Why didn't the Portuguese colonize Japan?
Why didn't the Portuguese colonize Japan?
Because its a civilization.
Euronigs can only BTFO Native Tribals or Mesoamerican civilizations during the 1500's-1600's.
Also wasn't a priority. They came to Asia to trade.
They tried, actually. Look into the Japanese Martyrs.
Tl;dr Pope and Portuguese tried to overthrow the Emperor/Shogun by promising a group of Christians special privileges as a new native nobility afterwarda. Given that this group became Martyrs you can guess how well it turned out.
The first time they showed up it seemed like everyone carried swords, giving off an air of extreme militarism. All of Europe just assumed any invasion of Japan would be a bloody mess, even as Japan went through eras of disarming its populace.
Didn't the Portuguese enslave a bunch of Japanese people?
Via intermediaries among the Japs.
Why would they? What did Japan had to offer aside from raw fish and bamboo swords?
Because the japs would have slaughtered them.
Portugal didn't have the manpower or resources to colonize a country on the other side of the globe with such advanced military traditions and with the ability to defend itself in an organized fashion. It's not like they could have done a Spain in Mexico and had 500 guys take over the whole place, the Japanese were too well entrenched, populous, and organized to allow for it.
Europeans were lucky if they let them step out of the Nanban quarter without getting their heads chopped.
You're forgetting about them BTFO'ing each other, something that happened on a regular basis.
The Dutch helped the Japanese cleanse the Island of Christians and foreigners.
Lots of gold, Japan had plenty of it.
We partially helped the Japanese against Portuguese colonization in exchange for special trade rights.
T. Dutchman
imagine that
then the portufags loading japs instead of africans to the brazilian sugarcane fields
So I heard you like this Jesus Christ fella now... like, you follow his deeds and all... we'll make sure you follow him in all his deeds.
Why didn't the US colonize Japan after WWII?
>It's not like they could have done a Spain in Mexico and had 500 guys take over the whole place
They could have done it if the native nips provided 200,000 soldiers like in Mexico
they did :)
Fug apologies for trip
Pretty sure the country had a large amount of silver too.
China was even worse to the Portuguese: they BTFO them in their colonies, executed the prisoners horribly, and it was literally illegal to be Portuguese in China up until 1560's. Spain in the Philippines had the China trade all to itself because the Portuguese can't help being niggers of the sea in Asia, selling East Asian slaves and doing acts of piracy.
>What is India
We're talking land invasions son. A trade-post in Goa doesn't count.
None of the European colonial powers could project themselves in Asia until the invention of steamships. The few small dominions they carved out relied heavily on native troops for protection.
>see Portugal at the extreme west of Eurasia
>see Japan at the extreme east of Eurasia
>how much would it take to get troops to Japan and get them back with loot? 2 years, not counting time spent on looting?
Yeah, totally worth it.
The Philippines were an overglorified midway station to and from Mexico, where local allies ruled things.
Even if Christian Japanese succeeded in overthrowing the shogun and the emperor, it would be just that, Christian Japan with some ties to Portugal.
Same question as "Why Russkies sold Alaska and its California colony to USA for scraps". Because they couldn't get there in any reasonable time.
>who were the Incas?
They shouldn't have a civil war one year before PIzarro arrived with less than two hundred (200) men
They even had bronze shit and the spanish no native allies and still got raped harder than the aztecs
You must always remember Portugal, as well as Spain, was low populated. So they didn't have enough manpower to colonize and trade where they were already doing it and also conquer Japan.
Yes but they never controlled each other for particularly long. Same thing would have happened if they tried to take Japan.
Japan was a strong organized country that made their own muskets, before European contact.
There was also little incentive for Europe to try. Japan didn't have anything the Europeans wanted, that they couldn't get elsewhere.
And what exactly is this supposed to prove?
Because Japanese katanas were ten times more powerful than Portuguese swords and the Samurai were 10 times better swordsmen. They could deflect multiple musket volleys with their folded Nippon steel.
Because this isn't one of your spergy alt history fantasies
It was better to trade than waste time and resources on conquering a prideful populace who would continually revolt repeatedly throughout he history of their occupation, using up even more resources
Well, they had a much closer and easier africa for that.
This is true, except for this retardation:
>Because its a civilization.
It's because the Japanese would have unified against a foreign invader, and have a massive defensive advantage because of the landscape of Japan.
Europeans only colonized people who didn't have the tech to defend themselves.
Why the Japs didn't die from disease?
What the fuck did Japan even have to trade, soiled schoolgirl panties?
Wouldn't you want to buy soiled schoolgirl panties though?
I know I would.
No they literally got their musket design by copying the ones they bought off the portugeese
If the grizzled Portugese mariners had been autistic weebs the Japs could have been very rich
Euros were cutting up India long before steamships, what are you talking about?
The only ones cutting up India were the British who took advantage of the chaos in the subcontinent due the the decline of Mughal Empire and even despite most of their gains the British knew that their position in India was very fragile and were extremely careful about which powers they took on.
