You're the Führer in 1939, what do you do ?

You're the Führer in 1939, what do you do ?

shoot myself to save the world a whole lotta trouble

>be the Führer in 1939
>immediately stop putting stupid amounts of marks into the Kreigsmarine because they'll never beat the RN, instead allocate the money to the Luftwaffe
>give the Italians as much training, tech/equipment and advisors as possible so they aren't so woefully shit at everything
>focus on mass producing and upgrading existing panzer mk3 and mk4 instead of millions of also variants with different parts also better bombers
>execute Goring and have him shot for being fat and possibly retarded and replace him with someone more competent (anyone). Also Himmler.
>proceed with invasions of Poland & France
>try absolute hardest to btfo anglos at Dunkirk cause Churchill isn't surrendering shit
>focus on u-boats and bombing the fuck out of raf bases because Operation Sealion is a wet dream
>take Malta
>not even bother with Africa but take Malta and Cyprus
>hopefully the Italians don't fuck up so spectacularly in the Balkans and I don't have to commit 3 million men before Barbarossa
>cut off all ties with the nips when they start shit with America + do not declare war on America
>promote right wing groups/parties/ideology in occupied countries and show people that I'm trying to improve Europe as a whole and don't be such to assholes to the occupied. Also don't go quite as hard with the Jew shit
>actually prepare for near arctic warfare

More ?

>execute Goring and have him shot for being fat

>dump Eva
>bang Leni Riefenstahl

>>execute Goring and have him shot for being fat and possibly retarded and replace him with someone more competent (anyone). Also Himmler.

Give the sorbs a tiny truly independent state within my borders for the keks and because they are adorable!

>execute Goring and have him shot for being fat and possibly retarded and replace him with someone more competent (anyone). Also Himmler.
>tfw no more weebs to shill for japan
Does this mean you would choise to continue the sino german cooperation?

Crown myself holy Roman emperor and reunite Christendom under one sceptre

try to get allied with balkan countries

>Get balls deep into Russia asap, starve out Leningrad and take Moscow/burn it to the ground, if not possible before winter prepare defensive positions as close as possible to renew the offensive in spring
>let Guderian and Manstein do whatever they want with my full support
>make sure there is plentiful mentions for the eastern front especially anti tank weapons
>don't bother trying to take Stalingrad, bomb it to cinders and starve out the survivors and dash for the Caucasus before we run out of fuel
>this will probably all turn to shit

will continue tomorrow

Make 10,000 threads about it on Veeky Forums monthly because people haven't seen this shit already

No, I would of cut off all relations with the Japan the moment pearl harbour happened to try and prevent/prolong American involvement


She looked so Jewish

>Build up my military and take rightful German lands back.
>Develop the nuke completely.

Have my military dominate the air completely and defeat France.

Nuke, France then Cultural Revolution the shit out of it. Tell, Britian it's next with the nukes if it pulls funny shit. Let the Soviet Union have Eastern Europe while I take the West.

Tell Japan to fuck off and support the United States in a war against Japan by giving them nukes to use on Japan.

Go back to . Never come back here.

the fuck

>Execute Goring for being fat
Top kek
Seriously though, this is a solid plan. I dont even know how Mussolini and the Italians could fuck up in the Balkans so bad. They couldnt take Greece for months until Hotler stepped in, and even then there were dozens of resistance movements in the Balkans that they either had to cooperate with or deal with. Didn't they also fail at invading southeastern France too?

>cut all relations when they attack America
Why not just keep the sino german alliance going and continue to get material and economic investments from China, instead of having non asian partners?
I don't understand what you gain from this, by aligning with the Nationalists you prevent a pearl harbor in the first place

He meant the prewar cooperation with China that Germany cut off early into the war.

Find Ben Garrison

offer polacks eastern Prussia for military asistance against Soviet Union

dead of the Soviet Union is more important than some shitty fucking land.

There already is a quest board where you can post!

