Was caving to civil rights the biggest mistake in human history?
Will it lead to the downfall of the human race?
Was caving to civil rights the biggest mistake in human history?
Will it lead to the downfall of the human race?
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Importing slaves to serve as a permenant underclass was mistake.
Why weren't blacks brought back to Africa with the emancipation proclamation? I've never heard a good reasoning for this. Why leave them here to be shitty uneducated leeches who obviously would resort to crime?
The same reason you allowed the southern states to be shitty uneducated leeches who votes in people like Reagan and Bush.
People tend to not think that far into the future.
Because of the vacuum of IQ that was left after Lincoln got assassinated. At least initially he was fully on board with the idea of deporting them to Liberia or Central America. And there were no legal barriers to do that considering legally they weren't even considered citizens.
>On a history board
>Pretending Reagan was a bad president
>Pretending he wasn't the best president in modern history.
Stay mad, cuckold. Go vote for your losing Bernie candidate while Reagan's ghost and Trump make America great again.
Because the Southern aristocracy still needed it's easily exploitable labor ala chain gangs.
>southern states
>uneducated leeches
True. Mostly because of their massive black population.
>Pay taxes to the government
>I can't vote because people don't want me to.
>Respect my country, its laws, and I'm suppose to be a citizen of it.
>Get called a piece of shit and beat upon by my fellow countrymen who don't even think I'm a citizen.
>Report a crime because its the right thing to do.
>Get interrogated by the police and most likely coerced against my will into saying I did the crime.
>Try to get an education.
>The state spends 5 dollars more on the white kid next to me, and only 1 dollar spent on my education despite me getting better grades.
>When I complain they say its because I have a "higher" chance to end up a criminal even though more whites commit crimes than blacks.
Civil Rights were a mistake.
Blacks weren't originally much more criminal compared to whites actually. That changed in the 70's and 80's when crack destroyed what was left of the black family.
>Black person gets better grades than white person
Lol keep going this is great
But then why did everyone hate them?
Has racism just evolved? It used to be just because, now it's because they're subhuman criminal mongrels who ruin America with their inbreeding and IQs of 72?
The whites are rather shitty as well though.
The North sought to remove African Slaves from the U.S. in a humane fashion while the South wanted to keep its supply of jiggaboos in order to destroy hope of white, orderly society.
The Confederacy was anti-white, through and through.
How is it that the shittiest states in the US are also the blackest ones?
>Because I wish it were true
The plan to deport blacks to Liberia wasn't a big one that many supported both black and white.
>huge deficit spending while cutting taxes and Reagonomics in general
He was crucial to the downfall of the Soviets but wew lad, he wasn't the greatest.
The white population standards of education is pretty horrible over there.
Because they are mainly populated with Dixies and niggers.
I don't like black people, just don't like Dixies either.
>But then why did everyone hate them?
Because they were always overwhelmingly poor and uneducated, the way society was structure made it so that they couldn't really stick to a white man without getting beaten or worse, so they were forced to give lip service to even the most grungy Hobo as long as he was white, which only made them look more pathetic.
>Has racism just evolved? It used to be just because, now it's because they're subhuman criminal mongrels who ruin America with their inbreeding and IQs of 72?
In some ways it has, but the stereotypes have always existed, they just expand to fit the narrative of the time.
>Implying deficits matter
>Implying liberating ALL citizens of the United States is a bad thing
>Implying trickle down isn't 100% legitimate
>Implying the implementation of trickle down didn't give us the biggest economic boom in decades as it moved into the 1990's.
>Implying he isn't one of the best presidents of all time.
>Implying Bush 1 & 2 didn't damage his reputation simply because they're all Republicans and retarded liberals feel the need to pretend that Bush 1 & 2 reflect on Reagan because they need a talking point to say Reagan was bad so that they can pretend that conservatism is always bad.
Because they're populated by southerners
The shittiest cities in the North are filled with Southern diaspora which came here in 1910. They're Dixie diaspora that should be deported back over the Mason-Dixon Line desu.
Lincoln was going to but then a southerner shot him
In any case, much as in the civil war, the white southern elites continually made terrible decisions that fucked you over and the poor whites supported it by being the cannon fodder and thugs.
