Why has this yet to come to pass? More so why is it getting further and further from the goal?
Separation of Church and State
Because basing your state on fairy tales isn't a good idea
Always fails, eventually. People either stop believing, or get tired of the current belief and go after some other one, and whenever it does, we all know what happens.
You understand separation of church and state is the opposite, right? It means being neutral on a state level when it comes to religion.
My bad. By your phrasing, I had thought you were a Christcuck who was saying separation of Church and State was a bad thing.
Because godless liberals insist on using the state as a weapon to attack Christianity.
>Because godless liberals insist on using the state as a weapon to attack Christianity
You know this is wrong though, right? You remember Kony, right? Did you know LRI stands for "Lord's resistance Army" and he is doing what he believes as a Christian is the correct thing to do. It's the complete opposite, Christianity is defended at every turn and they attack every other religion. The only thing against Christianity is something which is against all religion as a whole - that being belief in a deity or intelligent design. No one attacks Christian morality.
Both do represent their local religious cultures to an extent.
The KKK is no longer an issue however.
>that image
This is so utterly wrong is hurts
>doesn't provide a counter point
>being an idiot
Please, continue.
I'm a Catholic, so I'm already a quasi-theocrat as things stand. I don't have a problem with the mingling of Church and State.
>I don't have a problem with the mingling of Church and State.
Why not? Explain yourself. Are you for a Catholic only nation? Are you a Catholic Zionist? How can you incorporate people who don't believe into your state? How do you incorporate people who believe something else into your state?
I might be considered a Catholic Zionist, yes. I suppose I'm in favor of the arrangement of Medieval Europe, where the Church held a kind of overarching advisory role over all governments.
As for differing believers, perhaps the Muslims have the right idea. Maybe they need to pay a tax.
>Why has this yet to come to pass? More so why is it getting further and further from the goal?
What are you on about? Religious belief grows weaker with every generation as society becomes more technically advanced. You can’t keep ‘em down on the farm with everybody has an iPhone.
The squeaky wheel fundies are the last gasp of religious belief and are nothing more than an expected overreaction to the inevitable.
The only idiot here is you, you white guilt faggot
Unity of church and state works fairly well with a single state, such as a very centralized kingdom. At the same time, suppression or subjugation of the church by the state also works for an empire like Austria-Hungary or the Ottomans. But separation of church and state is a necessity for a union of separate, distinct states like the Holy Roman Empire after the Peace of Westphalia and the United States, where each member state may have its own relationship with its own unique church that would be incompatible with the will of another state or church.
However, this has been said in one form or another for centuries, and every few decades some new wave of religious fervor sweeps the world and puts us back to square one.
Why would you want this shit? Church would only become corrupt from political games. Just look at history of Papacy.
Why is it even a thing?
Founding fathers were all christians america should officially embrance jesus.
Kony is a muslim.
To continue, in the American experience, the federal government has kept a fairly staunch separation of church and state in order to allow each state to run its own religious affairs. Over time, however, the federal government has been steadily increasing its influence and power over the states and becoming more directly involved with the citizens, eroding the divisions between states with economic policy and national law while imposing some of its rulings on personal rights that's moved it closer to the average American. Thus, separation of church and state which was once a federal limitation to keep it out of the way of states and their respective churches has become a national ideal of the American people (though not all).
If you want to see why church and state separation was important look at Europe and horrible wars over reformations and shit.
Today protestants and catholics basically get along so the only time people mention this stuff is when they want to stop state schools having christmas nativity scenes or something equally as banal.
When was the last time the KKK killed someone or commited a suicide terrorist attack?
>the state shouldn't look up to eternal, unchanging, tradition for its principles
d e c a d e n t
The United States will never be a Theocracy.
End of discussion.
>eternal, unchanging, tradition for its principles
And what would those be?