Voltaire rejected the biblical Adam and Eve story and was a polygenist who speculated that each race had entirely separate origins. According to William Cohen, like most other polygenists, Voltaire believed that because of their different origins blacks did not entirely share the natural humanity of whites.
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What now SJW atheists? :^)
Lincoln is also a racist by modern standards, what's your point?
>Their round eyes, their flattened nose, their lips which are always large, their differently shaped ears, the wool of their head, that very measure of their intelligence, place prodigious differences between them and the other species of men.
>And they are not men, except in their stature, with the faculty of speech and thought at a degree far distant to ours. Such are the ones that I have seen and examined.
>And one could say that if their intelligence is not of another species than ours, then it is greatly inferior. They are not capable of paying much attention; they mingle very little, and they do not appear to be made either for the advantages or the abuses of our philosophy.
Essai sur les moeurs, INTRODUCTION
>And it is a big question whether among them they are descendants of monkeys, or if monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man is the image of God: behold a pleasant image of the eternal Being with a flat black nose, with little or no intelligence! A time will come, without a doubt, when these animals will know how to cultivate the earth well, to embellish it with houses and gardens, and to know the routes of the stars. Time is a must, for everything.
Lettres d’Amabed, Septième lettre. D'Amabed
What repulsion that supreme Enlightener and FOUNDER of human rights –Voltaire- must have truly felt for black people! And how the teachings of the Holy Bible must have annoyed him (that all people originate from one sole couple, Adam and Eve!) And how could it be otherwise, given that for all racists this specific teaching of the Bible is like a red rag to a bull!
Don't make me say it
What makes you think all atheists are left wing?
Unless they imply that those behaviors are genetic, it isn't racism.
>founder of human rights
Look, just because Voltaire made fun of your idiotic holy book doesn't mean he's a Marxist SJW Juden hero or anything. He just thought you were dumb.
Fairly sure he didn't imply that, he merely talked about atheists in general since 99% of all people would be classified as SJW by the people calling other people for SJW.
It's funny seeing Christians talk like that when Jesus himself was Jewish
Since when was Voltaire a hero for SJWs? He just made lots of funny memes, albeit, next to none of them appealing to a bible thumper.
Many 19th century experts justified racist policies towards blacks because they were "The Son's of Ham" Old testament passages were also used to justify chattel slavery.
Voltaire was a human, and thus cannot be expected to be perfect, you however hold scripture to be perfect, so there is a very different standard involved.
Atheists who mock the Holy Bible would love Voltaire and 100% of the Voltaire posters on this board are certainly atheists. Those same atheists are also certainly SJWs (pro-religious indifferentism, anti-religion, anti-Christ, pro-LGBT, pro-every form of sexual immorality, ''live life do whatever you want xD'' (do what thou wilt), etc.)
The Holy Bible is anti-racism and heretic proddies twisting the Scripture is nothing new.
nobody cares about black people. go away.
Voltaire was a deist you mong.
>Those same atheists are also certainly SJWs
That's a lot of projecting. Did you learn to be a projectionist at your time in /pol/?
You're a blustering internet catholic. That's one of the principle /pol/ personalities, whether you like it or not.
>Voltaire rejected the biblical Adam and Eve story
Like anyone sane would, amen.
But that's wrong, whether you like it or not.
There may be some genuine Christians on /pol/ but most of them, even if they call themselves Catholic are actually protestants by definition since they reject many of Christ's teachings. No amount of cringeworthy ''deus vult xD'' posting will change that.
Do not associate me with them, thanks.
>what is symbolism?
No catholic would call somebody a "protestant" on account of "rejecting christ's teachings". They would call them a heretic if anything.
Like I thought. Blustering internet catholic.
But user, ''protestant'' is synonymous with ''heretic''.
>on account of "rejecting christ's teachings"
I'm also talking specifically about the so-called ''Catholics'' on /pol/.
Is hell symbolic?
No but the way it is described often is.
>Those same atheists are also certainly SJWs (pro-religious indifferentism, anti-religion, anti-Christ, pro-LGBT, pro-every form of sexual immorality, ''live life do whatever you want xD'' (do what thou wilt), etc.)
