What are the main factors in influencing terrorism? What do you guys think? (since its such a booming subject today)
What are the main factors in influencing terrorism? What do you guys think? (since its such a booming subject today)
The decline of the novelist/writer after Samuel Beckett.
Self-destruction, capitalism, fear, and bullshit.
I don't understand the question
What influences terrorism is the question in its most simplistic form my friend
A poor economy and repressive government tend to breed dissent like rats. Here in the West, treating the locals with disdain tends to push them in the other camp.
It's like France. What the fuck else are the Arabs going to do? The economy is shit and even when it isn't, the frogs hate them and treat 'em like shit. It's the same reason the Irish get shooty.
Shit like religion is just a really convenient line to separate you and your people from "the others".
A feeling of being mistreated, a certainty of being right and being the good guy, a lack of hope in the existence of any way of fixing the problem but through violence and revenge fantasies.
Religion is the thing that breeds all these terrorists
its either government or religion desu
thank u dear user
>Religion is the thing that breeds all these terrorists
Yeah, except when it ain't.
what u mean
That it's got fuck all to do with religion.
If it did, there wouldn't have been Communist Red Brigades in Europe.
>tfw Ideology
hmmm, yeah i see
whats it got to do with then mainly
Global Warming, according to Barnie Sanders
Not being tolerant enough, according to Europe
Not being aggressive enough, according to Republicans
LOL I DUNNO HAHA :D, according to Democrats
It's justified revenge for Imperialism, according to Chomsky
Every kind of terrorism has different basic.
The anarchist that suicide-bombed and killed Tzar was influenced by different things than IRA and IRA was influenced by different things than Unabomber who in turn was influenced by different things than Wahhabis who did 9/11.
Trying to draw wide reasoning around it is senseless, terrorism is used to achieve various different goals through similar means, so obviously the influence behind it comes from different sources even if it ends with similar tactics.
The fundamentalist Islamic terror is NOT grounded in the terrorists' conviction of their superiority and in their desire to safeguard their cultural-religious identity from the onslaught of the global consumerist civilization: the problem with fundamentalists is not that we consider them inferior to us, but, rather, that THEY THEMSELVES secretly consider themselves inferior (like, obviously, Hitler himself felt towards Jews) - which is why our condescending Politically Correct assurances that we feel no superiority towards them only makes them more furious and feeds their resentment. The problem is not cultural difference (their effort to preserve their identity), but the opposite fact that the fundamentalists are already like us, that they secretly already internalized our standards and measure themselves by them. (This clearly goes for Dalai Lama who justifies the Tibetan Buddhism in WESTERN terms of the pursuit of happiness and the avoidance of pain.) Paradoxically, what the fundamentalists really lack is precisely a dosage of "true" "racist" conviction into one's own superiority.
The perplexing fact about the "terrorist" attacks is that they do not fit our standard opposition of Evil as egotism, as disregard for the common Good, and Good as the spirit of (and actual readiness for) the sacrifice for some higher Cause: terrorists cannot but appear as something akin to Milton's Satan with his "Evil, be thou my Good": while they pursue (what appears to us) evil goals with evil means, the very FORM of their activity meets the highest standard of the Good. The resolution of this enigma is easy, known already to Rousseau: egotism (the concern for one's well-being) is NOT opposed to common good, since altruistic norms can easily be deduced from egotist concerns.
Pick who and what you do not like and then describe them as uniquely evil whilst ignoring all others.
There's over a billion Muslims in the world pal how can you claim it is simply the religion causing it? If it was just the religion they'd be a lot more attacks.
This is all politics. Politics in the name of Islam granted but politics all the same.
Please do study Islam before claiming you have knowledge of it.
Is this terrorism?
and EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY with a significant muslim population experiences terrorism commited by muslims.
Literally all over the world countries struggle with terrorism from the muslim community.
Islamic terrorists are killing in the name of ISLAM literally from the USA to the Phillipines. That is LITERALLY ALL OVER THE WORLD.
The violence is not based on any tenet of Islam or religious feeling but on the reality of the politics of colonialism over the last century at least.
When a group of Bangladeshi muslims behead a gay blogger because homosexuality is against Islamic tenets, this is
>not based on any tenet of Islam or religious feeling but on the reality of the politics of colonialism over the last century at least.
Are you serious here?
Correlation mistaken for causation here
it's about politics but that doesn't mean that for the people who actually perpetrate these atrocities it isn't also - and primarily - about religion.
The pursuit of easy answers or ones that are employed because they happen to suit one's position at a given time is lame and disingenuous.
