Meanwhile, on bizarro Veeky Forums...
Meanwhile, on bizarro Veeky Forums
Mods can't melt Voltaire memes
I sure am glad a thorough education of human history made me a more emphatic and humanistic open-minded individual, free of hatred and presumptions against arbitrary ethnic groups and ideologies.
Whats gonna happen in 2041?
The Holy Roman Empire was the greatest empire to ever exist.
Prove me wrong
japan has the greatest of historic paintings.
Hey is this the atheism board?
My mom took my Xbox away cause I told my fundie grandma grandpa wasn't actually in heaven but rotting in a pine box. Stupid brainwashed bimbo, I'm glad I am so much more enlightened cause I believe in science and reasoning. What arguments can I use on my mom to get my Xbox back and convert her from being a dumb fundie christian? I am 15 btw.
all their beleivings come from a book because god said so. and god said so because of the book
that isnt valid arguing
Just redpill her like the kikeish haughty western bimbo slut that she is.
Why are Germans such a great an well-liked nation? I want to be more like them!
These threads are always so salty/butthurt
i'm not a leftypol slavboo retard
Was the attempted assassination of JFK funded by the Jews? I think LBJ crashed his car on purpose due to guilt on being in on the plan.
Plato is a great philosopher!
Germany is a great nation, the victim of the hostility of their neighbors.
Can anyone name a single male figure in history that did something great WITHOUT being motivated by a woman?
Men are total parasites, I don't know why history books spend so much time on them
Religion threads are great! I don't know why people keep posting about history here.
Tired of those WE WUZ white revisionist shitposts
Theocratic military fascism is awesome
All of history's most important figures were as great and influential as people say they were.
Mongols are the exception to EVERYTHING
Feudalism has jever been tried
Why is South Korea so oppressive a totalitarian?
I sure do love all the Jesus posting we get here. I never realized how much I was missing until I heard someone chant
over and over.
Oh you endearing and humble friend...
Everyone makes fun of STEM majors and tells STEM people that they are destined to minimum wage jobs, but I majored in engineering and I make $15/hr haha suckers STEM is the future!!
What do you think the world would be like had the Allies won WW2?
Skulls for the skull throne. Only by massive sustained bloodshed and orgiastic festivals can the lords or earthquake and storm be appeased.
Hitler is a valid discussion topic
I fucking love how we all post our citations and sources when we make claims. It's amazing that we don't spout bullshit and myths and claim that they're fact.
i'm glad we have all this archeological and written evidence about the manchu-estonian super war.
imagine if it ended in anything but a white peace?
/pol/ is a great influence to the board and it's great when they tell their reddit bogeyman to stop using boogeymans