Who is the greatest president of all time and why is it inevitably Andrew Jackson?
Who is the greatest president of all time and why is it inevitably Andrew Jackson?
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but m-muh trailmix of tears
Washington. Had any other man been President, the USA would be in the same state as South America is. It was luck or fate whatever that America so early in its history had its Cincinatus.
Eh. You say Washington, but I'd argue that Hamilton was far more instrumental to making the US a successful independent state.
Of course, Washington almost always did what Hamilton suggested, so that worked well.
Hamilton was such a nationalist fuck though.
>implying sectionalism is better than nationalism
Democratic-Republicans please leave.
Washington is generally considered great because he picked really good advisors, and was good at choosing from the set of options they presented to him.
>le ebin badass meme man
Besides creating the department of the Treasury and telling Calhoun and those faggots in SC to fuck off, Jackson had zero good policy initiatives.
John Adams
absolutely refusing to deal with either the britshits' or frogs' agitation and keeping peace with both of them, even to the point of torpedoing his chances of reelection
without neutrality with France Napoopan wouldnt have sold Louisiana
without neutrality with England the British-led Concert of Europe would have pushed America's shit in after the napoleonic wars
>Implying that expelling the savages to Oklahoma was a bad thing
Reminder that Jefferson wanted to ally with France and go to war against the English.
Reminder that Jefferson is a meme.
>making the nullification numb-nuts think that they could get away with it by ignoring a SCOTUS ruling was a good thing
So short sighted.
>Reminder that Jefferson is a meme.
Jefferson bought the world revolution meme pretty hard. His one saving grace was being autistic about central banking.
>John 'Alien and Sedition Acts' Adams
>John 'I ruined the Federalist part by being a paranoid jackass' Adams
>John 'my disrespect for the Constitution resulted in the existence of nullification doctrine' Adams
>best president
What a trash opinion.
At least he's better than those silly Federalists who meant ''oligarchy'' instead of ''republic''.
>British-led Concert of Europe
not letting himself be led around by the nose by Hamilton = being paranoid?
I have that book. It is good? Haven't read it yet.
john adams is criminally underrated. seriously, when you compare his legacy with Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, or even Franklin, people do not give a single fuck.
I'd say Jackson is great for the same reason Washington is great. It's more what he stood for than what he did: Washington stepping down after two terms easily puts him as one of the greatest. such an under appreciated aspect of the man. Jackson, on the other hand, was truly the first commoner president, having never received an education and coming from quite literally nothing. Plus, the democratic party is still one of the major parties.
one of the most readable histories imo, I loved it
>Not even mentioning The Velt
Is it because he's a meme?
Is it because Reddit fags like him too?
Because he's the quintessential American, man and commander
No, firing his cabinet members because they liked Hamilton's ideas and then provoking Hamilton at every turn was being paranoid.
He's definitely my favorite
Andrew Jackson was our nation's first "small government conservative", who decided that America didn't need high finance and gimped America's economy for about 40 years, delaying the industrial revolution and forcing almost two full generations of Americans into crippling depression. He waged a campaign of genocide against the peaceful, cosmopolitan Cherokee to distract Americans from the fact that his domestic policies were throttling the economy.
The man was a great general, there's no taking that away from him. But as a president Jackson is totally overrated and the only reason right-wingers are flocking to his cause is because Harriet Tubman is replacing him on the 20 dollar bill and that's just too gosh darn politically correct for them. The actual Andrew Jackson would have been horrified to find his face on a bank note, he thought bank notes were "sinful" and would have wanted his face taken off of it, anyway.
Pic related. The actual greatest president of all time
>This triggers the southerner
M-muh banks muhfugga
>zero good policy initiatives
Service Pension Act and the enforcing of Tenure Office Act
>the only reason right-wingers are flocking to his cause is because Harriet Tubman is replacing him on the 20 dollar bil
Jackson has always been well liked since his election. He consistently ranks well.