>Switch to defense in early 1941
>Hold on to Molotov–Ribbentrop pact
>Force peace as fast as possible

>dont fuck with England yet they can wait.
>blitzkrieg in Russia
>capture Stalingrad and them Moscow before winter.
>secure Russian oil fields to supply Russian campaign
>accept nothing but total surrender of Russia
>oh i almost forgot. tell those jap retards not to fuck with USA we got this after England.
>once Russia is secured focus on England and her navy starving her until they are forced to surrender
should i keep going? i had planned this all out for a school project long time ago. was not agreed with by all but still...

>once Russia is secured focus on England and her navy starving her until they are forced to surrender
Except Germans would starve and die out before you would do anything lol

>dont bomb england
>ignore stalingrad
>go on the defensive once i have the oilfields in ukraine
>sue for peace
>sue for peace
>sue for peace
>abandon africa

>capture stalingrad

yeah cause that went so well IRL, you do realise that stalingrad hade next to none strategic valuve and was literally the turning point in the war

In his little scenario he's already defeated Russia so he's basically autarc

>become allied with armenia
>help armenians become independent
>have them annex Azerbaijan
>armenians have training and experience to help with invading russia

Empty the state's treasury and run.

armenian fucktard detected

thinks his country has any value or meaning

kys fag

Finish conquering Greater Poland, take Danzing and avoid any direct military confrontation.

Immediatly call for a meeting with other European leaders, namely, those of Russia, France, England and Italy to discuss the reenactment of Versailles Treaty without having Germany being so much cucked.

I would directly propose the following:

1) In this agreement the national socialist nation of Germany and the fascist nation of Italy agree to henceforth cooperate economically, militarily, geopolitically and strategically with its surrounding neighbors, mainly, with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Soviet Union, and the French Republic.

2) This treaty does not impose any economic limitations upon any of its ratifiers, including Germany and Italy.

3) This treaty imposes some military restrictions upon Germany and Italy, in that these countries' air forces, navies and armies of these named countries cannot have, individually:

3.1) Total manpower equals to or higher than half that of the total armed forces of United Kingom
3.2) Airforce value worth more than 20% of that of the United Kingdom
3.3) Navy value worth more than 20% than that of the United Kingdom
3.4) Unallowance to conduct military expeditions in other countries unless under the direct allowance of Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union

4) This treaty reaffirms the national sovereingty of Germany and Italy, respecting their internal political systems, and all the signing members of these countries agree to not meddle in the internal affairs of others, nor use such issues as a pretext to start bellic conflict.

5) Germany and Italy agree to keep friendly relations with its neighbors, and vice-versa.

6) This treaty will be enforced for 20 years after its ratification, and then, nullified.

In short, I don't want war, but I want German lands. Some sort of light version of Versailles and diplomatic reapproach I guess would help.

>was not agreed with by all but still...
I can see why.


This is great and everything but would set up a void between the West and the Soviet Union.
Germany would end up being the very rich buffer state between UK with its friends and the Soviet Union, and therefore the target of dispute just as well. USSR or UK could both try to invade and retake Germany for themselves.

Germany could become a full UK puppet, a soviet satellite or both, like in the Cold War division between FDR and DDR.

Italy would become more irrelevant, reaching Spain tier levels of relevancy.

I think that without the expasionism and militarism, fascist economics could face tough times unless they turn from third way economics to l. faire, specially Italy since its smaller and has less resources/population avaiable to turn fascist development projects into reality without external exploitation.

And this economic opening could eventually lead up to democratization as well.

What's your master plan then?

Keep jews.
Invent Nuclear weapons and missiles first.
Show of force.
Kill jews.

>3) This treaty imposes some military restrictions upon Germany and Italy, in that these countries' air forces, navies and armies of these named countries cannot have, individually:
>3.3) Navy value worth more than 20% than that of the United Kingdom
Like hell Britain is going to accept that, they barely accepted a 100:35 tonnage ratio to Germany. Honestly you should set 3.3 similar to 3.1, such that the total tonnage of each country cannot exceed half that of the United Kingdom for Germany only.

France would object to Italy being accorded greater naval tonnage as well, so I don't see them accepting 3.3 if it applied to Italy to the same extent it applies to Germany.

With all due honesty, I'm not really that knowledgeable of this kind of numbers, or things this specific. After all I'm the austistic Austrian with an ugly moustache who ended up as the Fuhrer.