Careful user, the meme density of this is near critical mass
Voltaire criticized atheism. And SJW is not a catch all term for social libertarians. It refers to people who are constantly whining about sexism and racism even when its not appropriate or relevant
A modern-day heresy.
no it isn't
a protestant would be a heretic to a catholic, but a catholic would not think that all heretics are protestants
the fact that I have to explain this to you means that you are not a catholic
So in other words, if it doesn't benefit you it's symbolic, and if it does it's literally true
>a catholic would not think that all heretics are protestants
I never said this.
What I mean is basically this:
''vomit smells like shit''
But I wouldn't say:
''shit smells like vomit''
Get it? Are you a butthurt proddy baiting or something?
You're still too dumb to understand symbolism I see.
I get that you're an internet catholic, and like all internet catholics you bullshit about heresy and protestantism and all this other nonsense, none of which you learned from going to church or talking to other catholics in real life.
Your reading comprehension is awful.
I said:
>even if they call themselves Catholic are actually protestants
in order to disassociate them from Catholicism, I don't even view proddies as Christian so why would I view the pseudo-Catholics on /pol/ as Christian? Are you the same idiot who doesn't understand symbolism? Do you call yourself Catholic?
Don't bother with him, m8.
All I'm reading is that you're making shit up as you go along, arbitrarily classifying people on gut instinct, and then saying "I'm a perfect catholic who follows all the teachings of jesus to the letter", even as you're pulling shit out of your ass.
Again, typical internet catholic.
>you're making shit up as you go along
Not really, you're butthurt about this post which I explained here yet you're still whining.
>arbitrarily classifying people on gut instinct
>That's one of the principle /pol/ personalities
Do you know what the Holy Bible says about hypocrisy?
>follows all the teachings of jesus to the letter
I try my best to, why don't you?
Answer my question, do you call yourself Catholic?
Nice bait. Would definitely make the uninformed rage.
But he was a circumcised jewish rabbi.
Are you saying Jesus wasn't a Jewish rabbi who spent his entire life in Israel?
>Answer my question, do you call yourself Catholic?
Well, what's taking you so long? It's a simple question, yes or no? I'm thinking it's a no and you're ashamed about it but I won't arbitrarily classify you on gut instinct like you do ;^)
No I'm not a catholic you fucking imbecile. Christianity is beneath contempt.
There's no hypocrisy in what I say, because I do not claim to be an adhearant to an infallible gospel written by somebody who isn't myself. When I speak off the cuff, of my own ideas, it's entirely consistent with my ideology. When you do it, when you make shit up and invent classifications and descriptions of belief systems that you have arbitrarily deemed this thing or that, without the guidance or council of anybody but yourself, you are engaging in the exact sort of behavior as "protestants". You interpret your religion as it suits your taste.
Ooh, samefagging bait
You're pretty good at this. Bumping that to 4/10
>imb4 christian
>inb4 mad
What, are you one of those people who think Jesus and the Ancient Israelites were Nordic Anglo-Saxons and modern Jews are khazars?
>Well, what's taking you so long?
I went to take a shit. It was more enjoyable than this conversation.
>Christianity is beneath contempt
Oh so you're actually just an annoying pretentious atheist.
>There's no hypocrisy in what I say
You associated with me with /pol/'s pseudo-Catholics then roleplayed as a ''true Christian'' while whining about ''arbitrarily classifying people on gut instinct''.
>my ideology
It is spiritually dead.
>You interpret your religion as it suits your taste
How so? By calling pseudo-Catholics from /pol/ the same as protestants?
There's no conversation going on actually, you're just blindly shitposting and I'm refuting your bullshit assumptions.
>You associated with me
You associated me*
Bro, he was a rabbi.
>Oh so you're actually just an annoying pretentious atheist.
Not all religions are beneath contempt, but yours is. Some are contemptible, some are even admirable. Maybe there might be one that's even truthful.
>You associated with me with /pol/'s pseudo-Catholics then roleplayed as a ''true Christian'' while whining about ''arbitrarily classifying people on gut instinct''.
