Was it autism?
Was it autism?
No, it was realpolitik. If those countries were independent post ww1, they'de get annex'd pretty quickly. It was different times.
>All that access to the Mediterranean Sea and the Ocean.
>Never develop beyond shithole status.
Can't really blame the Habsburgs & the Ottomans wanting to annex them.
A lot of it was under Venetian rule though.
I still don't understand how the Croats and Slovenes worked so hard to become independent only to immediately join another empire.
>muh panslavism
Collapse two times in one century with each nation going apeshit berserk one on another.
Plus the second one was Communist. Literally cholera on shit.
Croats aren't slavic.
>Venetian rule after Garibaldi
Am I missing something?
They are, both culturally and genetically, barely nay Germanic or Italic influence.
They looking fucking Slavic.
Croats aren't slavic.
Then what are they according to you?
yes, were gottic avar iranians from poland with illirian dna, thats obviously why we speak slavic and give our kids slavic names
>all you njemci will never understand slavs, let alone us balkaners
Nice try, Serbian.
A Slavified people, but not ethnically "Slavic".
Avars aren't Iranian you retard.
>A Slavified people, but not ethnically "Slavic".
>Croats are recorded to have migrated from Slav mainland
>but they're not slavs
Even if your false claim was true, you are implying a people can be "-fied" into a people without having intermarriage, integration and a dominant group taking over. That's nonsensical AND either way it would mean that there was an original Croat people that "Slavified" the local population.
>and genetically,
what the fuck do we have in common with russians except maybe language?
north croats are most similar to hungarians (brown hair, pale, blondes, average height etc) and south croats are basically dark-haired, freaky tall, bony facial structure and Illyrian
Delmati + Illyrians + Celts + Slavic Croats = modern Croats
language is Slavic and that is all
>They looking fucking Slavic.
pic related
>false claim
neither are croats but that dont stop people talking crap about it like it means something
poltard kids with strategy game concepts of history cannot into complex ethnogenesis
>being pro-Iranian
They're pro Aryan though.
I always just figured that Serbo-Croatians are the same thing (along with 'Bosnians'). Serbs are mostly Orthodox, Croats are mostly Roman Catholic, with some Bosnians being Turk-lovers and Muslim. Slovenians are just Alpine Serbs with a bit of Austrian influence.
FYROMians are still FYROMians, Slavified Albanians wishing they were really Greek.
Am I doing it wrong? I've had some Croat and Serbian friends, it's basically what they say when they aren't trolling each other.
Like I said
>being pro-Iranian
>Balkan slavs look different from eastern slavs
No shit
Macedonians are very different from Albanians, if we are anything we are Bulgarians
And Brits and Bavarians aren't Germanic.
How many of Yugoslavians apart from the Serbs want back to the old Yugoslavia days?
read thisserbs have black under their eyes, dark hair and relaxed lower lip
serbs squatted (slav squat... although that may be osman heritage which croats don't have since we were together with Austrian Empire and some parts were under Venice) on train stations in 1970's, my dad (from Zagreb) was weirded out by that
yugoslavian brotherhood and connections were a 19-20 century memes
Macedonia, like several states in the region, is a fucking meme. Your language, history, and culture are all made up.
The Balkans are shit because none of you can fucking swallow your pride and admit to similarities and give hegemony to the bigger, more important cultures like Serbian or Albanian.
>The Balkans are shit because none of you can fucking swallow your pride and admit to similarities and give hegemony to the bigger, more important cultures like Serbian or Albanian..
