Do you think Gavrilo Princip would still kill the Archduke if he knew what he caused?

Do you think Gavrilo Princip would still kill the Archduke if he knew what he caused?

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what the fuck is that thing behind him

he was a serb, and serbs are disgusting conceited subhuman trash, so yeah he would have

RIP super mario

I have no source for this but I heard he came to regret his act when he saw what happened so probably he would refuse to do it.

Problem is, WWI would probably happ anyway with any other little spark

It would encourage him even more. Gavrilo singlehandedly destroyed the monarchies of Europe, he was a hero to all of mankind

no, probably not. many people at the time didn't think that there would be a great european war ever again

if franz ferdinand had lived to be kuck, things could have been very different.

Probably. Anarchists are total cunts.

what the fuck is that thing indeed like holy fuck lmao

Ok I googled it and apparently from the artist some guy commissioned some art of his fursona starting WW1. And the description says the fursona also started the holocaust.

>that pic
work of art right there

MARIO! Noooooooooo!

Given that the Serbs put up a statue of Princip in 2014 on the anniversary of the assassination, I would say no, probably not.

You must give us the source on that image. Humanity requires it.

Note to self: read thread comments before making hilarious observation, but winding up being late to the party.

...Just like America in WWI! Boom!

By which I meant, yes, yes he would have gone through with it. My bad.

>furfags pay to do this to history
Man and I thought the horsefuckers shopping MLP shit into historical photos were bad

>no, probably not. many people at the time didn't think that there would be a great european war ever again
but the austrians themselves were itching for one in the balkans, and the german leadership had roughly outlined their goal to go war with russia already in 1912 or thereabouts

>Ok I googled it and apparently from the artist some guy commissioned some art of his fursona starting WW1. And the description says the fursona also started the holocaust.
fucking furfags I swear

Link please, I have to see this.

So did the artist just forget about his wife being in the car?

Your Grandduchess is in another cart.

>So did the artist just forget about his wife being in the car?
Of all the things to focus on in that image this is what stood out to you as wrong?

Or even the fact that Francis wasn't driving.

In the end Serbia got everything it wanted so yeah, he probably would've


Why is he naked?

Fucking furfags are ruining history

Unprofessionally rewriting history should be illegal.

Yes, S*rbs are evil.

Niko Bellic kills Mario

By the Austrians you mean Von Hotzendorf? Franz Ferdinand (as emperor) would have never let ww1 to even be discussed



That applies to all people in the Balkans.

all people in Europe actually

He was a young stupid kid fighting for a cause he thought just. I don't think he could maintain that feeling of righteousness if hew knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that his actions would lead to millions of people dying for no good reason.

He wouldn't have done it.

where the fuck do people even make these images. what compels them?

It could be worse

just good old Franz F. going on a daily drive in a pitch black two seat rolls Royce 1908 model.
"dear should you at least bring a driver?"
"nah, fuck it honey. I need to feel young again. I will call when I get to Sarajevo."

holy hell that's insanely specific. i'm dying here


>some guy commissioned some art of his fursona starting WW1

I have no words.

Everytime I see this pic I'm glad he got BTFO by the comment below.

He didn't cause shit, the far left always wanted the war to happen

>Austria always wanted that war to happen


Now I see why /co/ despises MLP.





>driving the fucking car
Come on guys, I expect better


I'd like to see this.

This is all I could find

looks he deleted all the WW1 stuff, though he wrote a story set in the future that I can't help but wonder was set in motion by his fursona assassinating the Arch-Duke

also he likes john green and richard dawkins so i guess it all adds up

Also that the assassin appears to be firing a GLAWK or some other black polymer handgun which won't be invented for like half a century.

So this is the unbridled autism of a STEM major.

The funniest part of this image is that Franz Ferdinand is driving his own car.

Here is your source. It was under the external links section of ...


>I'm not a furry. Instead, I consider myself a human with a fetish for transformations, musk, feet/paws, saliva/drool, forced ejaculation and so on.

Thinking these are typical stem majors
Implying he didn't just lie
Implying that humanities art mayors aren't absolutely worse on all levels in general

Taking a CS minor, literally half the people are fucking furries.

I can only conclude
Wrong country
Wrong University
Wrong mayor

Literally nobody here is a furry and everybody in my mayor (astrology) is a nice and serious person

The eternal furry strikes again

Princip would've killed a beggar if he was told to

Probably. He was a Serb after all.



Destruction is all they know.

These people disgust me.

It looks like this faggot deleted a ton of his accounts so it's going to be hard to get anything other than this screenshot I found in a forum.

>some guy commissioned some art of his fursona starting WW1. And the description says the fursona also started the holocaust

>I am not a furry. Instead, I consider myself a human with a fetish for transformations, musk, feet/paws, saliva/drool, forced ejaculation and so on
>Unoffical philosopher
>I have finished reading The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins
>that fucking profile pic

>and so on

With his fetishes there's a good chance he gets off on his job.

Triggered STEM major.

This here, this right here. You see this, liberals, libertarians, lovers of freedom? This is what you have wrought, this is the upshot of your so-beloved freedom of commerce. When you allow people to freely exchange goods and services, this is what you get.

>Franz F.
really? how uneducated are you?


that's sure something

take a chill pill nigga. How can you take anything seriously when furries are involved?


top tip
tip top

He said astrology, that´s not stem. That´s the opposite of stem

I never thought willful evil existed until now.



I hope somebody pisses on his grave. Fucking retard. The Austrians were no saints, but what did he expect was going to happen when you assassinate the heir to the Empire as a member of a politically-charged cell?

Does he even have a grave? His body was exhumed and relocated like a thousand times.

He's hailed as a hero by the Serbs, his house has been blown off the map and a furry claims he started WW1. I think there's no need to piss on his grave.

holy shit I didn't see that at first glance but now I can't stop dying lmao

>The house where Gavrilo Princip lived in Sarajevo was destroyed during World War I. After the war, it was rebuilt as a museum in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was conquered by Germany in 1941 and Sarajevo became part of the Independent State of Croatia. The Croatian Ustaše destroyed the house again. After the establishment of Communist Yugoslavia in 1944, the house of Gavrilo Princip became a museum again and there was another museum dedicated to him within the city of Sarajevo. During the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, the house of Gavrilo Princip was destroyed a third time; no attempts to rebuild it have yet been announced.

Every time

What's wrong with Franz F?

Astrology - so you're an arts student? Kek.

As a Serb, I consider him a hero. He did nothing wrong.

he was bosnian

He was a furry all along.

So? Those people always existed.
Now they're just free to out themselves.

Oh no, anything but that. Quick, let's resurrect Comrade Stalin!

>he knew what he caused?

What, the destruction of Austria and Germany? Especially then.

Having them hide their retardation for all the world is functionally equal to them not having the retardation. It was better when it was hidden.
I wish we could. He was a very astute theoretician, and we could use some new ideas.

what the fuck is that image even

I've been laughing hysterically

I'm actually about to feint

send help