So I would ask some of my advisors to narrow down this kind of specific issue, but you get the idea.

By the way, I forgot to say what I would do about the jews, and I'm 100% sure I'd shave that ugly moustache.

>proceed as planned but do not invade Poland with Russia as planned
>act appalled at Soviet cruelty in Poland, use Winter War as political ammunition
>consolidate Western military and political power behind me in a war with Russia
>form the tip of a unified European spear that rids the world of Bolshevism forever
>fund an equip right wing parties and organizations in occupied and allied territoreis

A man can dream can't he? A man can dream.

Your military allowances honestly aren't going to matter, since the German economy's going to shit unless you downscale the military anyway. Schact and much of Germany's leading businessmen wanted Hitler to downscale military spending and focus on free trade, because they saw that the German economy was going to go to the shitter unless they used that military to either conquer some shit to pillage. Poland's wealth isn't going to last forever.

shoot my self

I did not know about the second sentence of your reply until now.
That being said, military allowances are going to matter, because they wouldn't matter.
What I'm thinking is, as the Fuhrer, would you rather:

1) Bow to your economic advisors and show that you're a weak leader, making the military smaller and the economy greater at the cost of lowering your reputation and status within the Nazi gabinet, and still keeping bad relations with Britain


2) Sign off this Once in a Life Trump-tier Super Deal that as Germany I offer to neighbors, and therefore, not only the military would be reduced and the economy benefit, but also, I wouldn't have bowed directly to the advisors, I imagine they would even see me better as the one who idealized/lead this process, and also, friendship with His Majesty and friends.

Interesting thought.
Question to Veeky Forums.
If the treaty was presented to Churchill, Stalin and Lebrun, would they accept it? Who would and who would not, and over each clausules?

it would have saved a lot of Aryan girls from being gang raped

From the French perspective its great as it is.
I imagine the French would feel threatened by a neighboring, expanding, strong Germany while they were still hit by the aftereffects of WW1, militarily, socially and economically.

UK would react like picture related. Its a very interesting out of a sudden deal, considering there has been a lot of atrition between Brits and Germans over Austria and Czechslovakia, and besides the original post mentioned forming Greater Germany, which implies


which implies furious british butthurt over Poland.

However the deal is also very good to the British. If I was Churchill I would ask for more influence over Germany, and some sort of economic limitation, at least to stop the German economy from overtaking that of Britain. Also,

>muh colonies

The Soviets would frown the most. I think they would feel excluded from the deal, unless they get some sort of economic/territorial privilege.
Maybe they could ask to establish Soviet puppets in German/Italian territories in Africa? Like the Cold War puppet states?

If they can't sign the deal at all then they would leave this imaginary conference, and germany/uk/france would form some sort of defensive alliance to contain possible aftermaths of soviet butthurts.

I don't really care for how Italy would react, since it wouldn't influence Germany at all.

Worst case scenario, Italy goes rogue and somehow breaks the treaty enforced upon it, and then UK, France, maybe Germany, perhaps USSR would gangbang it from the entire west coast and the north (east if USSR joins), and then split accordingly into zones of influence.

Its fun to imagine.

forgot reaction picture


Of course not. By this point it was clear a treaty with the Nazis wasn't worth the paper it was printed on, and the only 'concession' in the treaty, in exchange for Poland, was an arms limitation, exactly like the one they had squirmed out of starting less than 6 years ago, except now the limits are so high that Germany couldn't even theoretically surpass them.

Allow the Soviets to invade Poland and then go into victim mode like the Soviets did in real life. Lead the Western Allies in a glorious anti-Bolshevik crusade, but cuck them by occupying Eastern Europe the same way the Soviets did.

Shave my moustache, change the swastika flag for something more European, something like the current EU flag, at least the same colours.

Spread the ideals of national socialism and European nationalism in every corner of the continent, from Portugal to Poland and from Malta to Sweden. Unify Europe peacefully and voluntarily according to everyone's desire, from the farmer to the politician, from the factory worker to the businessman, to make an European nation.

I would like my Europe to look like picture related.