I hope you are not talking about croats or slovenes here in any fashion
I know that Macedonia is a meme but to call macedonians slavicized albanians is incredibly wrong. Also what is this albanian 'culture' you speak of.
bosniaks (guaranteed), macedonians (guaranteed) and montenegrins (not confirmed)
basically all the poorfags
yes and no
croats came to croatia before serbs came to serbia, they were distinct groups of slav tribes calling themselves distinct names and settling two distinct, even if neighbouring, areas, with distinct, even if realy similar, native populations
but... most real difference was arbitrary cultural idiosincracy and then the whole constantinopol vs rome thing draving borders, so one side got baptised catholic the other orthodox, and then the ottomans fucking shit up and austria taking over the rest, making for two overall difstinct paradigms of how things are done and why
othervise we probably wouldnt even see as much difference betveen ourselves than italians do betveen north and south, trough history we all intermingled then segregated again them mixed again then killed each other then inrtermarried, then genocided each other then.... so on and so forth
actualy one of the mayor problem factors was that serbs had a monarchy in 1918, which kinda pushed for hegemony all the time, and this remained part of belgrade mentality up untill the mid 1990is, while croats were still trying to assert themselves since the 1800eds and onwards till 91.
that operatively fucked things up more than any possible religious or linguistic distinction, whatever happened we always sort of had two distinct wiev on things
silly thing is us and slovenes were usuay rather cooperative and open for working things out, but belgrade, moreso than the rest of serbia, just kept trying to be domineering controll freaks without realy contributing anything, so we just had to move out
No Croats and Slovenes have enough distinction to be independent. Bosnia, Kosovo, and Macedonia are memes.
Also forgot Montenegro. God what a region of retards the Balkans is.
>Wanting back to Serbia dominated rule
Meme post.
>but... most real difference was arbitrary cultural idiosincracy and then the whole constantinopol vs rome thing draving borders, so one side got baptised catholic the other orthodox, and then the ottomans fucking shit up and austria taking over the rest, making for two overall difstinct paradigms of how things are done and why
you skipped the best parts when croatia flipped flopped between byzant and franks and waged wars against both (successfully i might add) when it suited us
you skipped part when we entered personal union for protection and good ol' cash
you skipped part when we entered personal union for protection but with habsburgs this time
you skipped the part where we are different mixture genetically (they look different... like whiter bulgarians)
try to find more yugonostalgic people anywhere else... ok, let's exclude Macedonia
We all know the Balkans are a joke friend. Kosovo is the biggest meme of all. Bosnians and Montenegtians however do have their own culture. Macedonia might be a made up land but we are a different ethnicity(mix of people more like).
There are many valid academic theories about the origins of the Croats that show their origins might be related to Iranic peoples who got assimilated and slavified.
I am a Macedonian and I don't see much yugonostalgia except in very old people. No one really talks about Yugoslavia at all.
Yeah, and there are many that shows that southern Germany used to consist almost only of Celts.
And that a majority of the Brittish genes are non-Saxon.
Which don't stops us from calling them "Germanic"
How are your Albanians doing?
>half the country
They are just going about their lives, speaking their Shqip language and laughing at our shitty political situation.
>southern Germany used to be Celtic
This meme needs to die.
Who inhabited it, then?
100% of Macedonians I talked to in Skopje mentioned Yugoslavia and how great it was 15 times in half an hour
it was torture
When did you visit? I'm a young lad who never experienced yugoslavia but I don't see a lot of people talking about it. However the thing people here yearn for is a stable country, which is associated with Yugoslavia instead of political crises every year.
Okay. It's not like the Germanic tribes came from Scandinavia and South Germany was on the path of the spread of the Celtic people.
Its not like there's very much evidence of them inhabiting southern Germany and why its still fucking disputed to this day as being an urealistic depiction of the extent of Celtic people or anything.
An unrealistic depiction of the extent of Celtic people? You are aware the spread all the way to the British Isles, Iberia and even Anatolia, right? Why would they miss South Germany?