I think Reagan was oustanding in foreign policy but pretty bleh in domestic policy.
Iran-Contra senpaichi
>The shittiest cities in the North are filled with Southern diaspora
You mean blacks? Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Cincinnati etc were flooded by blacks who migrated there to seek jobs in manufacturing industry.
>trickle down
That's hilarious, but we can go back and forth on whether Clinton or Reagan is the one who helped the boom of the eighties. I can tell you that during Reagan's actual presidency there was a deep recession because of Reagonomics, however.
>but muh Reagan caused the boom
>the recession wasn't his fault though
I'm not even a modern liberal, and no one brought up Bush, friend.
Contras were still better than communists though.
>You mean blacks?
Exactly, quintisential Southerners. Poor, uneducated, violent, just like they were raised to be down South.
>being a neo-con
This is worse than being a fucking bleeding heart liberal. Fuck off.
And flooded by white southerners.
Many of said southerners putting pressure on their managers and bosses to exclude blacks in whatever way they can because they didn't want competition.
>trickle down economics
Literally a buzzword created by a socialist in the 1940s.
Bush was brought up at the start of this topic by whoever posted that, sorry if it wasn't you. Reagan was lumped in with Bush in that post.
Clinton came into a great economy because of Reagan, he just didn't blow it up.
>Reagan was a neo-con
This meme should have died a long time ago. Bush 1 & 2 are neo cons, Reagan was not. Learn the difference before you pretend to know what you're talking about.
Nigger he brought up the phrasing trickle down. Regardless of what you call it it's still doesn't fucking work.
Again, I fail to see how Reagan is the one who caused the boom when the immediate implementations of his policy were a deep recession. He DID bring inflation under control, sure, but being the primary motivator for the strongest economy we've had? I don't see it.
I'll call it "Trickle up". The notion that taking so much from the middle and upper class to give to the lower class who stays lower class either way because they're terrible with money and have no motivation or urge to better their quality of life, you see the poverty "trickle up" into the middle class and eventually the upper class.
31% is fucking insane, no liberal can defend 31% taxes on the middle class.
If we can accept that "trickle up poverty" is happening then we can accept that "trickle down wealth" is a legitimate strategy to help ALL citizens of the United States, not just the poor, and not just the rich.
You can't debate me on this, sorry. There is no argument against it.
>more whites commit crime
>than 13% of the population
>literally no proof of any of his claims
>uses unfounded claims as proof of other claims
>circular logic
>also, you can't debate me ;)
8/10, mildly fanny flustered.
>Claims that obvious truths need to be sourced
Just fuck off and die if you think you just provided an argument. I bet you're not American.
I bet you think Obama is a Muslim.
>unbridled government spending
>gun control
>being an overall piece of shit
Fucking faggot.
>not blaming the Southerners who caused the problem in the first place
Huguenots, Quakers, Puritans, they all came here for genuine religious freedom. Others came because they wanted to experience the New World.
Southerners? They came to America to establish an aristocracy for themselves and used slaves to get ahead. I have no respect for Southern "culture" and its reactionary nature which runs counter to the founding ideals of the American Revolution.
Get back to shitposting Donald memes on Reddit.
>my claims are true because they are obviously true
You know that part I said about circular logic?
>trickle down good
Hilarious user
>The notion that taking so much from the middle and upper class to give to the lower class
already flawed right there: the upper class is hiding most of their wealth away from taxes. it's only the middle class getting drained
No, but he does genuinely hate America and what it stood for before he crippled it and turned it into just another pathetic version of whatever cuckolded European country you feel like naming.
>Your claims are false because I don't do research to know them to be true.
And you're doing so much better? At least try, nigger.
>not an argument
>No, but he does genuinely hate America and what it stood for before he crippled it
Crippled what?
>Obama hates America
>because I say so
Sure, and in doing so aren't spending any of it like they were before being threatened by Socialist Obama. But really by upper class I mean your doctors and lawyers, not your celebrities and ultra-rich wallstreet folks and shit.
I'll let you try for another argument though because I appreciate that you actually tried when all these other retards are just shitposting and pretending they made a point.
The irony is that they are the biggest recipients of welfare as well.
