hell are you talking about?
Gdansk (Danzig) was German in that time. Historical bullshit doesn't matter if you have majority in that town.
Until Stalin and Tukhachevsky fucked up on the vistula the soviets seemed as though they were going to win the war.
For a moment the poles had two eyes in what had been a losing fight between a blind man and a one eyed man, as a result of their interception of soviet communications prior to the attack. From there, it was only natural for the precariously organized red army to simply fall apart.
yep, that's why they forced Poles out of their homes to replace them with ethnic Germans, burned Polish books, banned teaching in Polish and attempted to kill off all Polish intellectuals in order to destroy Polish culture completely
That's what you get when you make stupid decisions that are out of your fucking reach.
Do you really think Poles stood any chance against German army and German economy? No, resistance was huge, I give you that, but in the long term, Poland would be obliterated anyway.
It wasn't about Danzig, it was about stupid decisions.
Ps. Especially considering that Poland didn't even had fully mobilised forces and did it in the time of getting invaded (LOL)
But then of course, the great Polish mindset of EMPIRE. "IF WE CAN'T HAVE ALL, WE WON'T HAVE ANYTHING" - another kek.
Polish offered corridor to Eastern Prussia in 1920. Germany refused.
1920-1938 German and Polish relations are far more complex than we're taught. It wasn't all about killing each other and genocide. It was a big partnership untill stupid decisions came to play.
Did you know that Lithuania was a military protectorate of Poland?
Did you know that Slovakia could be Polish-German condominium if Beck didn't pussy out because he listened to western """""allies""" ?
Another stupid decisions and mistakes which costed Poland something more than just stolen provinces, was Army not getting any sensible fucking commands from the gov.
"JUST MARCH FAGGOTS" "Who cares that you will die outnumbered and outgunned" Who the fuck rules over his country like that and then you wonder why despite huge inteligence, great working ethics, long history almost ancient like and honour - Poland manages to stay a shithole.
Because you put stupid fucking people in charge. That's like sheep leading lions.
Anyway, that's all from me.
t. German Polishboo
I approve of this message
t. second generation Polish migrant in Norway
It was important for Europe despite the memsters.
Nice copy makaron, here's your (ty)
Nice input, dude
>be Poland
>work with perfidious albion&co
>get fucked
>be Poland
>work with Hitler
>get fucked
such is life for the Christ of nations