>you skipped the part where we are different mixture genetically
>they look differen
meh... balkans are full of specific phenotypes, zagorci look different from dalmatinci look different from slavonci look different from sarajlije look different from imočani look different from vojvođani look different from nišani look different from hercegovci...
its all the exact same pre-roman balkan mix with a swat of slavic glazing on top
people didnt travel that far away from their villages, so within enough generations everyone ended up looking like the local dude with the biggest dick crossed with the local girl with the most active vagina
i mean half our people have the same surnames as the names of the places they hail from
thats why our phisiognomy looks different more than any fundamental haplogroup admix or whatever, were all just variants of our basic balkan type
but yes, some serbs do look different, but look at zagorci, prigorci or podravci, they dont even look croat or hungarian or austrian, like there a kajkavian people to themselves, and each place with its own dialect
its all realy kog boli kurac
Even you are so certain of this then why is there no fucking consensus on the Celts ever getting so far into Germany and the claim being disputed for centuries now?
So I don't think so mate.
2 years ago
to be honest i was talking mostly to 30 year olds because it was a business trip
suggestion: stop building statues and fix floor surface on the main square... maybe invest in street sweepers too
I think it's a bit silly to think of any area as definitively 'owned'. From our perspective, it may seem so, but ownership shifted often in ancient times. Few territories have totally unbroken ethnic-group claims to a region. Basques come to mind as one rare example. Lapps/Saami are another.
What's more common is perhaps several hundred years (often less) of hegemony, and then a flip to someone else. All across Europe. The Celts spent time in the Alps and southern Germany, but they weren't the first in the area.
The only thing we know is that the Celtics might've first emerged in a remote area in Southwestern Germany and then left it. They never heavily populated Germany at all and they were essentially, as the Proto-Celtics, heavily nomadic, which is why the majority of them migrated westwards into France and then further on into the British Isles and south toward the Alps near Italy and Spain and Portugal.
They never had a permanent presence in Germany, they just emerged in a small area, and left.
Read here: The Proto-Celtics developed in a small area of Soutwestern Germany and then left. They never had any permanent presence. Its silly and stupid to refer to Germany as being originally Celtic, anymore then one would refer to Iran originally be Elamite.
I recall reading somewhere that somewhere along the way they were culturally enriched by Scythians, meaning a more Eastern origin. Or at some point contact in any case. Some of the design motifs and religious details are quite similar (maybe it was pan-European folk belief...). Perhaps they were a splinter group of Sycthian or mixed-Scythian settlers into Europe...
I realize the Scythians were an Iranic group mostly on the Eurasian steppe, but it's not impossible that some ventured westward. Linguistically, I don't think we know enough about proto-IE branchings to rule it out. Celtic is Indo-European as well.
They actually have found evidence of Celts living not only in Germany but pretty far to the north.
See: frankfurt-rhein-main.net
>They looking fucking Slavic.
How the fuck can a linguistic group look like something, you dense fucking autist?
acording to this guy hacquet it used to be far worse, with dosens of different tribes, dialects, languages and cultures every couple hundred kilometers
and that was just dalmatia
this link is kinda crap but the illustrations are interesting
its kind of easy to understand why religion was so important to formation of national identity, at some point there might not even have been a unified ethnic entity other than blood relation, meaning porodica-rod-pleme only then, if then, -narod-
and narod might have meant just general linguistic or geographical grouping
We know enough. The early Germanics even had a runic alphabet, something the Celtics never developed. Sites have been found with such words of proto-Germanic engraved all around Northern Europe and even as far east as the Baltic areas.
Also from what Tacitus and Caesar have wrote, the Celts were generally vastly inferior and tended to get their asses kicked by the Germanics often.
>its another episode of non nations holding on to their "national identity"
Tell me what from what vanquished nation you hail from, autistic frogposter.
>They looking fucking Slavic.
I can assure you they look nothing like Czechs.
And what genetics make you slavic, huh?
Enlighten us.
Ysll all faggots kill yourselves
>"Ipsos Germanos indigenas crediderim minimeque aliarum gentium adventibus et hospitiis mixtos"
>"The Germans themselves I should regard as aboriginal, and not mixed at all with other races through immigration or intercourse"
They actually changed the tiles in the Center Square recently, we also have those trucks that sweep the street and spray water at the same time now.