Is this board less toxic than /pol/? I like discussing history and things with some shitposting...

Is this board less toxic than /pol/? I like discussing history and things with some shitposting, but /pol/ takes it way too damn far with their "redpill", from what I've seen this board seems more chill.

They can offer some entertainment, but after a while though their vocabulary gets annoying "jews", "cultural marxists", "cucks", and "redpill" gets repetitive. People here tend to be more of a mixed bunch I noticed.

Yeah I think the same thing as you do, I'm also a newcomer and loved the place since day 1, the average IQ of Veeky Forums is obviously way higher than /pol/

That's what I've noticed too, the jokes are funny but they gets old quick, and the arguments usually have little credibility.

People here from what I've been reading seem like they won't crucify you for not agreeing or not knowing something.

Yeah, and I hate how /int/'s still a /pol/ colony aswell, I'm glad that I found Veeky Forums

Well it's not as bad as /pol/ although, and it's way easier to have a real conversation with people

A lot of the threads on /int/ are in languages I don't know, so I rarely visit there.

There are just as many extreme opinions here as there are in /pol/, it's just that Veeky Forums' extremes are more equally distributed in either direction.

I don't necessarily mind extreme opinions, after all I did hang out on /pol/, but I think the one sidedness and hypocrisy of their shit made me want to leave.

>People on Veeky Forums don't browse forum to forum.

A lot of people I know IRL, tend to browse only one.

Well at least there aren't any Greeks trying to make me butthurt by calling me cockroach
Or anyone that calls me a cockroach when I say that I'm Turkish and that's more than enough for me honestly

Дoбpo пoжaлoвaть в /иcт.

I'm starting to agree with you. Where /pol/ is basically trapped in political theater, they just jump onto the band wagon of whatever Republicans tell them to do.

but here, people are actively giving their retarded guesses as historical fact, and everyone else is believing it. It's like watching history being rewritten before my very eyes so that people can justify their tribalism.

>Yeah, and I hate how /int/'s still a /pol/ colony aswell
Veeky Forums is much more of a /pol/ colony. /int/ is relatively /pol/ free. It's actually the only board that's able to handle /pol/

Veeky Forums is actually pretty decent once you learn how to ignore /pol/posting with just a quick glance. I've learned a lot about topics I'm not familiar with, especially Medieval Europe.

>people are actively giving their retarded guesses as historical fact, and everyone else is believing it.
lol nobody listens to each other here.

Because half a dozen threads in the catalog at any time that go "Are X white?" is /pol/ free.

Veeky Forums is a far left board that ignores historical facts in order to prop up their bullshit commie fantasies and at every opportunity degenerate white people and Western Civilization.

If you like German history hide your power level here. It's pretty much taboo and considered an "entry level" country for history buffs