>63% of the population
Is this the part where you fail to know how basic logic works? I don't need evidence to prove something false if no evidence has been provided as to its being true. Prove that trickle down works with something OTHER THEN "I'm right; source is me." If the evidence is so easily accessible, then spend the next thirty seconds getting it.
>inb4 no, it's your job to get my evidence ;)
If you just reply with more evading then I'll know you're just baiting me.
Because the blacks in America had been living here for generations, wanted a piece of the pie, were willing to explore the frontier, and by that point had no connection with Africa, its people, its culture, or its languages except a vague sense of heritage. They spoke English. They sounded like southerners. The trip to another continent was harsh and potentially perilous.
Fuck that. You wouldn't have wanted to go, and you know it.
A shitposting hypocrite. Color me surprised.
I'm right; Source is the American economy in the 1990's.
Google, nigger, have you ever heard of it?
Not him and don't have a problem with Obama, but are you unironically arguing that wealth redistribution works?
And what did America stand for? Huge amounts of debt, poor management and the invasion of countries we have no right to invade?
Blacks have a larger unemployment problem, unlike southern whites.
In any case statistics are skewered because if you compared southern whites and southern blacks I doubt i blacks would surpass them in benefits. It is well known that white have greater access to welfare than blacks.
Anyway saged and reported for /pol/ troll thread.
Christ almighty you're a stupid one. Born in the deep south by any chance?
>Communists pretend that America is bad
Jesus this meme is very old.
New York actually.
No, I'm arguing that trickle down doesn't. Do you seriously believe that it's a binary option between Reagonomics bullshit and communist era redistribution?
Why are you posting if you're not going to elaborate? Trickle down DOESN'T work, source is the recession during Reagan's presidency, and the ridiculous wealth gap that contributed to the Great Depression. Cutting taxes for the rich just means they pocket the difference. It's not reinvested in the company and its definitely doesn't result in more money being put in the hands of workers. I don't see how an economy that existed years after Reagan left office counts as evidence of trickle down working.
OK, but look at West Virginia, mostly whites and still a total shithole. So clearly there's some other forces at work in these rural or southern states other than 'it's all da blacks' fault!'
Avoid the question by calling me a communist and it a 'meme'. You should be banned from posting in anything other than /b/.
Here; Make an argument that shows how Bill Clinton caused the 1990's economic boom.
You mother fucking can't, or you would have already. Liberals can't defend their own stances, they can only attack the conservative stance because that's what liberalism is about. Degradation of reality. Fuck off and suck some black cock.
>Was caving to civil rights the biggest mistake in human history?
>Will it lead to the downfall of the human race?
>Text covers more than half of the man in the image
Okay, this gotta be bait.
Civil Rights isn't the issue, it's postmodernism.
>because a picture of Ronald Reagan somehow is more important to the point then the text that actually discusses the topic
I mean but seriously, if you're going to cover the entire picture with text why even put it on? The formatting of the picture is laughable
>rants about muh liberal boogeyman
>make an argument for how Clinton caused the economy, even though I haven't made a single argument besides "Google it"
Alright man, you got me to reply this far but your bait can only work so much.
> biggest mistake in human history
It isn't. Invention of mass destruction weapons is clearly worse being able to kill all the humans at least in theory.
No, I don't believe it's a dichotomy between those two. Sorry for the confusion. I thought you did. I must have misread an earlier post by you. My bad, man.
I didn't make it nigger, but obviously it's a reply to the picture on the left so it makes sense to do it in that fashion.
You can't defend your own positions. I've made plenty of arguments, you just want to pretend that you can discredit them by saying "LEL CITATION LEL XD", and then when I tell YOU to provide an argument (I didn't ask for sources, just a fucking argument) you can't, because you don't have one. You just disagree with the conservative point of view, but you don't have one of your own, because that's what liberalism is about. It's not about having your own opinions, morals, and views, it's about opposing the conservative point of view at all times, even if that makes you a hypocrite, even if that makes you look completely fucking retarded.
QUICK, are you a transphobe who wants HB2 passed or a misogynist who is opposed to HB2? QUICK are you an islamophobe for not wanting women to get raped by Muslims or are you a misogynist for being pro-refugee?