Islam, there has yet to be any terrorist from other religions in the modern world.
i-its not islam i-i swear
half of the entire muslim population are extremists
Hindu Tamils in Sri Lanka
Buddhists in Burma
Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland
Yes but is their terrorism as notable as islamic extremist? No they are not and unlike them their religions dont advocate for terrorism while Islam does, and if you believe Islam is peaceful then you might be mentally retarded.
There are probably other factors, but the main one is Islam.
The reason you don't hear about it on a larger scale is because their 'terrorism' manifests in different ways like their political systems and just regular crime.
For example it's not terrorism to kill a faggot for him being a faggot, it's just a hate crime.
It's not terrorism to execute gays, it's the law.
The fact remains there are a billion Muslims and no more than 100,000 jihadis, ie only one in 10,000 Muslims is a jihadi.
Is it the one who is a jihadi who has misinterpreted the message, or the 9,999 who are not?
>Correlation mistaken for causation here
No it isn't. This is clearly causation.
>it's about politics but that doesn't mean that for the people who actually perpetrate these atrocities it isn't also - and primarily - about religion.
So you admit that it is in fact about religion. Good. You haven't shown how it is about politics btw.
>The pursuit of easy answers or ones that are employed because they happen to suit one's position at a given time is lame and disingenuous.
Meaningless statement. Might as well note that grass is green.
>Yes but is their terrorism as notable as islamic extremist?
>if you believe Islam is peaceful then you might be mentally retarded.
I don't. All you Abrahamic fucks are not peaceful. Walking around with MUH ONE GOD doesn't make you peaceful.
>booming subject today
>Veeky Forums
Yes but Islam is the most violent semetic religion, violence is literally a part of Islam thus most terrorist will be islamic.
Violence is also part of Christianity. Your god is nailed on a fucking stick.
Violence is also part of Judaism. They fucking cut themselves
Abrahamics: not even once.
Even Islamic Africa is more violent than Christian Africa.
When the Nazi's invade your country, do you fight back?
Or do you go around with a sign saying "Only 1 in 10.000 germans is a Nazi #notallgermans"
I need to tell you that Christianity is about Jesus and the New Testament. Nowhere does Jesus instruct anyone to decapitate, murder or cause offence.
Quit baiting and stay on topic faggot.
next retard step up in line
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn
“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’c
37“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."
Mathew 10:34-37
Ideology and/or religion. Of the extreme kind.
It's always the ones who are right. Who have ''the cause'' or ''God'' on their side.
>There's over a billion Muslims in the world pal how can you claim it is simply the religion causing it?
There's over a billion Muslims in the world as you said, if the non-terrorist really hated the terrorists there would have been a purge since long ago. They would've tracked them, hunted them and killed them. Instead it's just widespread support.
>and he killed a thousand orcs
LOTR book 3
Doesn't matter what to book says. What matters is what the followers ACT out in REAL LIFE.
The toll of civilian casualties rises by the day. From the already 2.000.000 casualties in the Middle East and north Africa since the Iraq invasion,Whose to blame? Terrorist groups indeed, in the name of religion or in name of the control of oil resources? Follow the money they say:
That's only because the Modern Christcucks are casualniggers who can't follow their faith to the T.
meanwhile in Africa you have Christniggers setting """""""""""witches""""""""""" on fire.
i dont think >and he killed a thousand orcs, are in any of the LOTR books you cuntfaced whore if you are going to use facts then get them straigth
i don't recall seing oil in moleenbeek nor france
do you?
>100,000 jihadis,
That's obscenely high, that's more combatants than most militaries can muster that aren't the U.S., China, or Russia
There's over 1 billion muslims and like 800M of them think that you shouldn't be allowed to convert from islam. People living in secular west really don't understand what it means to be deeply religious.
>I am ebin 100% christian mememaster except I use preservatives, had premartial sex and never go to church, /pol/ can be proud of me, I my word is enough to tell that this poster is complete retard not worth your time
I wonder how we would react if a Muslim country bombed and killed 500,000 of your countrymen?
How many of us would become 'fanatics' and terrorists if members of our family had been killed?
thousands I suspect.
>I wonder how we would react if a Muslim country bombed and killed 500,000 of your countrymen?
Most jihadis don't even come from the country at war, they are from all over the fucking place.
>How many of us would become 'fanatics' and terrorists if members of our family had been killed?
In the West, they'd support a stable government who seeks to rebuild the country like after WWII, instead of wanting a theocratic dictatorship that will literally crucify us if we drink alcohol.