>watching braveheart
>pretty good i think
>find out it actually happened
>what the fuck
Watching braveheart
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching Schindler's list
>find out it didn't happen
Ah yes, the daily b8 thread
>yfw you realize sparta actually existed
>battle of stirling bridge
>no bridge
Like 50% of that movie didn't happen though
They got character names and locations right though
Geography, timeline, rank of characters, laws, motives and their ages were all over the fucking place though
really though
At least it had great music and was enjoyable as a generic hollywood movie with no real basis in history
>Watching braveheart
>find out scotland actually voluntary joined the union
>watching braveheart
>scotland votes to continue being english bitch
>what the fuck
>no real basis in history
But Braveheart was a real film in 1995.
>it actually happened
wtf I hate england now
Though is the new desu
isn't it based on a fictional novel though?
>it actually happened
"the film 'hasn’t an iota of fact in it.'"- Ewan J. Innes, Scottish historian
Robert the Bruce portrayed as weak, undedicated, and treasonous?
It didn't happen like it's portrayed.
The battle of Bannockburn at the end is utterly wrong.
The Scots didn't charge.
The English charged across soggy ground, repeatedly.
While the Scots were mostly dismounted, in formation with long Spears, to dare the English horses to challenge them.
Lying nazi fucktard.
Go suck nazifag cock.
>ITT: Veeky Forums can't understand jokes
t. Moishe Goldberg
Schnidlers list is literally a fictitious story you mongoloids, regardless of what you think about da Shoah.
Hard to believe Mel's movie is based on real people while Schindler's list isn't?
>watching the revenant
>find out it actually happened
>watching documentary on Rome
>pretty good i think
>realized it actually happened
>what the fuck