Deport muslims and shitskins back to north africa and the rest of turkey, if they resist, take them back by force.

Stop the holocaust and start burning any documents that prove the holocaust happened because I dont have anything against Jews and believe certain cultures should be preserved, make Israel a country at this day and age.

Be nice to Russia and only fight back if they want.

Become leader of the coolest country ever.

Must of misread what he said, but yeah I would cut off all relations in the East because nips are about to get btfo/

Yes... YES!

invest in long range bombers and target those factories east of the Urals

>>armenians have training and experience to help with invading russia
You almost had me

Don't invade Russia, focus on developed world

She's beautiful

>Not bother with the Brits or France
>Just attack the Soviets under the guise of anti-communism
>Americucks & Co. BTFO
>Send the Jews to German East Africa
>Sleep on a bed of ubermensch fraulen

how about
>actually issue winter uniforms for the wehrmacht
>don't get bogged down in battles where we can't supply our troops (stalingrad, etc.)

You are retarded

>Not bother with the Brits or France
France was a main target of his hatred since he participated in WW1.

That's... not really true. The Nazi ideology was firmly aimed eastwards. Maybe personally Hitler had a hate boner for France but ultimately the German politics and war as a whole were all about the eastwards expansion. In fact it was Hitler himself who was ultimately satistfied and convinced that the western Allies would not go to war over his early expansion, and welcomed this state of affairs. Even leading up to the war in Poland he did not aim westwards and thought the allies would not go to war.

>implying americans won't find a good excuse to fight the big evil germans anyway
I'd rather try to mantain peace with the sovs

>Still hasn't appointed Speers to streamline armaments production


>implying I'm balls deep im Russia but losing ground while maintaining a solid hold on Europe, about late 1942
>do not commit the 3rd army to Stalingrad and let them all freeze for muh ideology
>appoint Heinrici command of army group north, aiming to hold Leningrad, appoint Manstein and Guderian to army groups centre & South to respectively with my full blessing to do whatever they fuck they want
>hopefully my allies aren't as hilarious incompetent
>end 1943, broke the back of Soviet command by taking Moscow, blah blah blah Lebensraum. Occupy Russia up until the Urals then who cares + carpet bomb survivors in Siberia, which will be possible due to have someone competent in command of the Luftwaffe
>don't be evil occupiers and promote right wing sentiment, eventually install puppet fascism regimes
>hopefully America hasn't declared war and getting somewhere with nuke research by not spending stacks of marks on retarded wonder weapons and overly complicated tanks + don't make all the Jewish physicists flee + don't go quite as hard with racial discrimination except the gays and JVs tbqhf
>continue ploughing Churchill until he surrenders/i can deploy more than a division by sea by act of god
>consolidate current borders, all is well in the 1000 year reich

Invent anime and create Veeky Forums, be a tripfag on /pol/.

Declare war on Russia.

No seriously, France and Britain hate the communists nearly as much as the Nazis. Have submarines blockade St. Petersburg to kill any attempt at material aid and rush in while the Russian army is still recovering from the communist purges. Make nice with the locals and drive straight for the oil fields. After that, expand northwards to capture as much farmland as possible. Dig in, stock up, and wait for the Red Army to starve.

Have the Italians secure the black sea and THEN consider going to war with France and Britain.

Now that your East is secure it's time to consider the west and by god that's going to be a doozy. The British and French will learn from your conquest of Russia and spend the entire time preparing. The Battle of France is going to be tricky and I doubt that a march through the Ardennes is going to give you the edge you need. Focus on aircraft development and try to get a jet propelled strategic bomber up ASAP. Jet engines are less responsive to the throttle but their max speed is incredible. Get them to speed and the enemy CAP wouldn't even be able to catch the bombers, much less shoot them down.

>Have submarines blockade St. Petersburg
Submarines are shit for blockading anything, as usual Veeky Forums showcases utter ignorance of naval warfare realities, which is typical for historians, especially amateurs.

I'm more concerned with the fact that this user seems to believe Germany shared a border with the Soviet Union prior to war with France and Britain.

1939, eh.