>suspends habeus corpus
he's good tho, southern triggering is great, too bad it turned out literal when JWB pulled the trigger
>Lincoln wanted to get rid of negros
Thanks JWB you fucking cuck.
Let's be honest for a second and stop just trying to be contrary.
Power gap
Lincoln, FDR, and Jefferson, in no particular order.
GOAT president, right above Lincoln or Truman
The only legacy Wash left was that he refused the crown and stepped down after two terms; he was a pretty mediocre president
That's a huge legacy though.
Without a humble, level headed guy to keep all the personalities in check, you end up being France in the 1790s.
>Monarchy lead America
fug, a man can dream
Theodore Roosevelt is my favorite President too, but Panama really blackens his legacy.
Think more "lord of the flies."
>civil rights for Jews and blacks established
The French Revolution was a mistake.
Then move to China where they don't do that.
Who is the greatest villain of all time? Who is Nero? Who is Bluebeard? Who is Jack the Ripper?
You say that like it's a bad thing.
But I don't speak Mandarin or Cantonese, user.
The grammar is easy, the intonation is hard.
Still, it's easier to get into an authoritarian state from a republic than the other way around.
If you defect to North Korea, they probably won't care about the language gap as long as they have that propaganda victory.
Seems like a really cool dude, but a bit too progressive for my taste
>Jackson has always been well liked since his election. He consistently ranks well.
Never the best though. His domestic policy was fucking horrible, which people especially noticed after they started comparing him to the forward thinking Alexander Hamilton on the 10 dollar bill, as most of Hamilton's predictions actually came true.
>>suspends habeus corpus
He won the war. Why should I nitpick over his use of emergency war time powers? It's not like Habeus Corpus went away forever. That's what makes him a strong president: he knew how to wield power. Jefferson Davis lamented that it was his lack of executive power that cost the confederacy the war.
>the insanely profitable Canal
>blackens his legacy
How so?
Jefferson was just actually autistic.
>Service Pension act
Was from the Recomstruction era, three decades after Jackson's presidency.
>Tenure in Office Act
Same thing. It was passed over the objections of Andrew Johnson, and was intended to eradicate the Spoils System created by Jackson.
How could you fuck up this badly?
>muh everything librulls think is rong reactionary fucktard
Are you even capable of empathy for human beings who aren't shitheads like you?
>Was from the Recomstruction era, three decades after Jackson's presidency
Service Pension Act of 1823, it's even on the wikipedia page. It benefited revolutionary war vets as well as widows.
>Same thing
Sorry, meant Tenure of Office Act. Passed by Monroe, supported by Jackson
Jackson was a cuck, his wife was banged by his own slave while out on the campaign.
[Citation Needed]
Lets keep in mind that the indian removal was actually very popular at the time. The people of Georgia would probably have attacked the Cherokee there and done it in a disastrous manner had Jackson obeyed Marshall. Really Jackson would have had to ordered the army to protect the Cherokee and as a populist there is no way he would have done that. Most of the bad shit Jackson did was pretty popular and thats why he did it. He represents America and its sins.
But also get rekt Calhoun. Union 1 South Carolina 0.
Andrew "Injun Incinerator" Jackson
Andrew "Ravage The Savage" Jackson
Andrew "Better Dead Than Red" Jackson
Andrew "A Grave For Every Brave" Jackson
Andrew "A Noose For Every Papoose" Jackson
Andrew "Lay Down The Law For Every Squaw" Jackson
Andrew "If Their God Has A Tail, Put 'Em On The Trail" Jackson
Andrew "If Their Hat's Made Of Feathers, I'll Kick Their Nethers" Jackson
Stop posting this image, it's not funny, and it's turning into your avatar.
Andrew "A Bullet Hole For Every Seminole" Jackson
>le ebin everyone is a Human bean
This is not an argument.
Andrew "don't turn the other cheek to the Creek" Jackson
AJJ is a good band
Andrew "there's only feces in teepees" Jackson
Andrew "bring grief to the chief" Jackson
>British led concert of Europe
LOL niggah you baiting?
