When people in your country, or your ethnic group, hearken back to 'the good ol' days', which time period are they referring to?
When people in your country, or your ethnic group, hearken back to 'the good ol' days'...
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or like 1950-1970, 1980-2000, depending on generation and politics.
the '80s
I'm from Somalia so the 1880's to 1930's
Metric of progress is dead Ethiopians and we killed a lot in those days
1867 - 1960
Jamaica here
1945 to 1972
There was a post-war boom, another post-independance boom and economic growth until the Oil Embargo of 1973 fucked it up, and the Manley Government's programme of democratic socialism caused the government to go bankrupt.
What do you think of the president?
obviously 1933-1945
Brazilian here.
Most people refer to the good ol' Brazilian Empire of the 19th century.
This, desu.
height of the empire
From El Salvador I'd say 1960s or 1800s. Or if you ask the natives probably before the 1500s and/or before the 1930s.
1776 to 1789, plus post WWII 1950's USA, but with willful denial over Korea.
Depends on the generation.
I suppose my grandparents like the period between 1930-1960 except for that whole second world war thing going on. My parents were fond of their youth too etc etc.
I don't know, since our independence in 1810 general life quality has been absolute shit.
The good days might be when we were a spanish colony but of course we won't admit that.
Hungary: 1896-1898
RIPIPIP Empress Sisi
2007-2012 for the Venezuelan revolution
right wingers will say 40's 50's and 60's
left wingers will say 1860-1900
Surprised you still have electricity.
nice man was told this about 30 times on /int/ you're great i congratulate you
i feel sooo badomg call obama
People who had it well under communism (or only remember the good parts) refer to the '60s-'70s mostly. Mostly everyone else refers to the kingdom period, especially the late '10s-'20s- mid '30s or the end of the 19th century.