1. Continue with the Blitz through Europe. Don't be a dick. Don't gas the Jews.
2. Bomb England, develop fighter tech, listen to my capable generals. Don't gas the Jews.
3. Operation Sealion. Promote the good generals, and force them to accept this nice chap called Erwin Rommel into the staff officer college.
4. DO NOT FIGHT POLAND. Instead, work out a deal similar to Denmark's and get them to join Nazi Germany. Actually consider giving the Jews equal rights.
5. Demand that the entire Italian Armed Forces and industry to be under German control. Fucking train all the Italians until they become a cohesive fighting force. Install good, loyal generals who know how to fight a fucking war and captains of industry to modernize Italy. Also let Mussolini be the head of state, but I control Italy.
6. North Africa agogo. Let Guderian lead the Afrikakorps, or Kesselring. Rommel to be attached as a staff officer or a division officer. Be nice to the locals.
7. Continue the good work in China and actually trying to support the Soviet Volunteer Force.
8. Clandestine shit in Japan, take out all the stupid warhawks and help what's left of the moderates and peace lovers.
9. Fuck the Holocaust, we can do that AFTER the Soviet Union dies.
10. Convince America that the real enemy is... DA COMMIES.
11. Then we invade Russia with the full fucking force of the world.

>4. DO NOT FIGHT POLAND. Instead, work out a deal similar to Denmark's and get them to join Nazi Germany.
Impossible since there's that lebensraum and Hitler being butthurt about Germany not owning everything west of Vistula.
>all that jews stuff
completely at odds with party ideology
> Demand that the entire Italian Armed Forces and industry to be under German control.
Duce will never agree for it.
>Clandestine shit in Japan, take out all the stupid warhawks and help what's left of the moderates and peace lovers.
You mean take out entire army clique and partially navy clique?
>Convince America that the real enemy is... DA COMMIES.
America wasn't eager to engage in conflict at all, FDR was pro-ally and relatively friendly to USSR.
>Then we invade Russia with the full fucking force of the world.
wet dreams

Yeah, take out the army clique. The IJN ahould be able to convinve the Emperor to not attack Pearl Harbor.

As for Italy, well, something has to be done to correct the sheer incompetence of his generals and officers. I mean, the fighting men are fine. Even if I can't seize the Italian Armed Forces outright, there has to be something I can do to kick Italy into shape.

Re: the FINAL SOLUTION, it seems like a waste to actually gas healthy, working men and women. I mean, we'll eventually have to do it, but there's got to be a better use for all the men I'd have to use to keep them in order.

Gas the kikes
Race war now

>The IJN ahould be able to convinve the Emperor to not attack Pearl Harbor.
wait, wasn't it literally the IJN who pushed for that? in the grand rivalry between IJA - wanting to strike north - and IJN - wanting to strike into the pacific?

>Make nice with the locals
how would you explain that to himmler

Nah, the army swung around to Pushing south after the U.S. started economic warfare with Japan.

>it seems like a waste to actually gas healthy, working men and women.
The ones that were useful as a workforce weren't gassed. They just didn't care about people who were accountants or something, but craftsmen, builders, woodcutters? They were the people that got liberated from camps.

> >Barbarossa
> More ?
Nah. You failed already.

You had one job. Only one. Only one thing to do. How hard it could've been? But you HAD to invade Russia.

What Himmler?

He's ded. I killed him. WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS. (Also Goering.) Because he's a retarded fat fuck.

I'd tell them to go South, but not to attack Pearl Harbor because seriously, that's a Bad Idea. Yamamoto knew that already, so he'd have no trouble NOT trying to do Pearl Harbor once the IJA top brass and warhawk politicians are offed.

>Attack Poland but tak only Danzig and perhaps Silesia.
>Install a puppet govenrment and promise gains in the east.
>Quickly fuck France's shit out, peace out and perform a referendum in Alsace-Lotharinge
>Beg for white peace with UK and hope they comply.
>Build Anti-Comintern league under the banner of nation's right to self-determination
>Free Khokhols and dismantle Russia
>Enjoy 1000-year's Reich

Not remotely.

> The Soviets would frown the most.
Not really. As long as USSR gets to avoid World War, Stalin would agree. There is literally no point in trying to meddle in colonial affairs of Europe when all Powers are still functioning.