>Euros were cutting up India long before steamships
Nope.jpg. The Indian princes were doing that themselves. Euronigs just backed some of them and funded their wars against each other in exchange for concessions.
>16th Century Spanish Philippines
You mean the few fortified trade towns protected by local, Christianized, Filipino allies?
That trembled like a little girl during Hideyoshi's invasion threats or Koxinga's ultimatum?
Because the katana is a superior weapon that can cut clean through steel because it is folded over one thousand times, and is vastly superior to any weapon on Earth.
A number of reasons, firstly you have to remember they had just established their colonial project in Brazil and did not have the kind of wealth and population to juggle multiple large colonial projects.
Secondly there was no profit incentive to do so. The Portuguese were merchants first all they wanted was the ability to trade and perhaps have a small enclave to organise and manage that trade (goa,aden,macau ect).
Subduing Japan would be a very difficult prospect unless Japan was the kind of country that would surrender if their ships and costal towns got btfod. Not only that but investing so much of their military in one action on the other side of the world would leave them vulnerable to other Europeans.
Because they couldn't. Japan had more soldiers than even Charles V.
They also respected the Japanese civilization.
Japan is considered "old world" so no new diseases for them to catch
They werent as isolated as other populations and most importantly practiced animal husbandry. Accordingly they had their brush with small pox back in medieval times, which meant by the time Europeans came they already had a decent immunity
Because they had constant contact with continental Asia throughout their history.
Japanese actually carry Old World diseases.
In their foray to South America in around 4000 BC they actually gave the indigenous peoples STD's.
It happened, but with coffe plantations instead of sugarcane fields
fending off pirates attacking a flotilla is a little different than trying to take and hold land
How much damage did animes...
Lol no
Itty bitty nation
Itty bitty boats
Turns out it's not so easy to overturn a whole civilization with a few hundred people when they figured out how to copy your guns and aren't dying of smallpox.
this applied to China too.
It was only over the course of the 16th century and early 17th century that the disparity in naval power was sufficient technology wise for Western sea powers to blast their way through.
>What is Malacca?
why didn't the chinese load their ships with cannons
The way junks were constructed during mid and late ming prevented them from being mounted with sufficient heavy ordnance. Gunports weren't an option either so they could only mount ship blasting cannons on the main deck.
That's the short version of it, I got to go soon so I can't write it out full.
During when? The Sengoku-Jidai?
The Jesuits tried to gain a foothold on Nagasaki but they were BTFO by Hideyoshi.
Portugal tried to proselytize and make allies among the various daimyo, possibly providing inroads for trade and expansion. What they didn't account for is that the Japanese were sophisticated and even innovative, practically on the same level as China if not for the fact that Japan was a disunified anarchic mess. If the Tokugawa had not become so reactionary by the time of Iemitsu, it is possible that Japan could have kept pace with Europe. They had the military discipline and the willingness to adapt to superior technology.
And then the Dutch sailed up the harbor, burned this entire western fleet and the Chinese never bothered again. Though after their fleet was burned that Zheng Admiral guy still beat the Dutch with fireships.
It saddens me that none of that is taught in high school. Sure, the more significant war for independence and the Golden Century is taught, but little else in the centuries between that and the 20th century.
Those wars with the Chinese would be perfect to make history class appealing and interesting for high schoolers again.
I dunno where you're getting your info from but Zheng Chenggong (more popularly known as Koxinga) is a bloody national hero in Taiwan, Mainland China, and Japan (his mom was a Jap and he hurt white people. He counts apparently).
Following the seizure of Formosa from the Dutch, he still had a sizeable navy left that he began making ultimatums versus the Spaniards here in the Philippines: giving them a time period to leave as he geared up to make the Islands a base for operations for retaking Mainland China. Spanish forces collectively shat their pants and withdrew from conquering Southern Philippines to fort up in Manila and in other fortified towns and weather the coming storm. Only that Kox didn;t show up since he died of Malaria and his sons were content of being Kingz n shiet in Taiwan.
Huge reason why the Southern Philippines remained muslim actually.
fuck off
>Japan didn't have anything the Europeans wanted, that they couldn't get elsewhere.
In the 1500s Japan produced about a quarter of the world's gold.
lack of manpower
so instead they did what they always did and started building feitorias all over the place
yes, the japs give them some land for them to settle and to show their appreciation they kidnapped some japs every now and then to sell into slavery
to a point there was a law where it was "illegal to be a portuguese" in japan... eventually they befriended each other again, after some portuguese merchant navy helped the japs by dealing with some nasty pirates that had been plundering and killing hundreds of people around the coastline
thanks a lot for your services netherlands, thanks to you we lost most of our trading bux
may your tulip bulbs rot and your windmills catch fire
just a small (huge) fix: the second part of the post is meant to be about the chinks, not the japs
t. Alberto
They set up two trade posts.
The USA nuked one of those.
Because pantaloons.
Motherfucking pantaloons mane.