i am struggling with the idea of starting to study philosophy, is it a useful, or is it the meaningless chatter, like many accuse it to be ?
Provide me with arguments for and against it please
i am struggling with the idea of starting to study philosophy, is it a useful, or is it the meaningless chatter, like many accuse it to be ?
Provide me with arguments for and against it please
It's fun.
You can think differently about things.
Get into arguments.
Distracts you from getting work done.
Tricks you into thinking you are smart.
Depends what you can get. Analytic or continental. Just finishing my BA in analytic philosophy (predicate logic FTW) and going on to MA in continental philosophy, for the fuck of it. In either case as a study its overrated. Except 1st order logic and cognitivism, you'll want to shoot yourself because of all the old fags like Plato, Aristotle and Socrates.
>Humanities fags think their degree is worth more than a piece of toilet paper
Good luck with your job at 7/11, OP
>Distracts you from getting work done.
You mean "keeping the horrific corporatist nightmare society going"
>If there were no humanities and an endless supply of ample drone workers to realise ideas coming from science, you wouldnt have the leisure of posting content on an Mongolian scribbling panel.
This is the world we live in; try to prove me wrong.
To be fair you don't HAVE to be a wagecuck, you could pursue personal goals.
It's a good major for getting into law school
why is this board called his
it should be called her
herstory is the story of people
since women make people not men
> that pic
I'm really loving the Kantposting and Schopeposting on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums, but I also hope it doesn't get to the point of a fad that makes anons tired and resentful, as has maybe happened with Stirnerposting.
>Mongolian scribbling panel.
Why the fuck is this me-me popular? It's so cringy.
I bet you have crippling asperger's syndrome and live with your mother
This. The LSAT is cake for philosophy majors.
>puts hyphen between me's
>makes fun of mental illness
>uses the word cringe
my eyes crumple and I feel sorry for you while reading your post user
>implying OP or anyone should start with stuff that that division can apply
jokes on you I was only trolling
kill yourself for a) the weakest bait of all time or b) being this big of a turbo faggot.
> "weakest bait of all time"
> still fell for it
Who's more foolish, me or you?
Choose a main course, keep philosophy as a side dish.
It's a great introduction to logic. As a hobby it will enrich your critical thinking skills. If you study philosophy it will allow you to make better decisions. If you chose not to, then you will probably spend your life on facebook, Veeky Forums, and watching netflix.
Proof of his point.
But please for the love of God don't major in it. Focus on majoring in a field that will earn a paycheck. When you are comfortable in life then you can study anything/everything you want.
>Focus on majoring in a field that will earn a paycheck
Not everyone is born poor mate. But if OP is poor, then he should not major in it.
Might as well get a degree on liberal arts and use your college loan to pay for carpentry lessons so you can learn how to build a cuckshed
Philosophy is good because it teaches you how to think, especially in ways which our business-driven society overlooks for the sake of uniformity and standardization.
Philosophy is more important for the processs, not the content or results. None of the toy problems or curiosities you study in philosophy will get you a job, but they will teach you how to analyze ideas and arguments, identify logical flaws, and develop and deliver reasoned arguments in suscinct, clear language. This is a vital skill which people in STEM rarely pick up, and as a result very few of those types develop the useful ability for independent thought.
Protip: you a much better off just reading philosophy, writing on it, and looking it up on the Internet than shelling out extortionate tuition to take it in school.
Surprisingly, or maybe not depending on your view, Philosophy has one of the better RoI in the much maligned humanities.
It's not as good as engineering maybe but money isn't always the most important factor.
Wojack is Kant and Pepe is Schopenhauer?
Unless you have some starting capital you need to be a wagecuck. Furthermore, not all personal goals are profitable, again requiring wagecuckoldry.
Why, as a society, have we determined the only worth is in monetary worth? Why everything is compared to the yardstick of productivity? I'm not sure. But it gives us Transformers-shit, trance music, and a culture more interested in distraction than even hedonistic enjoyment.
The purported goals of capitalist society are clear. It has failed to meet those goals.
You will be able to mental masturbate unlike any of your peers, and be smug about it too.
you can enlighten everyone at starbucks.
>lists two spooks
Define useful.
If you are smart enough, or went to a school that actively engaged you in discussion, debate and self-evaluation, you will not have much trouble getting into the mindset of many core issues and subjects. Then get acquainted with the language and start reading more and more abstract shit.
True philosophy, that is love of wisdom and perfection of one's self with a view to regain the soul's lost wings and to live in company of the gods, in other words Platonism and the Platonic tradition, this philosophy is the highest activity the human soul can strive to. But that other philosophy, namely modern philosophy, which is a mere wordplay and training to gain a teaching position in an university (mockingly called "Academia"), that one is not worth much if anything.
Nothing is stopping you from studying it on your own except time itself. But don't major in it.