Britain wanted NOTHING to do with Metternich's conservative coalition.
The eternal anglo only acts as the stabilizer where he is needed.
that's a good one
>>suspends habeus corpus
Literally the most Constitutionally justified action he ever took.
Andrew "Tears For He Who Chucks Spears" Jackson
Andrew "Heads Will Roll at the Totem Pole" Jackson
Andrew "Doesn't Vibe With The Tribe" Jackson
Andrew "I Don't Want to See the Cherokee" Jackson
The asshole caused a depression by attacking the second national bank.
The bank set itself up to cause a depression if it was dismantled, don't be fooled by banker trickery user.
Andrew"short term pain for long term gain"Jackson
Not to mention the genocide he committed.
you mean Jihad
Didn't even fucking happen.
nothing wrong with a cheeky genocide for the greater good
Andrew "I Just Sank the Bank" Jackson
When asked what his most important accomplishment had been, Jackson replied,
>“I killed the Bank.”
Except the bank still exists. What a fuck up. He did kill a lot of natives though.
Fuck you tyrant lover.
>hurr it's ok to destroy the power of the judicial branch because fuck Injuns
Fans of Jackson are redneck monarchists... kind of like Trump supporters.
I trust the man that had the strength and purity of will to lead our country through some of the most tumultuous times in our nation's history.
In every measure, he was ambitious and unwilling to settle for mediocrity. He had the foresight to argue for war when the rest of the country wanted to sit cowardly in our little corner. He had the righteousness to pursue tangible steps towards social welfare that would improve the lives of every American.
Yet behind the strength of his spirit he hid a great physical disability and weakness. That's what makes him admirable. Because he knew he had the sense of mind to embody the image he set out to project.
This, this is a true American.
did nothing wrong
He did kill the most injuns, banks, and British
What is a enlighted mind such as yourself doing here?, go ahead and teach those ignorant rednecks whats better for them.
5. FDR
incredibly ironic that #2 on your list is the reason why your antichrist #11 was elected desu
The second bank of the United states does not exist, Wilson.
>true American
>Literally abusing and ignoring all American valued
>selling the country out to the International community and banks
FDR is a crock of shit
Andrew "I killed the bank, I killed the economy" Jackson
Banks =/= Economy.
He broke up inflation.
That helps the economy.
I don't think you understand that Banking and Economics aren't the same and often butt heads.
Banks will steal for short term gain and create back alley deals for long term survival.
This is counter to both game theory and Economics.
Teddy roosevelt is only liked because muh meme badass president
The way he did it.
It's basically how the CIA destabilized Iran in 1975.
TR set the precedent for CIA fuckery around the world. Clandestine black ops shit.
Let's not even talk about the diplomatic skullduggery that was the 1905 Cruise. (And no, whoever says TR should have sided with China at that time is fucking retarded.)
No she did not, and Andrew Jackson will fucking murder you in your dreams for saying that. Oh hell, Davy Crockett's gonna tag team for that too because fuck you.
Andrew "Badmouth my wife, I'll take your life" Jackson
I don't get this. Bill Clinton repealing Stegal-Glass (and NAFTA), Reaganomics and Bush Jr did more to sell America to the banks than what FDR did. How does literally supporting the Allies via Lend Lease become "selling out to the International community and banking"?
Just move to Singapore. It's already close enough to a fascist state.
Andrew "shits on brits" Jackson
Andrew "kill a fool in a duel" Jackson
Andrew "Outline of Chalk for Every Tomahawk" Jackson
>He felt for the meme.
>muh "nationalism"
>only support policies that helped the northeast
>threatened secession when they didn't get their way
There's a reason their party imploded after the war of a 1812.
FDR started it Regan sealed the deal.
Both are shit presidents.
That's already been answered several times.
Jefferson was the best president, his only shortcoming was not banning slavery immediately after the Revolutionary War was over.
The alternative was decades of conflict between white settlers and natives, ultimately resulting in the settlers fucking murdering all of them