Apparently you don't get it. You're a catholic, and your entire deal here is being a "true" catholic, a "correct" catholic, and not a "fake" "protestant" catholic. You have greater onus to be correct, and not talk nonsense than I do. Your nonsense is amplified, because you are purporting to speak god's truth.
So when you blather on about "well for MY part, I PERSONALLY consider those people to be protestants" and "honestly I don't even consider protestants to be christian!" you're being arbitrary. You're not adhearing to any truth but however you feel. Then of course there's your virtuous saintly phraseology, like "butthurt proddies". Because being a good catholic surely involves Veeky Forums shitposting.
Again, I'm permitted to shitpost on Veeky Forums, because I don't adhear to a religion that would look down on that sort of behavior. I don't have to be a catholic to know that you're shit at it.
It's still a conversation. There you go again arbitrarily redefining words to your taste.
>your entire deal here is being a "true" catholic, a "correct" catholic, and not a "fake" "protestant" catholic
What's wrong with that?
>Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1
>Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.
1 John 2:6
>For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.
1 Peter 2:21
>being literally butthurt about the word butthurt
>crying about Veeky Forums memes on Veeky Forums
4/10 bait
Also, blue boards =/= red boards
and posting on Veeky Forums =/= fapping to trannies and calling everyone nigger faggots
Considering that you're so intent on following the teachings of jesus, you probably shouldn't be a complete jackass. That's really all I've been saying.
>you probably shouldn't be a complete jackass
Are you baiting again? Read your own posts.
This is not me samefagging btw.
I am not intent on following the teachings of jesus, and thus have no reason to not be a complete jackass. This is at least the third time I have mentioned this idea.
Why should you, as a pious believer in the alleged one true religion, only just meet the standards of behavior set by a bunch of masturbating tranny nigger faggots on one of the most disreputable message boards on the whole of the internet?
Considering that being an insufficiently pure catholic makes one a "protestant not christian".
>I am not intent on following the teachings of jesus, and thus have no reason to not be a complete jackass
I know.
>Fools say to themselves, “There is no God.” They sin and commit evil deeds; none of them does what is right.
Psalm 53:1
>le scary Veeky Forums is a big bad scary place
You expect me to take you seriously?
Also, of course most protestants are Christian, though they hold unscriptural beliefs, they are simply heretics, not apostates (see CCC 2089) but in some cases (Mormons for example) they are to be considered as such (apostates).
OP, as a Catholic, what is your opinion on the Holy Roman Empire? As an empire, did it uphold Christian values, and represent the papacy in Rome?
>In 1733, Voltaire met Émilie du Châtelet, a married mother of three who was 12 years his junior and with whom he was to have an affair for 16 years. To avoid arrest after the publication of Letters, Voltaire took refuge at her husband's château at Cirey-sur-Blaise, on the borders of Champagne and Lorraine. Voltaire paid for the building's renovation, and Émilie 's husband, the Marquis du Châtelet, sometimes stayed at the château with his wife and her lover.
Haven't most humans been, even up to the current day?
I don't think most humans throughout history have ever thought about race at all
He noticed differences in races of human beings.
Lets disregard all his work and discredit him, surely he could have not given this world anything worthwhile. Come on! Lets discredit him because we can contribute nothing ourselves, but be surface level critics.
>responding seriously to meem thread
>being this obvious
at least pick people that will break muh right left false dichotomy like Bakunin 1/10 try harder next time
>libertarianism is bad
>I don't understand ethics
>I don't understand atheism
>I don't understand political philosophy
Take PHIL101 and GOV121, then come back and shitpost.
t. pro-life libertarian atheist
Niggers and kikes absolutely btfo
Neither sociable nor just nor warriors.
atheist, deist it's the same
>it's the same
>pro-life libertarian atheist
Leif Beibersen?
>mfw actually voting for him in the general
Of course Voltaire was racist. He was a reasonable person after all. He especially hated Jews.
I swear, I love this man more and more each day
So wait.
Are you telling me Voltaire was an equal opportunity critic, slinging mad burns and memes at literally EVERYONE?
Damn, he's one hell of a guy.