Soviets went Second World only because they were one of two Powers that were standing by the end of WWII (UK was effectively non-functioning by this point).

I don't believe Brits in 1939 would agree, though. See below:

> However the deal is also very good to the British. If I was Churchill I would ask for more influence over Germany, and some sort of economic limitation, at least to stop the German economy from overtaking that of Britain.
German economy is in deep shit by 1939 and is basically gangbanged by British banks.

>this thread

Try to destroy the BEF at Dunkirk before they can escape

Confine myself to bombing the RAF airfields

Tell Franco to let me take Gibraltar or he'll get hanged on his balls

Take Malta

Tell Turkey to fuck off and conquer Iraq, Palestine and Egypt

Sue Britain for peace and attack the Soviets from the South and West

Win Lebensraum

its not about value its about capturing the leaders namesake city. it demorilezes the leader and makes him irrational and dumb


>Tell Turkey to fuck off and conquer Iraq, Palestine and Egypt

you're a special kind of retarded arent you

You know, as retarded as Hitler was, these threads are great at demonstrating he could have been way, way more retarded.

>"Let's open two war-fronts through incredibly mountainous regions with the worst infrastructure in Europe!"

It's already 1941 at that point senpai. I don't think OP implied that time stands still

Do everything in my power to wipe out Japan.

Put my feet up. Have a cup of tea. Then encourage Stalin to invade Poland alone.
Britain and France turn on Russia. We all give Russian a kicking.

by 1939 turkey didnt hold any of those lands

This isnt your site. Fuck off to tumblr

Is that a mod or just a fuckhuge custom nation?

I think the key is to play defensive, and put pressure on Britain to call the whole thing off
>invade and defeat Poland, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, and France as per real history
>carve up Poland as per real history
>be extremely generous with the French, don't annex A-L, leave them basically alone on the condition they pay some reparations for the duration of the war, and tell them they'll get complete antebellum when Britain calls the war off
>make essentially the same offer to the Belgians, Dutch... everybody in the West
>make it 100% clear to Mussolini and Franco they're to do NOTHING to provoke war with anyone, France and Britain especially, or Germany will invade them on principal
>make a public show of forswearing aerial bombing against Britain on civilian humanitarian grounds, calling for the British to do the same what are the British to do? There's no way to get at Germany; they're totally impotent. No soft underbelly to take jabs at. No Battle or Britain / Blitz to raise morale and draw the public into the war. Popular pressure in Britain, America, the Commonwealth, and the occupied Western countries will build and build to call the whole silly war off; who really gives a fuck about Poland?

Invade poland. Over ghe next six ye ars make increasingly rash and poorly guided decisions leading to the loss of my country and thenbcommit suicide.

>every discussion about Nazis is /pol/

>Be leader of Conservative Nationalist Party
>etc. hindenburg etc. Merge positions, become Führer
>Encourage Yiddish culture, it's pretty much a German dialect, and appeal to European Jewry this way, if Germany wins them over it has a German-speaking aligned and powerful minority all throughout the East. Not to mention appealing to a wealthy minority in the West.
>Do the same with German minorities all over the world, US and Brazil in particular, encourage pan-national ethnic identities and exchange programs.
>Push for Anschluss with Austria. Move to a negotiate a plebiscite for Sudetenland. Encourage Czechoslovakia, and Poland to ally, invest heavily in both, make a great speech about the friendship of Poland and Germany during the revolutions of 1849 and the annexation of The Danzig corridor depriving Poland of a coast. Invest in coastal ports for Poland, encourage economic dependence.
>Begin doing the same for Baltic nations, make speeches about Hanseatic league in various cities. Push for German-Czechoslovak-Polish-baltic-Finnish alliance against Soviets. Turn my alliance slowly against UK and France
>Encourage remaining German minorities in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Baltic states to be proud of their German culture but to be productive members of those societies. Overtime ensuring their prosperity, encourage overlap of Yiddish identity with German
>Ally with Italy, use as a proxy for economic expansion and dominance of the Mediterranean. Make overtures to Greek ethno-religious nationalism